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How To: Use ISY to control an XBMC Installation


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There seem to be some conversations regarding sending signals from the XBMC to the ISY to initiate certain scenes based on what activity is occurring on the XBMC. I wanted to take the opposite approach and use my ISY to control my XBMC. More specifically, I wanted to use my universal remote (Logitech Harmony) to control the XBMC just like it does everything else. Since the ISY already had an IR receiver, I saw no reason to install one on the XBMC (using the Raspberry Pi with RaspBMC).


It took a good bit of trial and error, but I finally got there using TCP to send messages to the XBMC. Obviously, you'll need the Networking Module to pull this off. I have exported all of the XBMC commands that I am using (and a few that I am not). This should get most everyone on the road to success.




Save this file (do not open the zip file)

Go to Configuration > Networking > Network Resources

Click the Import button at the bottom

Select the downloaded file and click Open


All of the network commands are now in the ISY. All you have to do now is create a program for each command. Mine look like this.


       IR 'IR_024' is Pressed

       Resource 'XBMC.SmallStepBack'

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


IR_024 represents a button on my universal remote. If you are unfamiliar with IR codes and remotes, check the IR forum which has some good info on various remotes. The main goal is to get your remote to send a particular IR code when pressed. The ISY receives that code and executes a program. That program sends the network command to the XBMC which executes the requested command. There is a slight delay, but it is acceptable. Way better than using a mouse or having to have a separate remote.


I'll probably update the file above with more commands as I learn more about what commands I use the most/least. Feel free to ask questions. I'm still learning, but would love to help others cut down on the trial/error time!

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  • 4 months later...

went the opposite route on my end, I wanted my regular remotes to be able to control the lights for certain things, so with a PI, ircmd and some variables I can cause the lights to fade or turn on with the regular tivo remote and hitting certain buttons 3 times.


Next I'm getting back in about 3 weeks to subscribing to the ISY so I can have 2 way variable conversations with a perl script and issue other IR commands from the Raspberry Pi to control the components themselves.

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  • 3 months later...

I just got the networking module and now have my URC MX 3000 remote controlling my XBMC on my HTPC. The TCP route did not work for me but then I went the HTTP GET route with posting something such as below in the path:


/jsonrpc?request={ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "Input.ExecuteAction", "params": { "action": "down" }, "id": 1 }


This was the command for down. This is now working well for me. I was using my tablet to control xbmc before but now it works seamlessly on my remote so for the average person who comes over, it is no different than any dvd player or cable box playing.


Thanks to everyone who posted the info on xbmc and the networking module. I doubt I would have gotten this going without all of your help and it is a great addition to my setup.

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