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Two versions of java?


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I've managed to confuse my Mac when installing latest java JRE from Oracle. My java pane in System Preferences thinks I'm running 1.7.0_11 but when I go into Terminal and type java -version it appears I'm running 1.6.0_37. ISY admin.jnlp obviously doesn't like java 6 so its not starting. Help!



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Update. I completely uninstalled all versions of Java. Then I reinstalled Java 7 from Oracle. Now my Terminal java -version check shows no version at all running! Yet my system preferences shows I have Java 7 (1.7.0_11) happily installed.


Needless to say the .jnlp will still not run (normal admin URL runs fine, just not .jnlp). Any Mac guys out there who can help with this mess?



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Hi John,


I am so very sorry for all the problems you have been having lately with Java/Admin Console. I also wanted to respond to your comment vis-a-vis JQuery: you're correct and we'll surely consider once persistent browser/server connections are more prevalent (otherwise, Admin Console has to keep querying ISY).


As far as the problem you are having, may I humbly suggest opening a ticket and scheduling a call. This way, we can log into your computer and address the issue immediately.


With kind regards,


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Thank you Michel. Glad to hear that you are keeping your UI options open! Also, thank you for your offer on help with my Java situation. I think I'm OK right now. I've learned that on Macs you must have an instance of Apple's Java 6 SE running on your machine even if you're also running Java 7. I was trying to run with only Java 7 but Apple, as far as I can tell, makes that basically impossible.


Thanks again,



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