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Intermittent com issue, what steps to take?

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I've been having an intermittent com issue with a particular KPL. It's frustrating me because not only have I taken good measures to setup a reliable Insteon network, but it comes and goes without any explanation so it's hard to reproduce the issue "on demand" in order to get to the bottom of it.


First I'll explain the general topology/setup of my installation:


PLM/ISY on a circuit that only has A/V equipment on the same circuit, the A/V equipment is all run through a filterlinc. I have almost 20 dual band switches of various kinds through out the house and have two access points.


The problem KPL is in the master bedroom. It randomly has issues communicating. Sometimes it won't respond to a query, a command (to control LEDs), trouble writing to device, etc. What's frustrating is that it's in the same double gang box as another dual band switch. So if the other responds I simply can't understand how in the world the KPL has issues. Even if my power lines were to be ridiculously noisy I would expect the RF to be fine. Not only is it in the same box as that other switch, the master bathroom dual band switch is about 2 feet away as well, and the 2nd floor deck light dual band switch is about 15 ft away in the bedroom, one of the access points is 5ft away in the bedroom, and the second access point is about 15ft away in the hallway. There's a filterlinc on the TV stuff in the bedroom as well. How in God's name does this KPL have issues? What steps should I take to rectify the issues. It's a real problem when the timer program to turn off the LED backlight can't send it's command b/c it's pretty bright and I catch hell from the wife.

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First thing to do is run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. From the Admin Console issue several On and Off commands to the various devices on that circuit and post the trace. The Hops Left=x counts will indicate how well things are working on the network. The KeypadLinc could be the weakest link in what is a generally poor environment. Could be something entirely different. Need some objective information about how things are in general. What type of loads are being controlled, CFLs, LEDs, etc?

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Hopefully, we can find this without too much difficulty. Let's try the easy questions...


Besides LeeGs questions regarding loads, I want to know what other devices you have plugged into the circuit which powers the balky keypad? Is the keypad installed in a wallbox, or in a desktop enclosure, or something else? Do you have any surge suppressors or UPS plugged into this circuit?

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First thing to do is run Tools | Diagnostics | Event Viewer at LEVEL 3. From the Admin Console issue several On and Off commands to the various devices on that circuit and post the trace. The Hops Left=x counts will indicate how well things are working on the network.


Still at work so I can only answer some questions.


What type of loads are being controlled, CFLs, LEDs, etc?


Incandescent lights are the load on the KPL. I'm almost certain all lights are incandescent in the house, only place I'd have to check to be double sure are the ceiling fan lights in a different room (almost never are turned on though).


I want to know what other devices you have plugged into the circuit which powers the balky keypad?


I'll have to check to be sure but other than other lighting controls (incandescent) that might be on the same circuit is the bedroom TV/DVR which has a fliterlinc in line with it. The PLM has the first floor A/V stuff on the same circuit but it also has a filterlinc on that.


Is the keypad installed in a wallbox


Yes, it's in a wallbox (plastic).


Do you have any surge suppressors or UPS plugged into this circuit?


There are only 3 surge protectors in the entire house. 1 for the upstairs A/V, 1 for the first floor A/V, and one for a desktop PC. Both A/V systems have filterlincs. I don't have anything on the desktop PC. I'll have to check whether it's on the same circuit. It's in a room on the other side of the house from the KPL. Since I don't have a filterlinc to spare on it I suppose I could just unplug it for now and see if I have no issues with it unplugged.




As for the event viewer info, I'll have to wait until I get home.

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