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  1. In the PG3x configuration for Weatherflow you should set the forcast option to 0. You may have to delete and reinstall the node server for that to take effect .
  2. The current model filterlinc is rated at 10 amps (1200 watts). I'm not aware of any other available options. How many amps does your microwave draw?
  3. This is a known issue with AT&T. I have been working with them for about 6 months trying to get them to resolve the issue. Bottom line is that I think they really don't want to support email to text. It's possible that the spammers were using that protocol. An option you can try is to send your email to text message in MMS format rather than text. (your phone number@MMS.ATT.NET) Let me know if that helps
  4. Even though the appliancelinc is within 10 feet of the eisy it could be on the opposite leg of your powerline. Being that you're starting fresh your powerline legs would not be bridged. You should consider dumping them and replacing them with the dual band on/off module. If your programs showed up after doing a factory reset then your factory reset was incomplete.
  5. The filterlincs are rated at either 5 or 10 amps depending on the model. The micowave probably draws more than 10 amps. Be sure to check before using a filterlinc.
  6. What model is your current Zwave dongle. If you're referring the the Zwave 500 or 700 series dongle that was supported by the ISY, then those are not supported by the eisy. The Zmatter USB enclosure only supports the Zmatter board.
  7. @Guy Lavoie "so the Eisy is definitely receiving the scene command and is able to do something in response such as control a Zwave device... but not trigger a program" The eisy doesn't know the state of a scene, only the state of the devices within a scene, as a scene does not report its state to the eisy. A scene can function without the eisy, i.e. if the eisy was disconnected, the devices that are members of a scene would still function as a unit. If you had several devices in a scene as controllers/responders and one of the devices were turned on or off the other members of the scene would respond accordingly. I'm not sure what it is that you're trying to do.
  8. "Cannot determine insteon engine" indicates that the PLM is unable to communicate with the device. Being that you've tried factory reset / restore devices without success, yet they appear to work when you move them closer to the Polisy, I would focus on either noise on the power line and/or your powerline legs not properly bridged. The 2 wire switch is a powerline only device therefore I would focus on powerline issues. Take a look at these wiki articles: INSTEON: Troubleshooting Communications Errors - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com) INSTEON Signal / Noise Troubleshooting - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki (universal-devices.com) Powerline noise.pdf 4 Tap test.pdf
  9. If you want to trigger a program when a scene changes state, you could select a device in a scene and have a program trigger when that device changes state.
  10. @Guy Lavoie You can verify the integrity of a scene by running a scene test on a particular scene. Right click on a scene, then click on scene test.
  11. @CPRail1 You shouldn't plug the PLM into a UPS as it will most likely filter out its powerline signal, however if you have a dual band device close by that will help to get the PLM signal back on the powerline.. You should also have your UPS plugged int to a filterlinc as a UPS is notorious for creating noise on the powerline.
  12. @CPRail1 Being that the led on thr PLM was not lit that indicates a PLM failure. Make sure the outlet that the PLM is plugged into is not flakely. If your PLM is less than a year old it may be covered under warranty.
  13. @Bill Morrow Clear your java cache, check all 3 boxes, then download the current version of the IoX Launcher from here: https://isy.universal-devices.com/start.jnlp From the UDI Wiki: Error light and Memory light blinking simultaneously: ISY is not able to get on the network.Please ensure: The Network jack on the back of ISY is connected to your router The lights on the Network jack have one steady on and the other one blinking. If not, check cable and connectivity to the router Your router provides DHCP There are no other devices on the network with the same IP address (IP Conflict) If you have configured your ISY to use DHCP, then you will have to search your network for devices that might be in the same DHCP range as your router is providing If you have configured your ISY with a static IP address, and as long as you have a good backup, you can Factory Reset your ISY and then restore a good backup (File | Restore ISY). Once prompted to change the network settings, choose No
  14. Right click on a device that's not responding and then click on restore device. If that doesn't work let me know.
  15. Try removing power from the ISY for about 30 seconds. If that doesn't help then remove power from the ISY and remove the SD card and clean its contacts with a soft eraser. Also verify that the ISY power supply is supplying the correct voltage. If you have a spare supply then try swapping it.
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