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  1. We are thrilled to announce that we have received a limited batch of On/Off Keypads. These will sell out fast so pick yours up today. More units are arriving early February so if you missed this batch, hit the NOTIFY ME WHEN AVAILABLE button to get an email as soon as they arrive. This is our only product that can handle up to 20-amps with operating between 100 to 277 volts. It is the ideal product to control large, non-dimmable loads! On/Off Keypad (6-Button)
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  2. The admin console is not designed to run continiously, but it should stay connected for more than 10 minutes. It's possible that Java is shutting down, or something is interferring with java, which would close the admin console.
  3. In addition to what @paulbates suggested, it's possible that your AV System is creating issues, you might want to put a powerline filter on it.
  4. Do you see your EISY in your router Is DHCP enabled in your router If you have a firewall, try disabling it. You can also try removing power from your eisy for 15 seconds the boot it up Try rebooting your router. Post a screenshot after you run the IoX Launcher
  5. When you cleared your java cache did you check all 3 boxes What is your EISY firmware and UI versions (in Help about) VPN should be off Is your EISY and Computer on the same network You mention that you can run the admin console from the local network, what are you trying to connect from that's giving you a problem??
  6. Try removing it from your eisy then doing a factory reset on the sensor and a reinstall. Are you using the UDI ZMatter Module, if so are your antennas connected to the correct connector. If the issue still persists then you should probably open a support ticket with UDI https://www.universal-devices.com/my-tickets
  7. @Chris K Take a look at your device tree, there should be additional nodes containg the data
  8. I'm not sure of any of the other dual band devices indicate Insteon traffic. It's probably a trial and error process.
  9. @someguy Take a look at these two articles regarding Insteon communication problems: INSTEON: Troubleshooting Communications Errors - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki INSTEON Signal / Noise Troubleshooting - Universal Devices, Inc. Wiki
  10. Your scene results show that the two devices passed the scene test. When you trigger the scene from the admin console turn on the scene not a device in the scene. If you turn on the light from the switch does the KPL button light? If you press the KPL button does the light turn on?
  11. A lot of the wireless carriers are blocking SMS messages from non wireless devices due to spam issues. I gave uip on SMS and use push email.
  12. @ThisIsTheWay Right click on the scene, then click on Diagnostics | Scene test Post a copy of the test results
  13. @autoperformance Are your ISY994 firmware and UI the same version
  14. Can you post a copy of your error log Whish ISP are you using for your mail server
  15. I would assume that auto would detect if a Zwave/Zigbee controller is connected to the eisy "Off " would disable that function in the controller "On" would enable that function in the controller
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