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Everything posted by tazman

  1. An update for others who might be thinking about using this node server, I got it working with the help of Panda on the Github site. Little more information to drop here the vehicle must be named and to get it connected I woke it up before restarting the node server. I have not done much with it so far but I plan to do some experimenting with setting charge level to use my excess solar.
  2. I am using it with the Vue 2 which has the 16 ct's and today it is showing net production instead of the car charger which I have not used today.
  3. Thanks @Geddy!
  4. If you would like to setup the occupancy function with ISY using Android the MacroDroid app has worked well for me. Tom
  5. I did not know where to post this since there is no TeslaEV topic in the PG3 Node Servers area. I purchased and installed the TeslaEV node server written by @Panda88but I always seem to have trouble setting these up as it is not intuitive to me what information to put in. I try to put the code that the authenticator app creates and restart the node server but it seems like it takes longer then the allowed 30 seconds for the node server to restart. How can this work without my user email? Am I using the correct code or am I supposed to use the backup passcodes I got from the Tesla site? Any guidance would be greatly appreciated! Tom
  6. @bpwwer Thank you the current KWH seems to be working for me now but the KWH today is showing what my Vue car charger used. It is also showing as connected now.
  7. @bpwwer I installed the node server and made sure Poisy was up to date but I have a "1" for online, Kilowatt Hours keeps flashing between 0 and a number and Kilowatt Hours Today is at 0. VUE_5-10-2022_65900_PM.zip
  8. Yes you will need one for each location. Yes and it can be tight fitting them both in the USB ports because they are close together. Some use extension cables or a USB hub.
  9. Yes I, have had mine going with a Kindle and occasionally have to restart it. I also have readings on my "Magic Mirror" using house panel that I display current temperature humidity and the high and low for the day. I'm very happy with my choice! I appreciate all the recomenations and @bpwwer for helping me get it setup properly!
  10. Someone recommended MacroDroid to me a while ago and I have been using it without issues.
  11. Thank you Paul it looks like it would be possible for me to setup a Kindle as my display. I feel the Tempest is a better unit and using the Kindle it gives me the display I wanted!
  12. Thanks for the rundown Bob. I will look into what options there are before I make my decision.
  13. Thanks for all of the links and information about the different units! I would really like a unit with what I consider a nice display and would like it to connect to ISY I hope someone could tell me if the units I'm looking at would be able to connect to ISY. 1. https://www.amazon.com/AcuRite-01540M-Weather-Connection-Underground/dp/B07D9D6CXW/ref=sxin_14_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?crid=2PLJP9OBPTQAO&cv_ct_cx=davis%2Bvantage%2Bpro%2B2%2Bweather%2Bstation&keywords=davis%2Bvantage%2Bpro%2B2%2Bweather%2Bstation&pd_rd_i=B07D9D6CXW&pd_rd_r=d8e91b60-479e-4c2c-824b-824054a5e4b3&pd_rd_w=eyabr&pd_rd_wg=qP7R4&pf_rd_p=277e850d-e5af-4753-a716-a3e99085c62d&pf_rd_r=4RCE2BK4H3CQSAF9CJEB&qid=1646746857&sprefix=Davis%2BVantage%2BPro%2B2%2Caps%2C75&sr=1-2-a73d1c8c-2fd2-4f19-aa41-2df022bcb241-spons&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExTzQ5NDVUM0VFSEEwJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNDAxNjk5MUxPSVo4OTlEQUgwQiZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwOTQ2NTQ2MzFOQlhFRlRVV1RDOCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX3NlYXJjaF90aGVtYXRpYyZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU&th=1 2. https://www.amazon.com/Ambient-Weather-WiFi-Station/dp/B01N5TEHLI/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1MW87QCDY867Q&keywords=weatherflow+tempest&qid=1646747281&sprefix=Weatherflow+%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-5 Tom
  14. @Javiyou are correct going back to the original version fixed it Thank You.
  15. @JaviI hate to do this but it looks like IOP 5.4 made your fix stop working again! Any idea what changed?
  16. @macjeffto start over with isy you want to sudo pkg remove isy then sudo pkg install isy then sudo service isy restart the only thing is for me every time I did it the portal would disappear but when I restored from a backup it would come back. Good luck! Tom
  17. You were right I did have the tag manager on a different part part of the network from Polisy. I did not think of that since it was able to grab the information with a query. Thank you for the help and the hard work you put in to bring us these great programs!
  18. I moved from the PG2 to PG3 version and in both versions I have to query the tag to get it to update. I will attach my log file to see if it helps to figure out what is happening. WirelessTag_2-4-2022_70950_PM.txt
  19. @Javi Your the man THANK YOU!! I appreciate the time you put in to help me. Just so others know if they come looking "wsclient.connect(wshost, null, origin, header); " was what made it work for me. I'm not back to where I was with houspanel I only have 2 Items working but the fact that they update makes me think I can get back to where I was before.
  20. @Javi I'm not sure what you mean with the connect function but I don't see anything in the file I cut the information from and posted above. I'm going to attach 2 files that seem like they could be relevant and if they are not it I guess I will just go back to giving up. websocket.js WebSocketConnection.js
  21. @JaviBelow is the main area that looks to me it defines the websocket. Would you be able to tell me what to change to make it work? // make websocket connection to any ISY hub // unlike ST and HE below, communication from ISY happens over a real webSocket var wshost; for (var h in GLB.options.config["hubs"]) { var hub = GLB.options.config["hubs"][h]; wshost = false; if ( hub["hubType"]==="ISY" && hub["hubEndpt"] && hub["hubAccess"] ) { var hubhost = hub["hubEndpt"]; if ( hubhost.startsWith("https://") ) { wshost = "wss://" + hubhost.substr(8); } else if ( hubhost.startsWith("http://") ) { wshost = "ws://" + hubhost.substr(7); } } // set up socket for ISY hub if one is there if ( wshost ) { var wsclient = new webSocketClient(); var buff = Buffer.from(hub["hubAccess"]); var base64 = buff.toString('base64'); var origin = "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"; var header = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "ISYSUB", "Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13", "Origin": "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"}; wshost = wshost + "/subscribe"; wsclient.on("connectFailed", function(err) { console.log( (ddbg()), "Connection failure to ISY socket: ", err.toString(), " wshost: ", wshost, " header: ", header); }); wsclient.on("connect", function(connection) { console.log( (ddbg()), "Success connecting to ISY socket. Listening for messages..."); // handle incoming state messages from ISY // this will be ignored if the node isn't in our list connection.on("message", function(msg) { if ( msg.type==="utf8" ) { processIsyMessage(msg.utf8Data); } }); connection.on("error", function(err) { console.log( (ddbg()), "Connection error to ISY socket: ", err.toString()); }); connection.on("close", function() { console.log( (ddbg()), "Connection closed to ISY socket"); }); }); wsclient.connect(wshost, "ISYSUB", origin, header); } } }
  22. Thank you @Javi I'm trying not to be to much of a pain that is why I left it go until others brought it back. I really don't know programing and I don't think UDI should have to support other people's software but I appreciate all you have done so far to help!
  23. @Javi I tried but I don't know what to change because it would not load with what I did. If it is something that will eventually work I can wait. I found ISYSUB 2 places in the hpserver.js file. If I just remove the firs bold it still worked the same with the below error V2.418 on 2/1/2022 8:27:04 PM Connection failure to ISY socket: Error: Expected a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header. wshost: ws:// header: { var header = {"Authorization": "Basic " + base64, "Sec-WebSocket-Protocol": "ISYSUB", "Sec-WebSocket-Version": "13", "Origin": "com.universal-devices.websockets.isy"}; wshost = wshost + "/subscribe"; and }); wsclient.connect(wshost, "ISYSUB", origin, header); }
  24. I went into an older version of housepanel. The log file looks like this with the old 994 7/27/2020 4:08:52 PM Loading 1 hubs. 7/27/2020 4:08:53 PM HousePanel Node.js Server is running on port: 3080 7/27/2020 4:08:53 PM webSocket Server is listening on port: 1380 7/27/2020 4:08:53 PM Success connecting to ISY socket. Listening for messages... 7/27/2020 4:09:06 PM **************************************************************** Serving page at: **************************************************************** 7/27/2020 4:09:06 PM Displaying main HousePanel web page: 7/27/2020 4:09:06 PM **************************************************************** Serving page at: **************************************************************** 7/27/2020 4:09:06 PM Displaying main HousePanel web page: 7/27/2020 4:09:08 PM Connection accepted. Client #0 host=::ffff: Client count: 1 Pushing client #0 7/27/2020 4:09:27 PM Peer: ::ffff: disconnected. for: 1001 desc: Remote peer is going away All I did was change the IP address for ISY to the Polisy one and I get this and have the same behavior of not updating devices state 2/1/2022 7:00:48 PM Loading 1 hubs. 2/1/2022 7:00:49 PM HousePanel Node.js Server is running on port: 3080 2/1/2022 7:00:49 PM webSocket Server is listening on port: 1380 2/1/2022 7:00:49 PM Connection failure to ISY socket: Error: Expected a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header. wshost: ws:// header: { Authorization: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol': 'ISYSUB', 'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13', Origin: 'com.universal-devices.websockets.isy' }
  25. This is what it shows in the error log V2.418 on 2/1/2022 6:33:23 PM Connection failure to ISY socket: Error: Expected a Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header. wshost: ws:// header: { Authorization: 'Sec-WebSocket-Protocol': 'ISYSUB', 'Sec-WebSocket-Version': '13', Origin: 'com.universal-devices.websockets.isy' }
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