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  1. Found the problem. Boneheaded move on my part - I was restoring the wrong backup (from the phone, not the one I copied over from the tablet). Sorry to waste your time.
  2. Yes, both Android.
  3. I'm running UD Mobile on a tablet and a phone. It took some time to get it configured on the tablet and get everything organized and looking the way I want. How do I get that same configuration on my phone? I assumed I could create a backup on the tablet, transfer that over to the phone and then do an import. That doesn't work. When I try the restore, I get this message: "Select OK to restart app. Import will only work after app restart." Restarting the app doesn't work, and I get no confirmation that it's even attempting the restore. Any advice?
  4. Attached screenshot is from the wiki. Apologies for what may be obvious to some of you, but how/where exactly do I write these commands? Thanks.
  5. Thank you. I'll give that a try.
  6. I found a thread from July 2021 asking if there is "any possibility of it (UD Mobile) getting ported over to run on a PC without using android emulators? If not, is there a particular emulator that works well with it?" One of the answers was "We will be working on a web version in the future although it will be some time." Any news? Thanks.
  7. Thanks again, @jkmcfadden. That was really helpful. I found two things I was doing wrong - (1) Trying to use LED parameter values = 1 (using the button press to control the LED) and (2) using "status" instead of "control status" in some of my programs. I'm not sure why I did that, other than I wasn't paying attention and didn't notice I had it both ways. Do you do the same thing with the big button, or are you using that as a wired relay?
  8. Thanks for all the information and examples @jkmcfadden. How are you dealing with your indicator lights? I'm having a hard time coming up with a simple solution to have them accurately represent status.
  9. I had previously found this out by dumb luck, but thanks @Chris K for the confirmation. Strange that it's not documented anywhere (that I could find).
  10. Thanks @Geddy. I had read through both of those posts before I posted mine. They contain a lot of useful information, but unfortunately don't address my specific question.
  11. I have a ZEN32 scene controller installed. I understand the limitations of the four small buttons and that they are not really capable of scene control. I'm using them programmatically (it's a hassle but it works). Here's what I don't understand - I have disabled the relay function of the big switch button, which is supposed to make it act like the four small buttons. However, I don't see that button listed separately anywhere. Has anyone figured this out?
  12. Thanks. It's a brand new Z-Wave device. Good idea about the factory reset, but it's still not working. When I first received it, I went through all the different sounds to see which ones I wanted to use. Now I can't even get it to play a single sound when triggered manually. I'm sending it back.
  13. UPDATE - Thanks @paulbatesand @apostolakislfor your help. I went around in circles trying to get both of these solutions to work until I finally realized that my chime is defective. Even when triggered manually, it would only work sporadically. Back to the drawing board.
  14. Thanks. I think this approach will work for me, just need to find the time this weekend to think it through and give it a test.
  15. Thank you. I will try that approach.
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