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Everything posted by Zick

  1. You guys were right, once I had a load plugged into it and the outletlink turned off I didn't read any voltage. Thanks
  2. But according to the manual by default load sensing is turned off. Maybe I'll have to find a load to put onto it and then measure voltage. I was just worried that with 107v on shut down that it would be like a severe brown-out condition and might damage something.
  3. I just wired up a 2473 outlet and tested the outlet w/ a voltmeter which read 120v when on but when I pushed the button to turn it off the voltage only dropped to 107v. Is this the way it's suppose to work, I would have though it would have droppd the voltage to almost zero.
  4. Ok, thanks Michel.
  5. I use photobucket, it's free and pretty simple to use.
  6. Thanks Michel but I did get most things back in working order again except my backups don't seem to be working correctly which I replied to you in the Current Release section about that. I just wonder if I did something wrong in the way I went about replacing a device as I indicated in my first post. I found that I added in some 8 button keypads with the wrong model number that what I actually have and figured I try to straighten things out. Here's what I tried to do. If I try to add a new device that is a different model (2486D vs 2486DWH8) but with the same network address, will it actually replace it or just see that it has the same address and fail?
  7. I'll have to check the AP's when I get home, I never thought of those.
  8. Thanks guys! Yeah I looked through all my devices and could not find that address that's why I thought it was weird that it was in there. I just checked another device and that extra record address is in there as well so I guess it's normal.
  9. Hi Mark, Thanks for the info. I checked the link table for the one light I had on this morning. I did find some missing records and an extra record. I was able to save and copy the ISY table to the Device table. That took care of everything except for the extra record. I've tried to restore the device via ISY but it still has the extra record. The only thing I'm not able to do remotely right now is a hard reset of the device. The weird thing is that the extra record address is not any of my devices that I can find.
  10. Sorry Brian maybe I wasn't clear. I did make a backup luckily before my problems started so I restored it back to that Zip file. Now I have what seems to me bad links and I also lost my programs.
  11. It seems that I've now got some bad crossed links somewhere. This morning I had a light on in the garage that doesn't have a switch remotely close for anyone to accidently turn it on yet it was burning bright when I went to leave for work this morning. Is there a simple way to check for bad links? Great, I just checked and I also lost my programs. Granted it was only a couple that I can recreate but does not the backup/restore save these programs?
  12. Well I managed to restore the system to a backup. I did notice one switch led light that now goes up and down when I hit another switch that has nothing to do with it. Going to delete and recreate that device. Wonder how many others are messed up now.
  13. So in my efforts of trying to figure some of my many 2486D 8 button keypads would not turn off the LED backlight while others would I realized that I accidently installed it as a 8 button keypad with a countdown. Well I don't have that model so I figured I'd try to replace it with the correct model to see if that would enable me to turn off the LED backlight. So basically my thought was to just add a new Isteon device with the same address and pick the right model this time and I choose to keep all links. Well after I clicked ok, all of a sudden it starts recreating my whole system over from scratch again and starts giving my screnes generic names like "scene 107, scene 148, etc" Now I can't seem to get it to stop. I've tried closing down the window and relaunching it but it's still trying to recreate scenes. I do have a backup but I can't seem to get it to stop trying to "initializing system"
  14. I think I understand it a little better now. I guess I'm just surprised why some were set to 0% On Level and some aren't when I never set those rates. I just assumed they would all be at 100%. Everything still has the default settings. Thanks
  15. I did a query on the whole system and also again on each individual device and the settings still show like they did before and I did not get any errors except that the 10.A4.73.B did not show the typical "System Busy" Query window like the others. The On Levels is what really confuses me. Using the same scene as an example, I have the scene turned off right now. But when I click on the scene "Kitchen Main Lights" it shows each controller with a On Level of "100%" Then when I click on the first controller "10.A4.73.B", now the controller shows a On Level of 0%. But if I click on that controller the On Level goes back up to 100%. I guess I don't understand why it does that.
  16. So I was going through my scenes today to tweak them now that I've got most of them setup and noticed this odd behavior. It seems that depending on which controller or responder I click on in a scene it shows different values for the other responders/controller than what they are really set at. Each time I click on the responders the "On Level" and "Ramp Rate" changes to something different. I have not changed these from the factory settings.
  17. Thanks for the thought cartwrig but we've just moved into our house a few weeks ago so I no longer need to do this. But I do still think it would be nice to have this option.
  18. That is absolutely correct Mike. Ok, that is what I needed to know. Sorry the whole adding a button/switch as a responder was the one thing that I really didn't understand about what it did. So now I have about 10 (8 & 6) button keypads around the house, and to have all the keypad button lights that are illuminated to turn off when I press the ALL OFF button they will all have to be added to the ALL OFF scene as a responder. Thanks for your help Mike!
  19. I'm a little confused on why I would add the B button to the ALL OFF scene too? Do you mean as a responder or controller of that scene? The B button is currently setup as a controller to another light scene. Also, the B button was just one example and it happens with any of the other buttons too (A, B, C, Etc). Thanks
  20. Here the scenario; I created an ALL OFF scene and added all my Lights (responders) into the scene. I then made a Keypad button (H) the controller and changed it to non-toggle to always send an OFF signal. So far this works great, if I have any lights left on and I'm leaving I can just hit this button to shut everything off. What I'm finding is that if I use the same keypad to turn on a light (say button and then hit the H button, the light will turn off but the B button will stay illuminated. I will then have to press the B button twice to get the light to turn back on (once to turn the LED off & another to turn the light on). Any suggestions on how to correct this minor issue? Thanks
  21. Thanks for the late update andrew77. I am in the process of creating an ALL OFF scene and did not want all the lights turning on if some pressed that button by accident. That non-toggle off should work great for my application. I wish there was an easier way to add a bunch of devices to a single scene without adding them one by one. Sure takes a long time when you have almost 100 devices to add.
  22. Hi Mike, Thanks for the info, but the reason I ask is because we have a new house we are building that not finished yet and not living there and we don't have internet hooked up either. So in my spare time after work I have to drive down to the house, hook everything up and program all the devices which can take all night. I was hoping in my spare time at work I could get a few things setup and then have it upload the info when I got home. Thanks again
  23. Is there a way to program devices and/or scenes on a ISY99i when it's off site? I'd like to take the ISY99i & PLM w/ a laptop and program the ISY99i and then be able to take it home plug it into the network and have it upload the changes to all the devices. I've already added all the devices into the ISY99i. I'd tried searching about this but found no answer. Thanks
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