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About markv58

  • Birthday 06/25/1959

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  • Location
    Richardson, TX
  • Occupation
    IT Integrator, Fabricator

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  1. I have been using Command Fusion for years to quickly set lights, check information and flip switches. Works well but a pain to update, so I came up with an actual app to do all those things even quicker, and updating is painless. I'm in the final stages, just cleaning up code and searching for bugs. This is not UD Mobile! I use that for the deep dives, to get to the nitty gritty, it's a great app for that and many other things as anyone paying attention knows. This is just to get in, do my thing, and get out. I'm curious as to the interest others may have in something like this so I thought I would share it with you. From start to finish in just a few minutes. Everything is custom in every tile and is simple to edit. Routines allow you to execute multiple command with just a tap, and a second tap just to make sure. Collections are some of your favorites gathered together in a way that best suites you and Information tiles are just that, information at a glance to see if something needs attention. I'm working on finding the URL scheme of all the apps I can, for instance, tapping on my Climate tile takes me to the EcoBee app. I'm curious about what you think, how you would improve it or any changes you would make. It's iOS right now but I'm willing to take the plunge and go Android if the interest is there. This should be ready for the Apple App Store in about a week for Flight Test.
  2. Hard to find Insteon stuff sometimes, here's a link to the Siren : https://shop.insteon.com/products/insteon-siren I have 2 of the chime modules for notifications, really like them.
  3. My UniFi APs updated at 3am, ISY is plugged into a Linksys router and has no portal connection either. I can connect to ISY through a Command Fusion app from the www and everything is working there. Seems like a portal problem.
  4. Probably, got very busy with other projects. The "energy" part would be a separate ns because of the complexity. Planning to setup Brultech when time permits.
  5. @gzahar @hart2hart The id is not linked to the variable, it was in the beginning but the nodeserver evolved. After much thought and feedback I decided to just have a number as the id rather than a proper name, which you can choose in the admin console and rename any time you want.
  6. I'm thrilled about the way things are going, my home is as automated as I want it and it just works without any hands on intervention, invisible. There is the occasional low battery but that's about it. I've found time to work on an off-line voice assistant to replace the always sending data somewhere Alexa units, I call him Jarvis, he listens and does things but isn't connected to the internet.
  7. The virtual switch is its own variable, on or off. You can link it to a variable with a program if you want but that seems redundant. A vs can be queried or used in a program same as a variable. I put them in scenes so I can query whether a scene is on or off and use them for a dozen other things as is.
  8. Pushed an update, v1.0.15, should fix the problem on Polisy. Does not seem to effect RPi installs.
  9. For myself, not having an irrigation system and only wanting to take care of the ornamentals, I chose to go the LinkTap direction. There is already a nodeserver for that.
  10. Short answer, yes. Longer answer, you can use the Pi GPIO to trigger a relay. You could write a nodeserver to do that using the ISY programs. Exactly what would be needed as an intermediary so as not to burn up the Pi would need research. I did this to control a garage door. Here is the link to that GitHub: https://github.com/markv58/UDI-GarageDoorPi
  11. Use a program to update the generic: If <something> is not <generic> Then <generic> is <something> Just to check, did you save changes after deleting the custom config param?
  12. @DennisC The Generic is for any value 0 - 100 so it would be fine for humidity. When you delete a node from the nodeserver nodes page it should be removed from ISY too, make sure to delete the custom config page entry or it will reappear in ISY on a nodeserver re-start.
  13. I had the same problem with one about that age, needed a new battery. I took it apart and replaced the battery with a Lithium battery, works again.
  14. @tmorse305 Once you get that straightened out you should be ok. You probably need to update the ip of the nodeservers on the ISY side.
  15. @tmorse305 Well that is odd. Do other ns work on the polyglot? Did the polyglot ip change?
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