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Everything posted by markv58

  1. To display values in their proper format, if there is one, a specific uom is used for the Drivers (the boxes) that display info. I could just setup a bunch and then most any data could be sent. I will tinker.
  2. @MWareman @Teken Unfortunately when I attempted the fifth node type I hit a brick wall, spent hours trying to get that done. Nearly lost my mind trying to figure out what comma or space or dot wasn't in the right place. There is the Generic Node that you can tag with generic and dimmer, I can add more variations or just let it be free form. The data is displayed with no formal format but if free form labels in the custom config params the node could be labeled watts or amps or volts or whatever. Still tinkering with the TempC node trying to get it to wash Tekens car.
  3. @Teken Kinda like watching paint dry but not as fun:
  4. Tinkered: Checked with the short poll every 30 seconds and reset by a Temp change. Max allowed is 1440 which is a day, a program could notify you of a problem.
  5. That only shows time between updates so if there isn't another update it will stay at that value forever or until you restart the node. I will tinker.
  6. Some testing has given me an easy way to show time since last update to show in the AC for the nodes. I will add that and push an update. I will use seconds for now and see what the feedback is. First I have some welding and painting to do while it's only 99F outside, 37.2 sounds so much nicer.
  7. @Teken I don't know if prec 2 will help or hurt, I'm using prec one in the nodes. Maybe you should just convert to the Fahrenheit standard.
  8. I am noticing that, with the Temperature C node, the program runs and the values are updated but the AC doesn't seem to change. Using prec 1 is the culprit, if it were 2 then there would be a noticeable change. Maybe another box to indicate when the value was updated will quell apprehensions about a program not working.
  9. @Teken In the AC on a node page, pressing the Convert Raw to Prec or Convert F to C will do nothing if that was used in a program to set the current value, that way you don't keep converting the value down to nothing. If you press Convert F to C first that will also block out the Conv from Raw operation. These buttons are cleared once a new Set Temperature value is set. But again, if a program is doing the work, once converted the operation is blocked. So basically, only use the node page buttons if the node is not being run by a program. Set up a node for a variable that isn't involved with a program and test it all out. Also, when you setup a new program or edit one, it's always a good idea to bump it, right click and choose Run If, to get things rolling and set the program to Run At Startup.
  10. @Teken That's if you are comparing the variable to the temp sensor. If you are doing the if temp sensor is not 1000, then the sensor will need to change value to trigger.
  11. @Teken On the Temp node page, Set Temperature to something else manually, in a few seconds the program should run and reset the values.
  12. I have loads of joy, updates anytime the temp on the thermostat twitches. Here is a program test converting C to F: Test 97 C - [ID 019D][Parent 0185] If 'Devices / Climate / Ecobee - Home' Temperature is not 150.0°F Then $VtempC_97 = 'Devices / Climate / Ecobee - Home' Temperature °F Set 'Devices / Virtual / Shop / Temperature / temperaturec 97' Set Temperature '$VtempC_97 Celsius' Set 'Devices / Virtual / Shop / Temperature / temperaturec 97' Convert F to C Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Just added the Convert from Raw to run that for a while.
  13. @Teken If you changed an existing custom config parameter, say from c to cr, and restarted the node that may have affected something in the program as well. Check one, update it and see if that fixes the problem. If you are seeing the "converting from raw" message, that means that bit of code has run and the value should be divided by 10. Running that code a second time will do nothing until the value has been reset and the current moved to previous.
  14. @Teken Hit the Update Profile and restart the AC for me and see if that cures the problem. My testing has it working, there was a minor bug in the profile that I fixed in a previous version.
  15. Virtual v1.0.6 Fixed a bug and worked on the Temp nodes to prevent conversion repeats on data already converted. Smooth transfer of current temps to previous temps in proper format.
  16. There was some code to prevent conversion if the value had already been converted that may cause that problem so I took it out in 1.0.5
  17. Check your programs and even though they look ok update the parts with the V Device and save. I've had to do that a couple of times. That should be the last of that kind of thing. No more mucking around with the node types, just tweaks.
  18. Just do it. I have it on 3 devices for testing and haven't touched the fire extinguisher once. Besides, you wanted the previous temp tracking and C to F or F to C.
  19. About to pull the trigger on the v1.0.4 update, hit some sort of limitation that hours of work couldn't break through. The Dimmer node is replaced with Generic, any Dimmers will move over there, you can use Dimmer or Generic. I can add some other names if you have some ideas. F to C and C to F converters are in their respective nodes and Previous Temp is shown in the nodes. The Switch is still a switch. I hope the update goes easier for you than it did for me.
  20. My favorite node is the Virtual Switch, it can't be improved, modified or tweaked.
  21. And F to C, that is on my list to add once the dust settles and the frame is fixed. Adding one more node type, Generic, and probably splitting the switches so a variable isn't involved unless needed.
  22. In v 1.0.3 that is correct however that will not be correct in any other version. v1.0.4 and beyond will send data to the variable ID of the Temp nodes as it does with the Switch and Dimmer nodes. I removed the code to work on the raw temp data that @Teken was getting from a device and now that I've worked that out, the code will be re-inserted with the appropriate fix. The feedback has been helpful to my understanding of how people want to use Virtual so I am trying to satisfy those wants as best and as quickly as I can while maintaining my regular gig.
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