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Everything posted by markv58
More than one value per node? In a different format? Manage how? You can Ungroup from the controller and move the devices anywhere or into folders of the same type.
You are correct, it was and will be again once I work out a couple of things.
It's actually there now, with a misspelling, but I will enhance the info on that page and the README.md on the git page.
@Teken In your program add the Convert Raw to Prec after you send the raw to the temp device. Before it was done with the r flag but that fouled the Set Temp from the node. Of course don't do it if you are getting the prec value.
@Teken Just triggered an update to 1.0.3, you will need to add the Convert Raw to Prec step to display correctly.
I'm coming from the stand point of someone that wants to extract information through the rest interface which is simple to do with the ST driver and nearly impossible to do with any of the other drivers using the development platform I'm using. Something with the regex that just won't play right. For the shear enjoyment of having something generic and virtual to work with I will tinker. The hours, minutes thing has uom established so that's doable.
There is a thing called Units of Measure that lets ISY know how to handle and return info that is hard coded.
Interesting, hadn't thought of hours, I will look into it. @Teken Not sure, that is for you to decide. It's main purpose is the mechanism to set the temp from a program. I found no work around for the raw data business so the next update will have a button to resolve the raw to prec value which means an extra step in a program but I've tested and it works nicely.
Certainly, I wanted to give you a crack at it for some feedback first.
There is a glitch when Set Temperature is used from the node page when raw data is flagged, I just haven't decided how to handle that yet.
Update v1.0.1 - Fixed the variable prec to be above 0. Update v1.0.2 - Added Celsius node with raw data correction if needed.
@apostolakisl I am thinking about redoing the dimmer, I can't think of a use for it. I've worked out a couple of bugs with prec so that is working. I will do some tinkering and see what I can come up with, kind of a catch all variable manipulator. It could do some math on raw data for @Teken. I will play.
What would I call something like that? and what would be its purpose?
I suppose I could add an Autelis Node that does the slicing and dicing.
Another frustrating thing was not being able to use the status of a scene in any program, that has changed as well.
The Switch will set its variable to 1 for ON and 0 for OFF, the Dimmer, 100 for ON and 0 for Off or anywhere in between with the drop down. The Temperature is just a holder and does nothing unless you have a program change it. The ISY info is so the NodeServer can change the Variables for the Switch and Dimmers. These are virtual devices and do nothing unless you want them to. My main purpose for creating Virtual is to have a way to see if a Scene is on or off using the Rest interface so that information can be used in a Custom ISY Control app that I am working on. I create a Virtual Switch, add it to a Scene and have it turn off or on with the scene. I can now use the rest interface to poll the switch and see its status. There isn't another way to do that other than to track everything in the scene and set a variable based on that. Another user wants a way to collect Temperature information from various devices and move all of that into a separate folder rather than click through pages. I'm sure there are many other uses for the thing. A need for a Virtual device has been discussed for quite some time so now there is Virtual.
Yes, I was just testing that. You probably want to restart the nodeserver to clear any errors. I will work on an update to cure that glitch.
I'm working on this, everything had been working quite well. Right click on the program and choose Run If and see if that nudges the cycle.
Ok, If The (Temperature reported by something) is not (the Variable for the Virtual Temp) Then Set (the Variable for the Virtual Temp) = (Temperature reported by something) Set (the Virtual Temp Device) = (the Variable for the Virtual Temp) Does that help?
What do the custom config parameters look like for the Wine Room virtual device? and what is the ID of the state variable $vWine_room_temp?
@JBanaszak The If statement needs to evaluate a change that is why I compare the variable to the thermostat temp. Any time the thermostat temp changes it triggers the If statement. If 'Basement closet / Basement closet sensor' Temperature is not $vWine_room_temp Then $vWine_room_temp = Basement closet sensor' Temperature Set 'Virtual Device Controller / Wine room' Set Temperature '$vWine_room_temp Fahrenheit' That should do it.
@Teken I figured someone would want the C and with that the prec. I will work on it. @Teken @JBanaszak The Temperature device needs input from a program. This is how I am doing it: Temp Home VT 92 - [ID 0186][Parent 0185][Run At Startup] If 'Devices / Climate / Ecobee - Home' Temperature is not '$VT_92_Home_Temp Fahrenheit' Then $VT_92_Home_Temp = 'Devices / Climate / Ecobee - Home' Temperature °F Wait 2 seconds Set 'Devices / Virtual / Home Temperature' Set Temperature '$VT_92_Home_Temp Fahrenheit' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This sets the V Temp constantly when there is a change and it's set to run at startup in the unlikely event that ISY bounces. I tried long and hard to get Virtual to poll the ISY but just couldn't get it to work. Maybe a bigger brain will figure it out.
On the camera settings Alert tab, check Post to a web address or MQTT server and configure with: user:password@xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port/rest/programs/####/runThen or something similar. This obviously requires a program Then and/or Else and is profile specific. I mostly use the Polyglot to do things but certain things use the above method.