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Community Answers

  1. @Jimbo.Automates Thank you. I only see version 3.1.4 available. And I've read there's a 3.2.2 version around. I probably need to update my Polisy (I run the ISY and have my plug-ins on Polisy). I'll look into this in about 3 weeks as I am traveling off/on for a bit. Hopefully this forum remains open until then! And, I do appreciate that this is a side job for you and also appreciate what all plugin developers do for us users. Thanks again, Ross
  2. @GlowingHair I'm curious about this. Would you please provide an example or two of how you do this? Thank you, Ross
  3. @Jimbo.Automates Well, I've paid $60 for this plugin (it charged me $30 twice) and it still doesn't work. Please let me know if this is fixable or not. Thanks, Ross
  4. @Jimbo.Automates I believe I now have the correct version - 3.2.4 [beta]. Thank you to @bmercier. However, it is still disconnected. I notice the last line of the log says: No module named 'mashumaro' I'm attaching the log and the log package as I saw that @mjrush had the same issue and you asked him to do the same: Thank you in advance for any and all assistance, Ross Kasa_2-18-2025_72144-PM.zip Kasa_2-18-2025_72145-PM.zip
  5. I'm jumping back into this thread after a couple of months. I'm still disconnected. I have bought the Production store Kasa (Standard - Perpetual) twice (and have been charged $30 twice) and yet I am still receiving the following message: "The subscription for this node server has expired." So, I'm a bit gun shy to install it yet again (and get charged again). When I go into the Production store, I only see 3.1.4 available. I don't see 3.2.4. I see the same thing in the non-production store. I am running an ISY (v 5.3.4) and using a Polisy (v 3.1.13) for the plug-ins. Thank you as always, Ross
  6. I've been seeing the same messages with my ISY for the past few days.
  7. @paulbates I understand and agree. But if I get 24x6, I'm happy. 😁
  8. I leave my admin console open at all times and each of my plugins update at all times. About once a week, the admin console freezes - it becomes like a jpg on the screen - you can't do anything with it. So, I close the AC and reopen it. I have not found the "frozen condition" to have any effect on my ISY. It keeps on working running programs and updating variables.
  9. I have my own weather station for current weather, but I use OpenWeatherMap for forecasts. I live in an area of many microclimates (at about 1000 feet in the foothills east of San Diego) and it does a pretty good job with temperature and rain forecasts. Microclimates are tough on any forecasting service as the temperature can be 10-15 degrees different 5 miles from my house. Rainfall variability is high as well due to nearby elevation changes.
  10. I have my admin console open (minimized usually) at all times. When it locks up every 5 days or so, I shut it down and reopen it. I'm a tinkerer and I like having it available for when I get a thought. I also get ideas from these forums and immediately try it out. It's just easier to have it be a click away than wait the 2 minutes to boot up (finding the start file, entering the password, waiting for my programs to load). I assume (and hope) it's not harmful to have it always available. Ross
  11. I completely understand. I'm going to put in some cameras this year, so I'm starting to dip my toe into determining what works best - and, maybe more importantly, easiest - with the UDI universe. I'm one of those who wants everything but I don't have the time nor the skills (but I surprise myself every once in a while) to get things off the ground. Let me please revisit this in 6 months (of course, this thread will be closed by then!). Ross
  12. @Andy P I really appreciate what you did here. But, it's a bit over my head. I can do basic html and change someone else's javascript. Would you mind uploading the file in notepad? I'm good at taking others' work and manipulating it for myself, but it's hard for me to start from scratch! Thank you. Ross
  13. @shergenr I'm still using Verizon and it's great when it works, but no good when it doesn't. What is happening to you is happening to me currently. I'm just waiting it out so I can have another 6-8 months of no issues. I recommend UD Mobile - it works great. Ross
  14. @fisix I prefer texts as well; however, it seems Verizon works for 8 months in a row and then goes wonky for a time. For about the last 2 months, any evening texts arrive around 5am, but morning texts are immediate. I also use UD Mobile and it works like a charm every time. Ross
  15. @ISY4Me Paul alluded to posting variables to a Google Sheet. It took a little doing, but I have 4 Network Resources posting to a sheet: 1 Each Minute - mostly temperatures and other weather data 2 Upon Change - things happening around the house 3 Three times per day - Forecasts 4 End of Day - Memorializing certain days' events. Please see my post in the attached. Ross
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