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Everything posted by simplextech

  1. The 0.0.9 is correct but it's weird that your display doesn't show the folder value. You could uninstall it and re-install and see.
  2. Odd. I checked and the latest version is showing on GitHub. Seems like it wasn't updated. Did you update it from Polyglot in the "store" section?
  3. Interesting.... gimme a minute...
  4. Still looks like the Admin Console isn't displaying the Folders. I see the box is now created but there's no value. In the previous screenshot of the log I see the folders count which is good. However at the bottom I don't see an entry for updating GV7 which is the folders. Could be Admin Console or not... Restart the NodeServer and then restart the Admin Console and let me know if the Folders shows up with the correct number.
  5. The "folders" count is missing in the screen. Hit the Update Profile button and then restart the admin console. It should show up. If not then you'll have to delete the NodeServer from Polyglot and add it again. Doing profile updates it painful.
  6. Myself if I had normal/standard HVAC I'd opt for a Venstar Wifi thermostat. Unless you already have a good/solid Z-Wave mesh you will have problems with just a Z-Wave thermostat. The Venstar provides remote access/monitoring/control capabilities and the API is local for integration so you don't have any outside "cloud" dependencies if you choose to integrate it. Alas I don't have normal HVAC and I'm stuck with baseboard heating so I have limited options.
  7. It seems I need to update the total count to include the scenes. It's actually odd that it's not in the total as the total is a count of all elements in the "/rest/nodes" return value. I'll look into that. I'll have to see about adding "folders" into the count as well. [Version Update]: Updated version of ISY-Inventory has been pushed. Includes Scenes and Folders to the total count. New Status element for folder count was added. Because of the profile change run the Update Profile from the nodeserver and restart the admin console.
  8. There were talks/plans/ideas of a Zigbee module. I don't think it's available yet... but that's the idea. Having a z-wave or zigbee module and then having the external gateway to provide remote access and to interface with Alexa/Google voice assistants.
  9. The Z-Wave is a module that fits inside the DB2 locks. The Wifi gateway is an external box that communicates to the locks via BlueTooth.
  10. The Alfed lock when used with Z-Wave is local to the controller. When used only with the App it is cloud + Bluetooth for local control from your phone. When combined with the Wifi gateway you can use the mobile app remotely which is cloud based and the gateway connects local via Bluetooth to the lock.
  11. Disclaimer: I do promote and discount the Alfred locks If going with a Z-Wave lock first you want to plan out and ensure you have enough powered devices for a strong mesh. Secondly I do like the Alfred locks and if you couple that with their Wifi bridge you get the best of access and control. The lock can integrate to the ISY via Z-Wave for all of the automation and control plus with the Wifi bridge you can use the mobile app for remote status/control and for configuring user codes.
  12. Oh I'm positive it happens. You should go to their site and register and get access I think before purchasing though? maybe?
  13. Oh that's new to me. I'll have to give that a try!
  14. To my knowledge only 1 ISY can be linked to Alexa/Google for voice control at a time from the same ISY Portal account.
  15. Just making sure you were fully aware that the features/functionality are nothing different than what you may already have. If you really want one message me.
  16. I knew what you were talking about. I still am not impressed by it. Completely different connections? Connections to what? They use standard IR emitters now... welcome to the normal world. Including POE which is great so you don't have to have power..... at your TV? Ok sure maybe you have a remote equipment rack, not uncommon, so now you have to run the IR emitters unless you already have those in place from a real professional installation job with other equipment. Then POE makes sense as you can power from the network switches or dedicated POE injectors. Not uncommon. Looking at the "Pro" 2400 as a single purchase item those "Pro" features have little value to most consumers when the actual functionality of the remote and software is EXACTLY the same as the Harmony Elite. The minor "upgrades" of the hub don't warrant the higher price tag nor the "dealer only" sales tactics of it and there's nothing "Pro" about it in my view. I'm biased so there's that too. But if you already have the equipment rack and pre-wired emitters to make use of the "features" of the "Pro" hub and POE powering options then it's one less item sitting on the TV stand / Entertainment center. Personally there are far better actual "Pro" options available but like I said. I'm biased.
  17. I don't sell Harmony and I can also say I wasn't impressed by it. The so called "pro" offers nothing over the Elite to justify the cost. IMHO...
  18. Probably right. Time to install their own router + firewall for their own LAN to have control of stuff inside their condo and secure their network traffic then.
  19. Why not add a DHCP reservation so the IP never changes? No guess work then.
  20. that would be great.... if I had an Android device this would run on.
  21. oh ok. If you have it set to 5,000 that should be high enough that it's not timing out the connection. But I don't know what the back end is doing. If it's intermittent in responses it might be a time out issue. I don't know if L3 in the event viewer shows network resource information??? Maybe?
  22. I thought i saw the screenshot in your other post? It was 500ms
  23. Play with the timeout settings in the Network Resources. Often it's that simple. Posting the MAC address is pretty harmless especially since I highly doubt your blinds have a direct internet connection
  24. You do that and let me know
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