Since I can't find the Insteon sensors I used to use, I am brand new to Z-Wave, so please forgive this basic question, as I am not quite "getting it." This battery-operated sensor is supposed to be able to report the battery level. Is it possible to get this notification at a specified frequency, like daily or weekly?
The manual says this:
Wake-Up Notification The sensor will wake up every so often and when the case is closed to send a Wake-Up Notification to allow the life line master node controller that the sensor is now available for any queued messages that the controller may have for the sensor. The time between Wake-Up Notifications can be configured with the WakeUp Notification command class to be between 1 hour and 1 week with interval steps of 200 seconds. The sensor will also send a wakeup notification whenever the case is closed.
Link to manual:
Thanks for any help.