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Everything posted by BobM99

  1. Since I can't find the Insteon sensors I used to use, I am brand new to Z-Wave, so please forgive this basic question, as I am not quite "getting it." This battery-operated sensor is supposed to be able to report the battery level. Is it possible to get this notification at a specified frequency, like daily or weekly? The manual says this: Wake-Up Notification The sensor will wake up every so often and when the case is closed to send a Wake-Up Notification to allow the life line master node controller that the sensor is now available for any queued messages that the controller may have for the sensor. The time between Wake-Up Notifications can be configured with the WakeUp Notification command class to be between 1 hour and 1 week with interval steps of 200 seconds. The sensor will also send a wakeup notification whenever the case is closed. Link to manual: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0218/7704/files/ecolink-z-wave-plus-flood-freeze-sensor-flf-zwave5-eco-manual.pdf?3 Thanks for any help. Bob
  2. Hi, yes I read the warning. I posted this to try to get a sense of what to expect. As a novice I didn't expect to see so many of the programs not "make it." Anyway, this may sound like a dumb question, but by "updating" a program, does that mean rewriting it? Or is there an easier way? Thanks again. Bob
  3. Hi, I did the upgrade and this is what I see on programs summary page, a lot of yellow. I'm at a loss what to do now. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks. Bob
  4. Thanks, your reply is very helpful!
  5. I currently use 4.9.0 without a problem. No Z-Wave devices, just some X-10, Insteon, and I connect to Google Home through ISY portal. Should I upgrade the firmware to 5.3.0? The whole "Upgrading to this version may require a lot of manual intervention" has me a little bugged out. I'm not an expert at this. Should I expect any problems? Is it worth it? Thanks.
  6. BobM99

    Vacation routines

    Perfect, thank you all.
  7. BobM99

    Vacation routines

    Thanks for the quick answers! The example above is very helpful, but seems linear. How do I control the activity of multiple lights during the same time period? Do I create a group of programs to be used together? Bob
  8. I am transitioning from X-10 ActiveHome to the UD Administrative Console. This should give you some idea of how far behind the times I am. I have my ISY994i set up to control the X-10 switches. Now I want to set the lights to go on and off to give the house a lived-in look when I'm away. With ActiveHome I had a different routine for each season of the year, 4 different .ahx files that I would download to an X-10 CM11A before I went on vacation, and then remove when I got back. I am lost as to how to create similar routines with the UD Administrative Console, and then activate and deactivate them as needed. I hope I am making sense, and I appreciate any help. Thanks. Bob
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