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Everything posted by TheA2Z

  1. It will be the first upgrade since I got the eisy in Jan. Ill keep monitoring. Where are the SSH instructions to monitor progress? Couldnt find, can you send link?
  2. Just getting around to starting my ISY migration. First step, hooked eisy to ethernet cable and logged in with IoX admin. Clicked Upgrade Packages button. Been about 15m since I hit the button. How long does it take before the eisy shows back up in the IoX finder screen hitting refresh?
  3. Older post, but started having same problem of notifications not being sent. Worked for the test email in ISY but didnt work for others. I had a custom email setting for SMTP. I tried multiple email smtps. Program would not send notification, but worked with ISY test email. To fix, I just use the default checkbox setting for email settings. Works fine from programs now.
  4. @Chris JahnWhen is the next build forecasted to be released?
  5. Thanks @lilyoyo1. I have been in IT and avionics repair for almost 30 years. I get your point as things never go as smoothly as planned. However, there is a difference between bleeding edge new tech that has to have HW and OS kinks worked out compared to a stable system where you have a flukey zwave device install or program debugging that is kicking your butt that you have to try things, back out, and try again. Good to hear you got your polisys working as that is a good to hear that. I was interested in hearing responses from folks that may have a similar ISY install as me and that they were able to get their eisy setup this past week. I know eisy is new and kinks will need to be ironed out. Just would like to hear some success stories with similar setup.
  6. I got my Eisy, PLM kit, and zMatter comes today. As on most forums it is mostly folks posting with problems they are having. I was wondering if anyone with all my items in the title got their Eisy fully setup and functioning? Before I blow a weekend setting up, I want to make sure kinks are worked out. My plan is to backup and restore my ISY config and programs and restore to eisy. Dont currently have Polisy, but I know I will need to setup node server for my ELK alarm. I plan to do clean install of all zwave devices (alot of them). ISY has gotten slow over years as I added zwave devices. Also have some rogue devices that I cant clear/ forget. Best to start clean for me. Interested from you success stories are there any tips or tricks you encountered on your road to success. How long do you think it took you to setup completely? If there are no complete success stories, Ill probably hold off a few weeks to install. As much as I love to tinker on stuff like this, just dont have time right now.
  7. Thanks @dbwarner5
  8. Thanks @Bumbershoot
  9. Thanks @lilyoyo1 Not a hardcore developer and havent used Node Servers so far. Any easy way of getting my isy elk config into the Node Server and integrating with eisy? Anyone have a step by step process?
  10. Eisy is on the way. zMatter shipping 12/27. Currently on isy, elk screens/integration is part of the admin console. When I back up ISY and install in eisy will this ELK setup port over? If not, how do I get Elk setup with eisy?
  11. I just took the plunge and ordered the "whole left side of the menu" for Eisy: Eisy, matter USB, and PLM adapter. Funny I was thinking the exact same thing as original poster when I came across this post. So what is the consensus on migrating over to Eisy from ISY? I was thinking: Backup from ISY and restore config to Easy. Not the zwave restore. Ensure all config looks correct in Eisy and can connect to ELK, variables are in there, programs etcs. Disable all programs in Eisy until I get the zwave devices updated in them to prevent errors in Eisy. I was thinking of keeping both boxes up and migrating device by device starting closest to box to easy and updating programs in Eisy to use the new device. But, seeing last post Im rethinking. So for step two, factory reset all zwave devices up front. I would not think I would need to do an exclude now from Eisy as it should not be in the Eisy zWave controller. So I would just include each factory reset devices one at a time starting from closest device. Then add that device in Eisy to each program that used it in ISY. Rinse wash repeat until all zwaves are in Eisy. What about my Insteon leak detectors. Is it the same process? Thoughts on the approach above or anyone got a better idea?
  12. Not a major update for me. Went from 16 to 16C. No issues.
  13. Michel, Thanks! I upgraded to Pro and Im back in business. I got over 250 nodes and folders. it would be nice if it was more descriptive on the error.
  14. Getting a strange error that I haven't had before. When I try to add a new subfolder to the main screen, I get a pop up that says: "Request Failed." Click ok and it goes away. Nothing shows in the event viewer. I rebooted ISY. Tried again and got error below. Then tried again and got "Request Failed" I have added many folders on the main screen before with no issues. I can add a new folder on the Program tab. Version info below. Anyone have a clue how to fix?
  15. Yes, That would work great. Thanks
  16. Not as much that functionality as much as If Thanksgiving, Memorial day, or Labor Day, etc. These dates change each year. Easy for me to program fixed date holidays like 7/4, 12/25, or 1/1. Barring any solution i just update holiday dates one during the new year in the programs.
  17. Thanks all. I just used the native Month, Day, and Year in ISY that Bumbershoot referenced. Didnt know they were there. It doesnt solve the knowing when the holidays are for those that fall on different dates each year. Ill just have to manually program them each year. Im using this to send birthday, holiday type text info to my Elk panel displays on those days. I also plan to use them to control LED stair lighting changing the color of the lights based on the holiday. My next foray, not related to date, is adding motorized blinds to my ISY. Home automation is like crack (not that I have used it). Always looking for something else to automate...
  18. Ive have reviewed the forums and searched but i havent seen any really good options on having date variables to be used by ISY programs for If statements. Ive seen a program set that I can add that does it programmatically in the ISY. My concern is how accurate it will be over time and get out of sync. Questions Are their any calls that can be made with the ISY to the ISY portal or Polyglot that will enable me to store a Month, a Day, and Year variable in my ISY that I can then use in my programs? Also, Are there any services that will enable me to capture if the day is a holiday? Some are easy that are tied to days like July 4th is 7/4 and Christmas is 12/25. I am interested in having a variable like sMemorialDayToday and be able to set it to 1 if it is Memorial Day. Thanks A2Z
  19. Ive a couple of questions. I have been using the program for a couple of years. I started with the original version then went to the version with the VariableControl 2a and 2b programs. 1) Since the original program in this thread was not modified to the variable 2a and 2b version, does that mean we should use the original? Were there issues? 2) In the screen shot attached, I noticed in the original variable 1 program an else clause that I have not been running. The original var 1 program has an else set leak variable to 1. Since in a no leak condition this else clause will run, wont the leak variable always be a 1 no matter if the Var 2 program sets it to a 2, or the Var 3 program sets it to a 3? The var 1 program will always reset the leak variable to 1 immediately. What am I missing?
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