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Hoosier Daddy

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Community Answers

  1. So you saw the message “start.jnlp was blocked” and clicked on the Run Anyway button?
  2. I didn't explicitly import the certificate, so I think it happens when you first run the start.jnlp and get a Mac OS warning that the app developer is unknown. Here is how to override the warning and complete the install: I'm on Mac OS Sonoma 14.5. The 'Privacy & Security' setting to allow identified developers looks like this (it may look a little different if you're on a different OS version, but the selection is in there somewhere). Since UDI is not identified, maybe this doesn't matter so much, but I select it anyway: Now, when you double-click the start.jnlp file, you should get this popup: Select OK, then open Privacy & Security settings again and notice that "start.jnlp" was blocked. Select 'Open Anyway' to install Launcher: I think this process installs their app signing certificate. Since you said earlier that you don't see this certificate as being installed, then I'm assuming that you've never successfully installed that Launcher.
  3. Do you see the Universal Devices trusted certificate? (click on Manage Certificates...)
  4. I'd bet you're going to like the Ecobees. The only active control I do with IoX is adjusting the humidity set point for my upstairs Ecobee when the dehumidifier kicks on. I want it to run for at least 30 minutes. Otherwise, I can only say that I'm very impressed with their cloud service reliability as well as the hardware. I added 3 new thermostats recently to 3 remote shops that I monitor around town and they all showed up on my Admin Console w/o any action on my part. Kudos to the node server developer, @Jimbo.Automates, too! Well worth the cost. My only worry is that the Ecobee server might go away some day.
  5. @paulbates, out of curiosity, why not use the Insteon sensors?
  6. That would be my assumption. A good question for the developer @Jimbo.Automates. The NS configuration shows parameters shortPoll set at 60 and longPoll at 180 (seconds?).
  7. I don't use the Ecobee window/door sensors so I'm not sure how they would show up in the AC, but their temperature/occupancy Smartsensors do show up and can be accessed by IoX. The occupancy reporting takes a while and isn't suitable for lighting control, but adequate for a security related program. Here's an Ecobee thermostat:
  8. Weather station works for me too, although I'd rather use interior light sensors to give me more flexibility regarding which rooms need the extra light. I use a Weatherflow Tempest weather station that outputs both brightness (lux) and solar (W/m2). I use two programs lines to control my 'cloudy day lights': one turns them on when lux is less than 15,000; other turns them off when lux greater than 18000. @paulbates, please post your solution if you find one. Thanks.
  9. @Michel Kohanim, restarting didn't fix the problem for me after updating to 3.2.9. My Eisy is on 5.7.0 / 3.2.9 now, and I've had to manually re-enable all programs for the past 3 or 4 updates.
  10. Haha, no involvement with that company at all. My neighbor was an executive at Carrier Corp and told me about them years ago. I finally decided to spend the cash last year and was blown away by the improvement. There are several rooms where I can now feel air circulation for the first time. That’s how much loss I had. I’ve never seen them advertise or reviewed. I’d be interested if anyone else reading this has heard of them. As I wrote earlier, my attic supply and return ducts were so poorly installed that the aeroseal was a huge difference maker. A decent installation probably wouldn’t have the dramatic result that I got. I think your assessment of the heat pump with gas aux is spot on. I had that configuration for about 12 years. It worked OK and I could have kept it going but I needed a new system upstairs and had a lot of other work done so they gave me a great price to replace the downstairs unit too with gas and regular a/c. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. FWIW, I wouldn’t consider a heat pump in Kansas City. They need to switch to aux heat at around 15F, and put out uncomfortably cool air even when it’s not that cold outside. I’m in Indianapolis and have used heat pumps, gas with standard a/c, and hybrid systems (gas combined with a heat pump). I have 2 systems, one up and one down. For me, the flexibility of hybrid where I could change the aux heat cut-in temperature depending on gas and electric prices sounded great but wasn’t worth the extra cost of a heat pump. Upstairs, I switched from a heat pump only (with resistance aux heat $$$) to gas heat and it made the upstairs comfortable last winter for the first time in 31 years. A heat pump will never put out air that feels warm in this climate and I find that not worth maybe saving a few bucks. Best kept secret in HVAC is AeroSeal. Night & Day difference in air flow and comfort, especially upstairs where my ducting is in an attic. It stops leakage that was leaving my building envelope up there.
  12. @skunkiechris, did you come up with a solution?
  13. Good question @DennisC. I'm not certain. However, I should have been able to see eisy as an available AP on my phone's wifi settings. I'm expecting another support call soon and I'll ask then. If you're not already doing this, I highly recommend using the UD Mobile app for managing the eisy. It has become very capable and helpful with the Admin and Settings tab.
  14. Press the power button twice. This toggles AP on/off.
  15. The root problem causing eisy to crash was that it was in AP mode. I should have been able to diagnose that myself. I have other PG3 licensing problems, probably also caused by me during migration, but PG3 and eisy are now stable. I can't say enough good things about UDI's technical support. I have never experienced such a high level of responsiveness and capability. Michel gave me his time for free but I chose to run a charge through for an hour of programming and support. I suggest that anyone who can afford to do so, please consider paying for support when your issue is clearly not a bug.
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