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Everything posted by bocaray

  1. Finally gave up and went to Gmail account settings. All works good now. Thanks Frontier (schmucks!)
  2. Yes both firmware and UI. Extended the timeout to 8 seconds but email is spotty and unreliable. Every 3rd email gets sent. Will try GMAIL this weekend but I suspect it is Frontier.
  3. Version 4.5.4
  4. NOT gmail. Using Frontier communications email. Worked flawlessly for more than a year. Just recently (after release update) that issues have started. Really, "meaningless?", obviously I meant 'latest official release' when I said firmware. What ABOUT the UI??? Sort of meaningless? What are you asking?
  5. So now I discovered that if I wait several minutes then it will send another email 'test'. Not sure how long to wait but I just waited ~30 minutes. This may explain why multiple conditions that are to send emails do not happen consistently. Are there timelimits in the firmware???
  6. 994 latest firmware. When I clear the email setting and reenter my Frontier info and then hit test - it send a test message BUT only 1 time. If I hit test again or on any other group I get a error. Using same settings as outlook. smtp.frontier.com / port 25 /4 secs. Double check address and password and confirmed correct. Why it send the first test but no others is driving me crazy.
  7. Email has been working great until now via frontier. Updated firmware and getting "Mail server failure [password not accepted]" Nothing has changed! Password works from IE and Chrome? Tried to use gmail, same error. Can't seem to figure this out. Worked great for a long, long time but now not working. Any ideas? Getting tired of trying set up over and over again with no result.
  8. Received a response to my email from SmartHome and they said that they are sending replacements out in batches and would add me to thier list. Nice customer service, I must say.
  9. No email from SmartHome. I checked email address and sent an email to thier customer service today. Don't know if they respond. Emails appear to have been going out since Feb. and I have not received one. Anyone know who to contact directly at SmartHome?
  10. Michel, Don't think they are the new ones. I had them for more than a year now. Will new dongles perform differently?
  11. Ok, went well as usual except for one thing. Why do I always loose the connnection with my thermostat (2441v V.91)? It now requires that I physically be there to re-link the device. This issue is a real hassel for anyone that wants to perform any updates remotely. So now I can't control it until I return home in a few weeks. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this on further updates? Thanks
  12. Ok. Changed to port 8443. As for routers that don't forward Public-to-private, you might want to check out the Watchguard Firebox x Edge. Seems getting any info is like pulling teeth. It may have this feature, but I can't find it or any info on "how to". Anyway, thanks for the help. It's now at https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8443/admin and works fine.
  13. Finally got it to work but am concerned. Maybe I shouldn't be. I was able to allow TCP port 443 to be open and can now access my ISY-99i using "https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/admin" Since this uses 443 port does this make me very open to hacking? I can't seem to find a method to forward say port 60000 to port 443 and make it a little safer. Should this be a concern or am I being too cautious? Opinion welcome.
  14. Thanks. It still seems a little above my network knowledge but I'll give it a shot.
  15. Does anyone have any information on how to get external internet access to the ISY-99 thru a Watchguard Firebox Edge? I'd like to control the ISY-99 using the internet when I am not home. Information is very sparse and incomplete.
  16. Ok, just upgraded and this time unplugged the PLM then plugged it back in and all went well. Thanks
  17. Michel, I will NOT do a hard reset at the next update but instead WILL unplug the PLM, wait a few minutes, and plug it back in. Will let you know how it goes! Thanks
  18. Also guys, 1) I noticed that if you create a New Program and save it, its icon on the left will show it as Not Enabled eventhough the 'Enabled' box was checked. The fix is easy, just uncheck, check again and save and it goes away. Very minor issue, but thought you would want to know. 2) Is there any way to trigger a notification if any device fails communication or goes into an 'unknown' state (e.g. Not on or Not off)? Thanks
  19. Will do! Next update I will do the "Hard Reset" and record the results. BTW: Now that the motion sensors had to be re-linked, is there any method to clear the "Writing" icon other than having to press the setup button on the motion senors again? My motion sensors are not easy to get to, as they shouldn't be. Thanks
  20. Guys, While every update seems to go well, I always have to re-establish links to any motion detector and my thermostat. They stop communicating after any update. Just thought you would want to know. It's a pain to relink every time.
  21. Guys, My Thermostat Adapter displays the set temp value correctly but the Unit of Measure is says Centigrade "©" not Fahrenheit “(F)â€? Is this an error or do I need to configure something different (re-install)? FYI: I don't know why but every few weeks I lose communication with it and I am forced to re-install it???
  22. Found it! Discovered the "Write updates to device" command. Duh...
  23. Yes, have Pro version. Please explain "delay automatic writes"???
  24. How do I remove the 'write' symbol from some of the devices???
  25. Ok, worked great! All seems good now. Thanks
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