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    Fujitsu DWDM/SONET tech support for major nationwide telco

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  1. never mind, i figured it out... thanks again!
  2. Ok that’s part of it. What about the scene settings? Thank you
  3. Sometime on my old ISY prior to upgrading to a newer one recently, I must have deleted the Query All scene under the Main tab, and now the QueryAll program reads "Response type 10" in the Then field When I upgraded to a new ISY, I used the most recent backup to import all the scenes. Does anyone have what the Scene for Query all should say/do and reply back here (will also be helpful to those who may have deleted it in error)? Also, what is Response type 10? I am assuming this program should not have this. thank you
  4. Ok, so after finally taking the time to call ecobee support (ends up they didnt pinpoint the issue at all, but I stumbled across what was causing the issue after speaking with their support dude). I wanted my Alexa commands for everything house related on a separate Amazon account, not tied to my CC for multiple reasons. When I finally got the new Amazon account built (that required calling cust svc to get the second account activated), I went into alexa.amazon.com from my pc (cant do on mobile app) and deactivated skills and devices. I signed onto the new Amazon account, and a couple days after doing this, added the ecobee thermostats to integrate with Alexa. While talking to the guy today, I decided to try getting the ecobee built on the primary Amazon account and see if it had something to do with multifactor authentication, because on the secondary account, it was not active because I dont have an extra cell phone to tie to that account, and the same phone number cannot be used twice. When i logged into Alexa with the primary account info, i was shocked to see all devices still there including the thermostats. I went through and deleted every scene, device, thermostat, deleted and verified all skills were bye-bye, and then deleted all Echos. I logged into the secondary account, and started re-adding Echos. Then added skills, then discovered devices, then re-linked the ecobee thermostats one at a time. everything works now... hope the solution to this fiasco helps someone else down the line... thanks everybody
  5. No other scenes kitchen. It happens with all scenes or voice commands. Hoping to try a couple more things over the weekend
  6. Yes that’s what I’ve been doing.
  7. Actually I did not clear those out (it was my understanding the MobiLinc portal used the spoken names inside the admin console, and the ud portal used only the spoken names entered via their web portal. I will take the local ones out and see what happens. Ty for this suggestion. And ty for the air gap suggestion… I didn’t even think about that! Lol
  8. @mcisar, question, I have been having trouble with this as well, and previously was using mobilinc portal to communicate with alexa... I switched over to the isy portal, and through this, i end up getting duplicate entries for scenes etc, where mobilinc if i did another discover, did not get duplicates (but never took the time to try to dim/brighten). I have only been using the Isy portal for a couple weeks now, and every time I try to make a change, I have to do a forget all/discover to keep from getting duplicate entries. I still cannot get dim/brighten to work, and I have tried scene, device, ensuring light is selected etc. Are you writing programs for the dim/brighten to work, or are you just using the device and importing it via the portal to Alexa? are you specifying a single device, or specifying the scene as a device? the reason why i am asking, say you have 3 devices linked as a scene due to 3-way switch locations, if you specify only a specific device, do you have to make sure it is the one that has the load wire connected? other than unscrewing the devices from the wall to identify which ones have the load connected, I dont know another way to determine which one is the primary device because I started my Insteon installation about 8 years ago, and I am finally trying to complete it.
  9. Have you tried doing a factory reset on the device and building it back in? Since I have been troubleshooting this problem, I have been doing a forget all/discover from my pc since I have been troubleshooting this since you cant forget all from the app on the phone... very annoying...
  10. i agree... I emailed ecobee support, no response other than their usual auto-form response, I dont have time to call and spend several hours trying to fight my way up the chain to someone who will acknowledge there is a problem and issue a ticket to fix it with their developers. for now, I posted an Amazon review spelling out the bug and an annoying result of turning the microphone off at each device, hoping one of their people read the post and actually forward it to a developer... I am hoping i get caught up in the next couple weeks where I will have time to call
  11. Yes it works on all the other echos
  12. Yes I did a forget and rediscover several times
  13. I have a strange problem that I dont know if it is Ecobee, Amazon, or the UD Portal causing the issue... I am thinking it is not the UD Portal, but who knows, i could be wrong.... I have searched the forums and done basic internet searches, but am coming up empty. I have the Ecobee skill enabled (I have tried both Ecobee skills and it happens with both enabled), and I have the UD Portal skill enabled. If I issue a voice command, say I have a scene called "Kitchen Island" for the main kitchen lights, with spoken word "kitchen" built as a scene, categorized as a light The ecobee thermostats (i have 2) which are both ecobee 5, with built in Alexa, both say "the skill linked with kitchen is not enabled, please enable the skill to control this device". I unplugged every Echo device near either thermostat, and verified that when I say to turn this scene on, the scene does not turn on. If I mute the microphone on the thermostat, the microphone icon goes red and stays red, and the light bar at the top of the thermostat turns red and stays red. I have disabled and reenabled the skills and it keeps happening. Ideas?
  14. i figured out a workaround... this requires knowing what the original name was of the device prior to renaming it in the Main folder. go to programs tab, right click on the program, select export to clipboard... open notepad++ or some other plain text editor and paste into the blank page. You will see xml code. you can do a replace all text (in my program I replaced ZW002 with ZW005) and there will be an ID for the name of the program. You can edit this here or wait until you import it back into the programs then rename. Once changes are made, right click the folder you want the program to be in, and select import from clipboard.
  15. Got a response on the ticket: Unfortunately that’s as designed because it’s very difficult to figure out which devices are compatible (should you have the same values for a toilet vs. floodlight?). And, apologies, we have no plans for changing this.
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