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Everything posted by Dub

  1. I haven’t bought any of these but I have a friend who has. I’m not sure which dimmers you are specifically looking for from Zooz but here are some different color paddles. https://www.thesmartesthouse.com/products/replacement-color-paddles-for-zooz-700-dimmers-zen72-zen77
  2. Good news! Thank you for sharing @Techman
  3. I’m referring to the pictures at the beginning of this thread. You can see the word “home” beside “eisy”, but I saw The thread I was referring to was this. You are probably caught up it may have sounded like I was talking about a different post. You may also notice earlier in this thread Michel mentions and “basic” and a “next” with upgraded hardware on the “next”.
  4. Just got an email from Insteon aka Ken. My email address with hub subscription still has not gotten additional updates. After a suggestion from @MrBill I registered a new email address and got this update. Ken is asking for feedback on a survey for products to incorporate into their app and what you use to control them. What I saw was important was that it specifically mentioned 3rd party solutions albeit it was with Insteon solutions but I marked that to encourage supporting 3rd party control.
  5. Ok wasn’t sure if the node info was in the same order on the new port. The only thing I can think of that might be different about my confit is I used the IP address in the config and not the hostname.
  6. I verified mine updates according to the polling interval too. One thing I did at first @btreinderswas I was looking at the "Mute" being "Off". At a glance it looked like my Denon was off when it was on. Its on the left hand side of the AC, and the power is on the right hand side.
  7. Dub

    PG3 - AVRemote

    It worked with my Denon as well. Thank you again!!
  8. I would very much consider a VPN vs port forwarding rule. It's a little more effort but eliminates the risk. I thought port 3000 might be an obscure port and "fly under the radar" but my search shows its a Bit-Torrent port on the open internet, so that might make your router a little more attractive for random hackers. I would actually recommend to not open any port on your firewall inbound.
  9. Dub

    PG3 - AVRemote

    Thank you @jjc. I was hoping someone would take this over. I have 2 Denon AVR-1913's. I tested one in Home Assistant already, but have started testing Network Resources on my IoP on the other Denon. I'm not in any rush to do anything right now, so I could be a low pressure tester for Denon if you want me to try anything specific. Feel free to PM or we can start another thread if there's anything specific you want me to try. Otherwise I will try to find some time to load the NS and see how it goes with my Denon. Thanks again!!
  10. Very much agreed. I saw this about Z-Wave after posting my previous response. One thing to keep in mind Z-Wave is not the answer to all your problems. You may want to read some threads on the forum about Z-Wave, there is some good, and some bad and make up your own mind if want to rush or wait on EISY. I think for a long term ISY/Insteon user you might find Z-Wave frustrating as there are some nuances with Z-Wave. As far as upgrading to Polisy vs EISY(soon to be available), there is no OTA firmware upgrade for Z-Wave on Polisy. That is one capability Michel has mentioned will be available in EISY. Another thing to consider with EISY is it will have Matter support(I am still on the fence about Matter as I want to see what it will do, but the EISY will have the best of all worlds.) Since there is a lot going here, here's a summary of the recommendations: -Stay on your current firmware of ISY(I trust Geddy on this) -Research Z-Wave on the UDI forums -Wait for EISY and contact UDI support about your upgrade path and requirements for what you have now -Wait for Insteon hardware availability for short term needs or shorter term needs buy used on eBay(some prices are starting to come down) I think your linchpin is your 32 bit applications and I understand that. One thing I will consider a WIN for UDI and Java, is the Admin Console worked on my MacBook with M1 chip. I wasn't locked to an older OS or chipset. There are a lot of complaints about Java here in the forums, but it seems to be the least of the issue here compared to the 32 bit applications you need. The fact my Admin Console ran with no headaches on Mac M1, thats a win in my book.
  11. Very much agreed with this @CPeterson If no issues definitely wait. Let me know if you need help with trying to get the admin.jnlp directly from the ISY, but instructions above from Geddy should be all you need. Im not sure on if you will be better prepared. I am not familiar with the upgrade paths. One thing to note is UDI is coming out with the EISY....It will be the newer version of the hardware with Matter support. It might be worth opening a ticket with UDI support about your upgrade path to EISY. Unless you need a newer version or UDI support recommends the upgrade, I would say "if its fixed dont break it", only because you have other dependencies for your device. From what I can tell the Start.jnlp has to connect to UDI, so you need internet and launching the Admin Console may just be taking longer on the ISY. The admin.jnlp should fix that. Thank you for mentioning this, I had forgotten that about the specific version. Im guessing the M1 chip isn't making this any easier. I can confirm the Polisy with Java works on my MacBook Pro with M1 chip if anyone needs to know. Im not sure I would update just yet, unless you really need to. I just saw this reply as I was typing everything else above. Geddy is the best, thank you for the ISY info!!
  12. Sounds like the summary is you got your Java updated, but the ISY Finder won't launch on the version of Mac OS you are on. I looked it up the Mac OS version you are on and it was originally released in 2017. I totally understand the dependency on the older version of Mac OS since you have programs that depend on it. I would think eventually you will have other issues with other programs on this version of MacOS. As far as missing out I don't think so, it just sounds like you are failing a version check in the ISY Finder that is not in the Start.jnlp. Until recently I was running the Start.jnlp instead of ISY Finder, because of some confusion on my part and both ways of launching showed the same interface. I am on a different hardware and version as I'm on Polisy and v5.4.4 @Geddy is there any difference in the Admin Console whether it launches from ISY Finder or Start on the ISY? @CPeterson I think ultimately you will have to make some decision about upgrading your Mac and how to use the programs you need, but you don't have to solve that today. I can imagine issues like this may creep up with other applications and possible web browsers.
  13. Can you check your Java version again? I wonder if it actually updated when you saw the rotating circle. I have updated Java once on my Mac since getting my Polisy. I have gotten the rotating circle a few times with Java, but not frequently and I don't remember any issues with upgrading. I was launching my Admin Console every time with the Start.jnlp until working with Geddy a little bit and getting a better understanding. You Should have an icon on your desktop now "ISY Launcher", if it works the same as it does with Polisy. This is how I launch now and should be faster. There are some ways to remove Java, but I don't think you need to try that until you verify again what version of Java you are on, just in case it has been upgraded in the background of the other issues. Since Im not a long term UDI/ISY user, I would be hesitant upgrading the ISY until the Java issue is resolved and updated. I would think you want to be on the latest version of Java first.
  14. @Bumbershootand @Hoosier Daddyare right on. Adding https://forum.universal-devices.com won't help unfortunately, but you could try adding the IP address of your ISY device. Edit: Info added, nothing above changed. I went back reread your post. Adding the IP address will not help at this point, until you can run the Start.JNLP. Making the change suggested above(in the (Security and Privacy Settings) should help. Here is a screenshot of the Setting mentioned above.
  15. I'm guessing your question about how often is related to time??? As I understand the manual of the device is it reports when the lighting changes by a certain percent not at time intervals. By default this should report when a 10% change occurs as you mentioned. It looks like you can set this sensor to report from 5-50% by changing the parameter. The Zooz Zen 32 is closest I have found. I don't have any experience with Z-Wave outdoor rated sensors, but if I were to try one I would try Zooz.
  16. I was just about to reply as well with a screen shot of setting it up in a program when I saw @lilyoyo1 response. I'm glad he did cause he is a Z-Wave Guru! I tried to add it as a controller to a scene test, but it will only add as a responder. I was thinking it would be difficult to do with a scene since this shows up a multi-level sensor in my Polisy. Hopefully this will help a bit to see what it would it look like in a program.
  17. Yes it does! @MrBillalways has Pro Tips! I love them. Good one too. It popped up as I was replying. @MrBillThank you for this. That does sound much easier!!! I like that I understand the NR as a backup, but I will be looking at this as well.
  18. You could use Network Resources. Here’s a forum post that gives the process. There are a few YouTube videos that show some how to’s if you search for Hue. I’m using NR. There are several Hue users here so you will probably get some good input from others too! Edit: I’m using 8 button KPL and they work great with NR.
  19. @MrBillis the master troubleshooter and I love following along when he is helping. I do like to clarify a bit and be sure I understand and especially for others that may read later. The biggest problem with random problems is they are random. If I can duplicate it I can usually fix it is something I heard said once. These are 4 things that you could try to help clarify what may be happening. If Mr Bill comes back with conflicting advice to mine take his!! I would! I think I read he is offline a lot at night in another post, so trying to give you some "homework" that may help. What I wasn't clear on if you get the notification when the iRobot is actually stuck. Do you get the notifications when the iRobot is stuck? 1) Change or add items to the Then statements as (Mr Bill Recommended). I usually choose a variable and increment it by one to get a count, but since there is a question about the variables, I think something like a light like Mr Bill suggested is a better option. I have used the Virtual Switch Node Server here too it will eliminate you missing the light or someone in the house turning it off before you notice. 2) Change your notification message on the Then statement to send to a Network Resource to the API if using Pushover. Then you can tell if its this Program or Something else triggering it. You can either send the Network Resource to the Pushover API or the API on the Node Server. (The node server will retry if there is an error where a Network Resource to Pushover is one time send with no retry if there is an error) 3) If there actually is a problem with being notified when the iRobot is stuck, try changing the variable if possible manually on the IFTTT site(I assume this possible, but I don't use IFTTT). If not skip this step. 4) Disable the Program if the messages happen frequently enough and see if you still get them while the Program is disabled. Edit(info added): If you do get messages and you have done #4 look at the Programs Summary View and see what Programs ran when you got the message. It might be helpful to get some screenshots too. If you ARE getting messages when the iRobot is stuck, but also getting random messages when it is not, I think what Mr Bill says below is correct and you need to look at other places where you are using the Notifications. #4 will help you here. When I had the wrong message last night I was pretty sure I had gotten the right options like you have in your program, but I was getting the wrong message. It was probably operator error(me), but the Network Resources are more absolute. I am also on Polisy using the Notification Node Server. One last question to think about. Was this ever working and what changed since it stopped? I know this is not a solution, but hopefully this will help gather more information. If you need help with the Network Resource set up, PM and we can keep the post focused on the random issues.
  20. @btreindersThis is exactly the problem I was having last night when testing something. I switched to a dedicated Network Resource call to the Pushover API to help narrow down if it was program I was testing or another one. One other thing to clarify. Is the iRobot actually getting stuck? Or is that what you mean by random messages?
  21. You could try setting the variable manually to 1 to be sure it triggers the notification and make sure the Program runs, but your suspicions of the variable not getting set because of the time stamp above sounds right.
  22. Good insights. I don't have a lot of experience with it, but I'm thinking eliminating the moving parts eliminates failure points. Ironically had just started testing this, with an extra plug I have and so far works good, but Im only about 36 hours in. I don't have anything on my dryer yet, but I'm glad to know this is an option(it might be difficult for me to get something in place on my exhaust vent as its built into brick and has 4 openings and not the one big flat opening door. I am comfortable with the electrical wiring more than I am tearing out my exhaust vent. To compensate for the "idle"(unit not on or off), I'm monitoring a threshold on the washer slightly above idle and alert when the washer has 0 load. Fortunately my washer doesn't have any vampire load when off so when its off there is 0 showing for the load. I'm hoping the dryer is the same. If not I appreciate having the vent as an option. I will try to remember to follow back up here once I have a little more time in with current solution.
  23. One other thought. If she has a Windows PC, you could start small and cheaper. Buy the minimum of the dongle and the 120v adapter above, use Virtual Box to run HA on the Windows PC. The downside is the Windows PC has to be up and running all the time. This would allow the project to start small, get some value early, and then spend more on a Pi and the 240 volt switch.
  24. Zooz USB 700 - $25.95 Smartest House Zooz Zen 15 120V 15 Amp Hvy Duty/Appl - $29.95 Smartest House Aeotec 240 Volt 40 Amp - $98.58 Amazon That would run the automations on Home Assistant, plus the cost of the Raspberry Pi. It's a little cheaper than the $300, and would get started with Z-Wave because of needing a dongle for the smart plugs to report back. We all know Automation is addictive and your friend might have more needs later after seeing the value of the notifications.
  25. @Dave-N1DCHAs you can see from our posts the Z-Wave secondary controller topic is confusing and that’s why I think we both want to see the article. I haven’t found anything good about and thought I would share a picture of my Qolsys where it shows it will shift to being secondary but it will NOT! Great news! Thank you for keeping us in the loop!
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