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Everything posted by satwar

  1. Well I finally got a real snow event and the snow sensor worked perfectly. Thanks to all for your patience in guiding me down in the correct path.
  2. Well it took awhile to figure out where the temperature detector was hidden, but I put a few drops of water in the top and gave every surface I could get to a freeze spray and then suddenly the snow alarm turned on. Waited a few minutes and then the heater turned off. Sorry Ella, but I was working off the top of a ladder and climbed up and down was tiring so I didn't get your DC voltage reading. It looks like everything is working fine. I seemed to have two problems, a tricky simulation of winter snow and a lack of understanding the electronics of the controller. Thanks everyone. Interesting to see how the device will work in a real snow storm.
  3. Perfect, the I2 circuit of the EZIO2x4 turned on, when I tied -24 volt to the I2- terminal. I will conduct Ella's test once I get some freeze spray
  4. Yes I apologize for not revealing the device, because I didn’t want to get into side issues of how the device works. The device is a snow sensor which measures both air temperature (must be below 38 F) and moisture (snow flakes melting on sensor). The freeze spray is for testing purposes only. Once the device has been cooled down with freeze spray the procedure is to add a few drops of water to the sensor. You have been extremely helpful in learning how to configure the EZIO2x4. The only thing left to test is the sensor itself.
  5. You know this may simply be a problem not getting the device consistently cold enohh
  6. I get 24 volts between 24 V - and I2- terminal with the device powered up but not sending an output signal. When conditions are right the device is supposed send an output signal, which in turn links to EZIO2x4 to update the on/off status. The device is very sensitive to outside temperature and I have to keep the device consistently cold before the device will operate. The weather is highly variable right now, which makes the testing very challenging. I'm on the hunt for some freeze spray to cool down to a consistently low temperature.
  7. The EZIO2x4 is approximately 40 feet from the new device, and using 18awg wire. The manufacturer says you can run the device 500 ft with 22 awg wire or 1000 with 18 awg for 1000 ft. Yes I thought the new device was running when I first installed but soon the signal became intermittent and lately doesn't run at all. I should also note that the device is very sensitive to outdoor temperature, and I haven't been able to keep the device cold enough to start running yet. The manufacturer recommends using some freeze spray., which I must purchase.
  8. Sorry for the confusion, but I haven't had circuit 2 working, at least unreliable at best. That being said if you want me to rewire back to "new device.pdf" anyway, no problem, but we shouldn't go back under the mistaken impression that circuit 2 was ever working. As a test I rewired circuit 2 as circuit 1 and found that the alarm behaved correctly and alarmed for circuit 2. Most of the connections were tested with this test and all seemed to work, so I'm don't believe the problem is with the EZIO2x4.
  9. Okay, thank you, I think I understand what you are saying and you are satisfied with the most recent schematic I've sent. Now that I have a blueprint to follow, how do you suggest that I troubleshoot to figure out what's going wrong
  10. Well I put my best foot forward, and yielded the attached schematic. I've stared at these drawings for days. As a side note, I don't understand how the optical isolation works. I seems you connect to I2 + terminal and then to I2 - terminal and the isolation hpapens forum.pdfly ?
  11. Looks like I don't have this problem resolved yet, and it seems that the reason may be that I didn't pay enough attention to your comment about the common wire. Are you saying I need to tie together the GND to the common wire (black wire in drawing). Sorry if this is tedious. Thanks again for the help. new device.pdf
  12. Well I think I have it working. One circuit with supply +5VDC to I1+, then I1- to external dry contact to GND on EZIO2x4 Second circuit with supply +24VDC to I2+, then I2- to external dry contact to common wire The two circuits work independently, and work appropriately by displaying the status of EZIO2x4
  13. Well I wasn't expecting that I'd have to run a wire tying GND to the black Common. Thank you so much Brian, this forum has some enormous talent. I didn't expect to get into such deep water. I think I've had enough electronics on this project.
  14. Perhaps this picture will help clarify. It looks to me like I just have to run the control wire to the EZIO2x4 I2- terminal and secondly connect a wire from the EZIO2x4 +5 VDC terminal to the I2+ terminal. scan1.pdf
  15. I am connecting a device which runs on 24 VDC and uses a third wire running from the device to ground through a switch to differentiate between ON-OFF status. I was planning to use a EZIO2x4 to connect +5 VDC terminal of EZIO2x4 to I2(or I1)+ and then connect third wire from the device's control signal output to terminal I2(or I1) -. Thanks in advance
  16. Hurray, the new EZIO2x4 fixed my problem with unstable input readings. I noticed that the module is much heavier than the first edition Thank you for your thoughts and advise.
  17. I’ll short both I3 &. I4 and try I1 & I2 again. Sadly I have not observed any change that was useful. Both the I1 & I3 circuit are stuck at the ON state. I have both
  18. Well what do you know, I got I3 working on the first try. Now I'll try shorting out the unused I4 and see if that works. ?
  19. Well I have a 2413S PLM. The EZIO2x4 has got the pass-through 110v receptacle on the front face and I think it is old. I'm trying to understand how to get I3, I4 working. I was thinking of using a dry contact but I3 & I4 has only one wire so where is the circui I took out my volt meter on I1 and found the 5 volts was present when the dry contact closed. The only problem is that the state of the input monitor on ISY 994 is not showing change of.state correctly.
  20. Where did you get your version 0f Simple Home Utility Suite v 2.03b . I seem to have trouble with my version in that it acts much like yours the first time I use it 2 x Input & 2 x Alm (I can access all four inputs) but then changes to 3 x Inputs the next time I run it. When I went to take a look at the eziomodule it was flashing like a Christmas tree. There was no state showing for I1, I2, I3 & I4 on the isy994. Another dumb question I have is how do the use (I3 or I4) as digital inputs besides adding a 10k ohm pull up resistor between terminals +5vdc and (I3 or I4.) ?
  21. I'm using the GND terminal on the EZIO2x4. Right now i have all the ground wires twisted together with a Marr connector with a single wire going to the GND terminal. Well I tried relocating the EZIO2x4 3 or 4 feet away, but still didn't work any better. I'm still getting flaky signals. Maybe I've fried the thing with all the experimentation ?
  22. Well I gained a lot of knowledge today but it's still not right. I double checked all my wire connections on the EZIO2x4. Perhaps if I move the EZIO2x4 away from the other devices I can reduce some interference. Thanks again.
  23. Thanks very much. The only problem I have so far is that I4 is tied to ground but still shows "on". I may have reversed the on/off display in SHN utility at one time. Well the SHN utility only goes to Input 3, so I'm out of luck changing Input 4. lin
  24. I seem to be having a floating state (ON & OFF) problem on the Inputs of my EZIO2x4. Pull up resistor on Isolated inputs: Many articles suggest adding a 10k ohm pull up resistor, by connecting the +5V terminal on EZIO2x4 to the I1+ (Isolated Input) terminal and then connect the I1- (Isolated Input) to my external "dry" contact and then return to the ground terminal on the EZIO2x4. This works for a while but eventually the state changes. Pull up resistor on Digital inputs: Can add 10k ohm pull up resistor between +5V terminal and D1+&D2+ but then how do I complete the circuit. Grounding unused inputs: I'm only using one input so the others should be grounded. The EZIO2x4 inputs lit up like a Christmas tree. Thanks for the help. I have failed miserably.
  25. Well I finally got my new Schlage lock working. It certainly wasn't as easy as it should be. Kudos to the ISY wiki documentation for guiding me through the major steps of "Z-Wave Configuring Range Extenders and Door Locks". The correct order of steps seems to be very iimportant The Z-wave Aeotec Repeaters worked fine but it would sure help if the proper set of instructions was included in the box. Fortunately the proper instructions were posted on the web site, and agreed with the ISY wiki. For some reason the first try didn't work, it was connected, but not securely. I excluded and then ran included and it came up securely on the second try. I now had the Repeaters working, and tried to add the lock, but it wouldn't include, even after several includes and excludes. I finally remembered someone posting that disconnecting the battery in the lock for a few seconds, and it worked immediately.
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