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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. I don't see why it would double trigger. Alexa will trigger it only once. Benoit
  2. There are no plans to do that. Completion of a program is under normal circumstances quick, and it's what confirms that the action worked. If the program takes too much time, I think it should be triggered by a state variable. Benoit
  3. I suspect the duration of the program too. If this is not complete withing a few seconds, it will timeout and Alexa will give an error message. FYI, there are no retry mecanism. Benoit
  4. This is most likely because you don't have any network resources created in the admin console.
  5. An email address must be unique. So he must have had removed that email address from his account, so you could use it elsewhere. His account still exists, and still have that ISY in it. Benoit
  6. How did he delete his account? Or did he remove his user profile? What he has/had to do is remove the ISY from his account. The account is most likely still there, and if he deleted his user profile, does he have another one to access the account? If this does not resolve the issue, please have a ticket opened with the uuid and some indication of the account to be removed. This could be the account name, or perhaps the ISY alias used in that account. Benoit
  7. ISY has a limit of 5 accounts it can be tied to. Benoit
  8. Subscriptions should be working fine now.
  9. There is a known problem currently being investigated. This was reported about 30 minutes ago.
  10. When you delete a spoken (an item under Connectvity | Amazon echo) in ISY Portal, you also have to delete the corresponding device in the Alexa app. If you look in the Alexa app, you probably have 2 devices named Gate controller, your old one, and your new one. Also, if I correctly understand what you did, your spokens are all under the sub-account Shop Echo, and the new spoken was created in the main account. To have it work, you must have also linked the skill with your main account. That is not recommended. All your spokens should be in the same account, and the skill linked to that account, which should be "Shop echo" in your case. Otherwise, you will end up with devices in the Alexa app showing as offline. Benoit
  11. Could you have logged in using the wrong account? Benoit
  12. Maintenance completed.
  13. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Sunday 05-02-2021 at 5:00 AM Pacific time which will last a few minutes. During this period, subscriptions may be affected for a few brief moments. Benoit
  14. Access license is required for GH to work. You can see the status of your license under Select Tools | Information | ISY Portal Access License Benoit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Please open a ticket with your uuid, a specific UTC time when it failed, and a link to this thread, and I can investigate the logs to see what is happening. Benoit
  16. Yesterday, we had an outage of about an hour on one of the proxy servers. This has affected communication to some ISYs. Our servers are hosted on AWS, and this is usually very reliable, but somehow the instance stopped responding and was restarted by AWS automatically an hour later. Benoit
  17. Maintenance has been completed.
  18. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Sunday 03-14-2021 at 5:00 AM Pacific time which will last about 1 hour. During this period, your ISY will disconnect for a few brief moments. The purpose is to Install the most recent security patches on the ISY Portal infrastructure. Benoit
  19. I'm not aware of any changes like that coming.
  20. It's unfortunateky not possible to change the wording of anything, except for the device name, which would not be helpful. There's however a very twisted way I can think of if you really want that. Here's the general idea: 1 - Have a routine, triggered by voice, that will run a program (turn on a device exposing a program) 2 - That ISY program will check if the door is closed or open. If so, it will set a variable to a certain value, else, another value. The program will also run the else statement of itself (so it returns to a false condifion and can be reused again). 3 - The variable we just talked about needs to be exposed as a sensor. It will become closed or open, based on the value assigned. 4 - You will need 2 other routines, which will react to this sensors, one for open and one for closed. It will speak the response you want based on the condition. Benoit
  21. Not elegant, but please try to reboot your ISY. That should work. Benoit
  22. Looks like it's clearly an Amazon bug. Thanks for posting it.
  23. When this happens, could you check in the Alexa app what Alexa is saying exactly? There may be a clue there.
  24. That's an interesting bug. In the Alexa app, can you see the device state? If you see both the device name and the value correctly, I would think Amazon changed something that is causing this. If the gibberish came through ISY Portal, it would have to be in the name, or the value. Other than that, it's coming from Amazon. It would be interesting to see if anyone else is experiencing this. Benoit
  25. There is a button that allows you to export the spoken in a CSV file. But there is no import function, they need to be entered manually. Benoit
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