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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. ISY Portal has been down last night for about 2 hours and 10 minutes, starting 2022-11-17 03:17 UTC (20h17 Eastern time, 17h17 Pacific time). The root cause is a failure of the database server, on which all services depends. The service was restored 2022-11-17 05:27 UTC, at which point ISYs were starting to reconnect to Portal. This process takes about 15 minutes. During the outage, access to Portal services were prevented, including Alexa and Google Home services. After service restauration, Alexa, Google home and other services worked again. No user action was required. Most of the portal infrastructure is redundant, but the database server currently is not. We will be looking at options to further enhance the infrastructure uptime.
  2. Routines should not be affected, unless the skill is disabled and re-enabled.
  3. It's now resolved. Most ISYs have now reconnected. Benoit
  4. Another thigh to try: go to Alexa.amazon.com. There is a place with a button to forget all devices. This might help.
  5. In the Alexa app, look upder devices, then at the top right, all devices. Is your phantom device there? Or, is it possible that you have a group using that name?
  6. The URL is correct. The only thing I can think of would be extensions. I tried Edge myself, and I don't get the error. You might try with InPrivate, just to see if the cache might be playing tricks. Benoit
  7. my.isy.io uses TinyMCE, but this message should not appear. Could you confirm the URL the browser is seeing when you get that message? It's either a matter of URL, or tinyMCE API key. If it's not the URL, I'm thinking that a browser extension might be causing problems. You could try to disable extensions and see if one is causing the issue. Benoit
  8. Hints should be in the form of a long integer, such as 0x01020100 Could you post the result of /rest/nodes/<address> for such a node? This is what ISY Portal looks at.
  9. I looked at the code, and nodes with these hints should be available for Alexa and Google Home. I just saw @Goose66's comment which confirms this. So, it must be that the nodes don't actually have these hints. You may try the hint editor to manually set it.
  10. Note taken. Will add support for this in the next few days.
  11. There's no solution that I can think of. Benoit
  12. If that other person already has an ISY portal account, that person could add your ISY in their account. You will have to grant them access in the admin console. If that other person doesn't, you have the choice of having them create a new ISY Portal account, or create a sub-account in yours. Either way, that person will need to have a user profile in that account, and your ISY entered in that same account (or sub-account). Keep in mind: A user profile in a sub-account can only access ISY in the same sub-account. A user profile in the root account can access ISYs in the root account, and all sub-accounts. So make sure the user profile you create for that other person is created in the sub-account. Benoit
  13. Maintenance is completed
  14. Hello everyone, We will have a maintenance this Saturday 04-09-2022 at 5:00 AM Pacific time which will last about 1 hour. During this period, your ISY will disconnect for a few brief moments. No new features are planned. Some internal certificates will be updated in the process. Benoit
  15. Awesome. Happy new year! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  16. Apologies. Fixed another related bug. Please try one more time. Should be working now.
  17. 1. I found and fixed a bug. Please try again. 2. Yes the configuration is moved from one ISY to the other. They disappear from the source ISY and yes this is by design. Using this approach allows to retain the unique ID and keep the devices as is in Alexa, without impacts to Alexa groups or routines. Benoit
  18. FYI, migration instructions here: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY
  19. If you need to migrate to a new ISY, here's a new feature that will make it much easier, especially if you use Amazon Echo, Google Home or IFTTT / Webhooks. This also allows you to migrate your ISY Portal Access license to the new ISY. The option can be found under Select Tools | Migrate to Instructions: https://wiki.universal-devices.com/index.php?title=ISY_Portal_Migrate_configurations_to_a_new_ISY
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  20. When you create spokens, an internal id is created to uniquely identify the spoken. Alexa refers to a device by this ID. Therefore, When you create spokens, although everything may look identical (same uuid, same node), it is using a different id. When migrating, the spoken keeps the same id. From Alexa's perspective, there are no changes at all. This is why a discovery is not necessary. Benoit
  21. It is now available as of last night. Look under Select Tools | maintenance Benoit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  22. Actually, no. With Alexa, it is not necessary to rediscover. The spokens are migrated, not copied over. They retain their unique id used by Alexa. So as long as the ISY nodes are also « migrated » to the new ISY and has the same address, it should work. Please note that it may be different for GH. It may need a rediscover, I need to test it. Benoit Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. @cwitter, there is now a new google home category called "Device with open/close syntax". Please see this post:
  24. Spokens can now be assigned a new Google Home Category: "Device with open/close syntax". This allows to "open" and "close" a device. Those devices can also be "opened to x percent". Programs, scenes, state variables and regular devices are supported. However, programs and scenes obviously can't be set to a specific percentage. Benoit
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  25. Hello, I will look into that. Could you PM me the output of: [ISY]/rest/zwave/node/0/def/get?full=true Also, please include the ZWave address of the device. Thanks, Benoit
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