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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. Should be working now
  2. @Sir @hum099,Can you please try a reboot?
  3. Currently investigating. Some units are having trouble with Portal.
  4. I would like to add some context to the disk space as I have seen comments questioning the low disk space. I agree 5% is low and it was due to be increased very soon. But keep in mind, this is not a file server or a windows workstation where a single video added can add GB's to the storage space. In these cases, even 20% free disk space would be low. In the case of this server, the storage space grows very slowly, like not even 1% in a year, and does not need much temporary space either. It grows slowly, linearly with new users registering for an account. We are talking just a few KB's at the most, not even 1KB if you don't add spokens and such. For those more technical, the database on this server is MongoDB. We learned the hard way that MongoDB will refuse write operations if the free disk space is smaller than the database itself (or perhaps the size of the collections - I read conflicting information on the subject). That was completely unexpected. But regardless, it won't happen again.
  5. Did "Universal Devices" end up being listed as Linked in the Home app?
  6. Thanks for the video. This is not normal. Looks like account linking is successful, but it won't show it as linked after linking. I suspect something needs to be reset in your Google account. Not sure if you use multiple Google account, but one possibility I'm thinking of is it might have been linked previously using a different google account on this same device.
  7. Details on the outage here:
  8. There has been an unplanned portal outage on 2025-01-01 from about 4:30 UTC to about 13:35 UTC. Starting at about 13:35 UTC, my.isy.io started responding, and ISY/Polisy/eisy could start reconnecting. At 13:50 UTC, the vast majority of the units had reconnected and portal was fully functionnal. Root cause The root cause was a lack of disk space for the database server. There was actually disk space left (5%) which should have been sufficient, but the database server stopped responding to requests as the space left was below a certain threshold. Our monitoring did not alert us as 5% left was considered sufficient as the disk space grows very slowly. The solution was to allocate more disk space. Impacts Due to the length of the outage, services using oAuth like Alexa and Google Home may have become unlinked. To fix this, they just have to be relinked. Alexa relinking: Open the Alexa app, Click the 3 bars at the bottom, then Skills & Games Search for "isy" and choose "ISY Optimized for Smart Home V3" Click "Disable Skill" (If instead you see "Enable to use", then skip to step 5 Click "Enable to use", and when prompted enter your portal user and password Google home relinking: Open the Google Home app Click on Settings Click on Works with Google If you see "Universal Devices" under Linked Click on Universal devices, then "Unlink account" Find "Universal Devices", click on it. Tip: type "Universal" in the search box at the top When prompted enter your portal user and password.
  9. Portal was down for a few hours. Please try again, it should be working now.
  10. Problem has been resolved. It may take a few minutes for all units to reconnect to portal.
  11. bmercier

    Portal down?

    This means that your eisy is indeed not connected to portal. For your undertanding, the connectivity from eisy to portal is initiated by eisy. If everything else works on eisy, then it could be a bad internet switch or port, patch cord, or perhaps the router not allowing internet access to eisy.
  12. Contact & motion sensor events are debounced. There can't be more than 1 event within a 30 seconds period. So this is likely the reason if you are testing 2 doorbell rings within 30 seconds. This is implemented within our Alexa skill.
  13. I would suggest to try a different browser, or perhaps try incognito mode (If using Chrome). I believe a browser extension is probably interfering somehow. You could also try to press F12 and look at the browser console, then navigate to my.isy.io. You may see in the console an error message that could give you a clue.
  14. There's nothing to do with the file. This was just a way to test that there's no networking issue preventing access to the certificate. If that was the case, that could have been a reason for the error message you are getting. At this point, I'm not sure why you are getting this error.
  15. In addition, I would try this; Check if this link works from your computer (The same device you are using for https://tesla.com/_ak/my.isy.io): https://my.isy.io/.well-known/appspecific/com.tesla.3p.public-key.pem This is supposed to download a public key. One of the potential causes for the error you are having is that it can't download this public key.
  16. @larryllix This seems to be an Amazon bug indeed. A smart home skill can't decide on what words to speak. It can return error codes, which triggers Alexa to speak pre-determined error messages. So if it's saying nonsense, then it's either an Amazon bug or an Alexa configuration issue. An example that comes to mind is if it was configured for an incorrect language, then it would not understand you and say some gibberish in another language. You probably have a different issue that this as she seems to respond in english, but I have no clue what the problem may be.
  17. Portal now supports an easier method to sign-in using a Google account. If your portal email address is a gmail account, you can use Google sign-in for a faster login. If a portal account does not exist for the google email address, a new account will automatically be created. If you currently use a non-gmail address to login to portal and would like to use a google email instead, then proceed this way: Login to my.isy.io and click on users Add a user profile with the same email address as your google account That's it. You can now use Google Sign-in, to login to your portal account. There's no need to validate your email address, you can ignore the verification email. Optionnally, you can remove your previous use profile. If so, and if you are using Google Home or Alexa, you will have to relink the skill with with the new user profile. Your spoken configuration will be preserved, all you need is to relink.
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  18. Thanks for reporting this. Please try again. I just forgot to push a commit.
  19. Just wanted to confirm that the maintenance is completed.
  20. Hello everyone, We will have a portal maintenace tomorrow Friday October 25th at 5am PST, for a duration of approximately 30 minutes. During this maintenance, units will disconnects and reconnect briefly. The purpose of this maintenance is to fix an issue where some units may sometimes become non-responsive when accessed from portal. Benoit
  21. bmercier

    Elk setup issue

    You will not see the port in the router, that is not something that would show. You need to connect to your Elk M1 using ElkRP2, you should see the port there. The default is 2601. As for the host, I would first look in ElkRP2. Is it configured with a static IP, or dynamic IP? If dynamic, then look in your router, it should show the IP address. If static, then it has to be in the same network as your eisy (and ideally your computer as well). Either way, are you able to ping it? If not, that has to be resolved first.
  22. Version 1.2 has no functional changes. The main difference is that it is now using the UDI python interface's OAuth class. If after updating there are oAuth errors, then a re-authorize should fix it.
  23. Should be fixed now.
  24. First, please go to the Plugin store and click on "Refresh Store". Then, you can try to restart the plugin. If it has been reinstalled in an attempt to fix it, it should be reinstalled again as the installed edition will be "Free", instead of "Standard" as it should.
  25. Please open a ticket, I will investigate the license issue. Please include your uuid & a link to this thread.
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