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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. This thing works by maintaining a permanent subscription to each units. If the subscriptions does not come up, that would show this symptom. So as a test, please try to use AC or UDM over a remote connection. This will test that subscriptions are working.
  2. I checked the logs, and events seems to be working well. So it's likely an issue at Amazon.
  3. PM me your uuid. Will check the logs later tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Does UDM or AC work remotely? Is this a 994? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Try to recreate your routine. Test if you can login with the Admin console through portal, or using UDM remotely (not locally).
  6. Portal is not involved with sending emails. Alexa routines should be working. Try to recreate the routine.
  7. For some users, if it's still not working, it's likely a problem with the security settings. This means you are on a 994 with an encryption setting set to low or medium. That is no longer supported. It has to be on high or auto, which is the default. To change it back to high, you need to use the former ISY Dashboard.
  8. Please try one more time. As of now, this should be working for the vast majority of users.
  9. The portal maintenance is CANCELLED. Another solution has been implemented which did not require the restart of the database server.
  10. The maintenance is a pre-requisite to fix Alexa routines. Hopefully this will be resolved during the day tomorrow.
  11. Tomorrow there will be a maintenance on portal starting at 5am Pacific time / 8 am Eastern time, for up to an hour. During the maintenance, portal services will be interrupted. More resources will be given to to the database server. This is in relation to the subscriptions & Alexa routines issues.
  12. Unfortunately we are still experiencing difficulties with the the handling of Alexa routines. Please hold on, we are actively working on solutions.
  13. If this does not change too much, you also have the option of a regular PG3 backup.
  14. There is not a built-in way to backup that folder, and there are no plans to do it at this time. Does this come from an upload you do from PG3? If so, just save that zip file somewhere when you make an upload.
  15. @JMcKain I have not seen the ticket yet. Is the problem resolved?
  16. The problem should be resolved now.
  17. Hello, We are currently experiencing problems which may affect Alexa routines. Will post here when resolved.
  18. You need to be root. You can use sudo for that. Either: sudo ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/<NS Folder>/data Or you can go interactive using: sudo -i
  19. SSH to your eiys, and use: ls -l /var/polyglot/pg3/ns This will show you the list of node server's home folders.
  20. Depends where you installed it. You choose the slot when you install.
  21. I'm not sure where TTS files are located. I was referring to the location where the upload of files is done, and that is in the "data" folder of the node server. So, the complete path would be /var/polyglot/pg3/ns/<NS Folder>/data <NS Folder> is <uuid>_<slot> The only exception would be if a plugin is installed in developer mode. The data folder will be where the plugin is being developed. The command to download everything would be something like this: scp -r root@eisy.local:/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/<Ns Folder>/data/* /local/path
  22. They are stored in the node server folder under "data". They can't be downloaded through the UI, but you could access it through SCP. They are included in the PG3 backup.
  23. Hello everyone, This is the support thread for PG3x v3.2.22. These features were planned for 3.2.21 but did not make it to the package, so they are released here as part of 3.2.22.
  24. Some features planned for 3.2.21 did not make it to the package. 3.2.22 is now released and includes all the planned features.
  25. Hello everyone, Here's the latest PG3x release. Release notes for: 3.2.22 - 04/16/2024 Make Plugin license check tolerant of connectivity failure on startup Change logs time format after midnight from 24:xx:xx to 00:xx:xx Developers: Add capability to update the plugin name
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