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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. Hello everyone, This is the support thread for PG3x v3.2.17. Happy Holidays!
  2. Hello everyone, Here's the latest PG3x release. Release notes for: 3.2.17 - 12/19/2023 Allow to remove a node server even if the store entry no longer exists. When auto-logout, add a message in the UI. Add a rate limit on MQTT inbound messages from plugins & UI. Fix addnode for cases where the ISY request fails with an http error. When viewing a plugin, hide the readme and changelog if they are null. When new version is available, have the update button appear. Previously a restart of the node server was required. Make PG3 logLevel persistant Fix setController on first startup. Previously, setController will fail if addnode is not finished. Fix store edit UI (We could get a JS error due to accessing an incorrect field). Minor bug fixes and logging enhancements
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  3. You may want to try a reboot. Portal infrastructure is up, and looking at the numbers, most units are up. There is no mass outage as was seen earlier today.
  4. It should be automatic. The unit retries to connect every minutes or so. You must have another problem going on as we have pretty much the same number of units connected as before. So perhaps in your case you should try a reboot. If this does not come up, please open a ticket, reference this thread, let me know your uuid, and attach your error log.
  5. Hi Chris, The UD Portal forum is a good place for such a post. Internet access option in admin console no longer exists on new polisy & eisy.
  6. Hi Geddy, This was not a portal issue. The infrastructure was up all the time, and over 6000 units never lost their connection. There has been no changes on portal, no reboot, no lack of resources, nothing. Some units just disconnected and reconnected later. Something happened on the internet between some customers and the portal infrastructure.
  7. Most if not all systems are now back online. This seems to have been caused by a regional internet outage somewhere. Some customers reported the error log, which allowed to determine it was indeed a connectivity issue. On the portal side, no servers have been restarted, and no issues could be seen other than systems having disconnected and reconnected. In addition, looking at the numbers, over 6,000 units stayed online.
  8. We are getting many reports of portal being offline. At this time, it looks like it's up and most isy/polisy/eisy are online and working. We are currently investigating this and will post an update here when we have more information.
  9. Please update the plugin to version 1.1.7, that should fix it.
  10. Login to portal using the same portal credentials. Click on My Profile (top-right), and change the preferred ISY to your eisy.
  11. Please open a ticket referencing this thread. Make sure to mention your uuid and the node address that is “matched properly in my.isy.io” but that won’t appear in google home when syncing. I will investigate further.
  12. Those settings only control the discovery of devices. Once they are discovered by Alexa, the devices will continue to work as long as the spoken still exists and the ISY is still in the account.
  13. Did you login with the same portal user and password? If so you should see them there. The "Showing 51 to 1 of 1 entries" seems to indicate a UI problem. I suspect there may be special characters that may be messing the display. Are you able to reproduce the problem? Please open a ticket, attach the screen shot, and please let me know the uuid. Will also need to know what browser you are using as it may be browser-dependant. If you know how to reproduce it, please let me know how.
  14. It could have been that it was not approved in the admin console, then you approved it before trying it again? Or perhaps it was just not online, but then, the message would have been different.
  15. My recommendation would be Alexa. I developed both the Alexa skill and Google Home action, and I can tell you the integration is slighty more advanced with Alexa. We also have significantly more customers using Alexa than GH.
  16. I'm not sure what are the capabilities of this node. I guess it's used to arm and disarm. Does it accept commands like DON/DOF? if so, with the right hint, it could be exposed as a light. @KHouse, You could try hint as a test. After changing a hint, you need to add or remove/re-add the node to the spokens, then have Alexa discover your devices. The main problem I see though is that if you expose this node directly like this, then turning on/off will allow to arm and disarm. If you only want to arm by voice, and prevent disarm, then I would take this approach: Create a program, in the then statement, have it arm your elk. Leave the else empty. Expose the program as a light. Add the program to the spokens, have Alexa discover your devices. "Turn on" will run then, "turn off" will run else... which means it won't do nothing. @Jimbo.Automates, the hint for an alarm panel should be 1.1.1.x, as defined in hints.yaml. But that will not make it work with Alexa. The skill does not currently have support for an alarm panel. But that could be a future enhancement.
  17. I don't think the log level was persistant in the past. There were no database fields & no code to support that. When changing the level in the UI, the setting was also not persistant in the UI. Just switching to Dashboard and back to the Log did reset the selector to Info (But the back end stayed at whatever was previously selected). Now, the UI properly reflects the current logging level in the back end AND is persisted following a restart.
  18. Hi @Xathros, The PG3 log level has always reset to info on reboot, and the UI would not persist the state when navigating. I made the PG3 log level persistent, and this will be included in the next PG3x release. Thanks, Benoit
  19. Hello everyone, This is the support thread for PG3x v3.2.16.
  20. Hello everyone, Here's the latest PG3x release. Release notes for: 3.2.16 - 11/9/2023 When PG3 start/stop, send a single notification (instead of one per plugin) Auto-install default node servers after login Add install.log to the log packages Include stderr to install.log
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  21. No it is not automatically updated with other updates. The only case where it is installed is on installation (or réinstallation) of node servers.
  22. Hi everyone, We just released UDI Python interface 3.2.4. The main change is an attempt to fix an SSL error that can happen once in a while when publishing messages to PG3x. To update, use System | Reinstall all plugins. If you want to know what version of UDI Python interface a node server is using, restart the node server and look for a line like this: 2023-10-19 09:15:53,244 MainThread udi_interface INFO __init__:<module>: UDI Python Interface for Polyglot version 3 3.2.4 Starting... Thanks to @bpwwer for this fix. Benoit
  23. Hello everyone, This is the support thread for PG3x v3.2.14 & v3.2.15. For currently working systems, there is not much benefits to upgrade. These versions are useful for new installations.
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  24. Hello everyone, Here's the latest PG3x release. Release notes for: 3.2.15 - 11/6/2023 Fix IoX showing disconnected following initial startup Fix store selector being blank following initial startup
  25. Hello everyone, Here's the latest PG3x release. Release notes for: 3.2.14 - 10/26/2023 Add capability to restore a backup from another PG3x Minor bug fixes
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