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Everything posted by bmercier

  1. This was probably the Portal's Occupancy Node server. On my.isy.io, Select Tool | Occupancy Node Server | Configure, you can configure or remove the configuration. Slot 1 has no particular meaning. When you configure Occupancy, this will use the first slot available. That's probably what you had there.
  2. bmercier

    Ring is down?

    It is indeed down: https://status.ring.com/
  3. bmercier

    Ring is down?

    There seems to be an outage with Ring itself. The infrastructure is up and we keep receiving webhooks from other sources than Ring. But It seems like we stopped receiving webhook events from Ring about 3 hours ago. Also, the errors in your PG3 log seems to confirm that the Ring API also do not respond. So something's wrong at Ring.
  4. The best approach woud be to use an Alexa A/V device. In Portal, Select Tool | Connectivity | Amazon Echo, click on Add, A/V Give your receiver a name, and on the Volume tab, you can assign the Volume Up and Volume Down to programs. This will allow you to says something: "Alexa, turn up the volume on <spoken>"
  5. Maintenance is now completed. Units now reconnects to portal a lot faster. Thanks for your patience! Benoit
  6. Hello everyone, We will have a portal maintenace Monday July 29th at 5am PST, for a duration of approximately 1 hour. During this maintenance, there will be dowtime. During July 22nd's maintenance, we notices that it took quite a bit of time for all the units to reconnect following the maintenance. The purpose of this maintenance is to optimize this. Benoit
  7. No, this was indeed a problem in Portal infrastructure. The way devices are queried and Routines gets triggered are 2 different things. When you go to the Alexa app and look at a devices, the status comes this way: Amazon makes a request to portal, and Portal makes a request to your controller. For this to work, you just need the skill to be linked, and your controller to be online on portal. Now in the case of routines, this requires a permanent "subscription" to your controller. Just like when you open the admin console, this creates a subscription and from now on, all devices changes are sent in real-time to the admin console, which updates. The bug was with the subscriptions.
  8. Have you tried to update your firmware? In the admin console, click on upgrade packages.
  9. Alexa routines should work well now for everyone.
  10. Alexa routines should be working well as of now. There was a bug in the recent code that would break Alexa routines. Relinking the skill was a good work-around, but should no longer be necessary.
  11. Please wait a few more minutes. Although the maintenance is completed, not all units have reconnected to the portal. We currently have about 75% of the units reconnected. I should have added that information in the notice.
  12. Portal maintenance is now completed. Thanks for your patience.
  13. Hello everyone, We will have a portal maintenace Monday July 22nd at 5am PST, for a duration of approximately 1 hour. During this maintenance, there will be dowtime. The purpose of the maintenance is to finalize upgrading and increasing the capacity of the portal infrastructure. Benoit
  14. Should be working for everyone now.
  15. Problem should be fixed now. We are making enhancements to the portal infrastructures. This should have been totally transparent, but unfortunately, something went wrong. The problem has been identified and fixed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  16. Hello, We are currently experiencing connectivity issues for a subset of the units connected to portal. We are currently working on it. This should be resolved within the next 2 hours. Benoit
  17. Anyone knows of a solution? I think these are the relevant lines below. The line in bold I believe is suspicious: 2024-07-04 20:24:58.412 Thread-4 (start) udi_interface INFO totalconnect-poly:start: Started Total Connect Nodeserver 2024-07-04 20:24:58.413 Thread-4 (start) udi_interface.node DEBUG node:setDriver: controller:Total Connect Controller Reporting set ST to 1 to Polyglot 2024-07-04 20:24:58.413 Command udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_handleResult: add node response: {'id': '06556e5f-4aa7-4da7-b820-05a7552047e7', 'uuid': '00:21:b9:02:6a:12', 'profileNum': 3, 'address': 'controller', 'name': 'Total Connect Controller', 'nodeDefId': 'controller', 'nls': None, 'hint': '0x00000000', 'controller': 1, 'primaryNode': 'controller', 'private': None, 'isPrimary': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'timeAdded': 1720044242980, 'timeModified': 1720142698298, 'dbVersion': 1} 2024-07-04 20:24:58.413 Thread-4 (start) udi_interface.node DEBUG node:reportDriver: Updating value to 1 2024-07-04 20:24:58.422 Thread-1 (send_thread) udi_interface.interface DEBUG interface:_send: PUBLISHING {'set': [{'address': 'controller', 'driver': 'ST', 'value': '1', 'uom': 25, 'text': None}]} 2024-07-04 20:24:58.433 MQTT udi_interface.interface INFO interface:_message: Successfully set controller :: ST to 1 UOM 25 2024-07-04 20:25:00.052 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) root WARNING TotalConnectClient:security_problem: User straten is a master user. 2024-07-04 20:25:00.052 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) root WARNING TotalConnectClient:security_problem: User straten is a user administrator. 2024-07-04 20:25:00.052 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) root WARNING TotalConnectClient:security_problem: User straten is a configuration administrator. 2024-07-04 20:25:00.053 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) root WARNING TotalConnectClient:__init__: Total Connect user straten has one or more permissions that are not necessary. Remove permissions from this user or create a new user with minimal permissions. 2024-07-04 20:25:00.053 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) root WARNING TotalConnectClient:populate_details: No usercode for location 2856885. 2024-07-04 20:25:10.410 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) udi_interface.custom DEBUG custom:__setitem__: CUSTOM: discovery_failed = Discovery failed please check logs for a more detailed error. ...saving 2024-07-04 20:25:10.410 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) udi_interface.custom INFO custom:_save: Sending data notices to Polyglot. 2024-07-04 20:25:10.410 Thread-2 (parameterHandler) udi_interface ERROR totalconnect-poly:discover: Discovery failed with error argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026a12_3/totalconnect-poly.py", line 134, in discover self.tc = TotalConnectClient.TotalConnectClient(self.user, self.password) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026a12_3/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/total_connect_client/TotalConnectClient.py", line 94, in __init__ self.authenticate() File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026a12_3/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/total_connect_client/TotalConnectClient.py", line 195, in authenticate self.populate_details(response) File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026a12_3/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/total_connect_client/TotalConnectClient.py", line 310, in populate_details self.get_panel_meta_data(location_id) File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026a12_3/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/total_connect_client/TotalConnectClient.py", line 440, in get_panel_meta_data status = self.locations[location_id].set_status( ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ File "/var/polyglot/pg3/ns/0021b9026a12_3/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/total_connect_client/TotalConnectClient.py", line 667, in set_status if "ZoneInfo" not in data["Zones"]: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable
  18. Elk for Alexa works with the older 994 ELK integration, not the ELK plugin.
  19. There will need to be an update to the Echo integration to support it. Stay tuned
  20. My apologies, there was a bug, and it is now fixed. You should be able to by a license now. You don't have to wait to the end of the trial. If you buy now, it will be added to the end of the existing license.
  21. I looked up your account. I see 2 hue devices, and the type that it picked up are both So something went wront in the sequence. Make sure to delete the spoken (or create a new one), set the hind to 1.2.9.x or 0.0.x.x, then add the spoken. To verify that the hint is updated, and to troubleshoot further, I would need to see the result of /rest/nodes/<hue node address> So, if on an eisy: https://eisy.local:8443/rest/nodes/<node_address>
  22. Try 1.2.9.x or 0.0.x.x would make it dimmable, but on a scale of 0-255, which is probably incorrect.
  23. Context: When you expose an ISY scene/program/variable as an Alexa scene, you can control them through Alexa by voice, but they are not visible in the Alexa app anywhere. Normally, you can change the Alexa category to expose them as a regular Alexa device instead. However, if for some reason you have deleted your mapping, and the scene stayed in Alexa, then there is no easy way to remove it. But here's the trick: You can add the scene to an Alexa group, then delete it from there. Here's how: Open the Alexa App. Select Devices, then click +, then Add Group, then Create a room or device group, give it a name. When adding devices to the group, scroll all the way down and add these extra Scenes to the Group and save. Now go back to Devices, and under Groups, click the group you created. When looking at the group, under SCENES, you should see the scene you added. Click on your scene, then you can click the trash can. This works at the time of this writing. Please note that Amazon updates their App frequently, so the instructions may be slightly different over time. Credits for this trick goes to @lgilsenberg Original post by @lgilsenberg here: https://forum.universal-devices.com/topic/42569-can-no-longer-delete-old-scenes-within-alexa/?do=findComment&comment=377233
  24. Plugins needs to be updated. I believe most if not all have been updated by now.
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