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Everything posted by ELA

  1. Lee, Would it be worthwhile to then run individual on/off commands direct from the ISY to only the devices in question and record using the Event Viewer (set at level 3)?
  2. I am slowly getting familiar with the communication protocol (with a long way to go). When I looked at the log I saw a msg. fail each time that did not apprear to have anything to do with the lights that failed the scene test. I also thought that there was no response from the lights that the op. said did fail the scene. This much seemed to make sense to me. What I do not understand is why the scene test states that it passes [suceeded] on the two lights that are failing??
  3. Thank you both for your responses. I read the manual yesterday right after I posted and now understand that scene test only sends off. NONE of the scenes that I replaced the switchlinc dimmer into worked. None of the lights in the scenes turned on. (When activating each scene "on" from within the ISY.) That particular switch was in 4 different scenes and none of them worked (activated via the ISY). Yet the scene test reported a positive result! Apparently the "replace with" did not work very well I removed the new switchlinc from one scene and manually relinked it from within the ISY and that scene then worked fine. I then removed the switch all together and used auto detect to reinstall. Now I had a v3.8 for the switch. I then manually relinked this to all the scenes one at a time. Now they all work fine. I am not very happy with Insteon at this point. Lots of pretty iffy stuff going on here. I am sure some of it can be put down to my being a roukie but this system is definitely not for anyone not will to spend a lot of time once issues rear their head.
  4. Thanks for your response sub-routine, No green arrows (all updates were done). I would not care if all I missed was features such as beep. I also posted in the Smarhome Channel - adding to an old post of mine. The problem is that this new switch is having issues with Scenes now. From the event view I posted over there it looks like it is sending an "OFF" command where it should be sending an "ON"?
  5. Hi, I have gotten so used to working with motion sensors and adding them manually that I did the same when adding a replacement Switchlinc dimmer. It now shows as a v.00. Can this have a negative affect on its ability to work in a scene? I wanted to replace an existing switchlinc with a new one. Now that I have done that it no longer works with the scenes it was associated with previously. I have manually adjusted its scene levels and Ramp rates via the ISY99 to attempt to fix but it continues to fail to respond when the scene is operated. Now I am wondering if it is the ver 0.0? If so will can I restore it using the autodetect somehow?
  6. Hi realhavok, I recently encountered a communications issue and feel that I now have a more reliable setup. The reason I am responding is because you asked about moving your Access Points. Keep in mind I am a rookie As part of my troubleshooting I diagrammed all the circuits in my Insteon circuits. I included all device locations (what phase they are on) and Access Points (or Dual Band devices) in particular. This allowed me to see where the RF coupling might not be optimum (even though the built-in Access point test worked). It also allowed me to see where the powerline signal may have to travel a long distance without encountering another device (or repeater). I feel that relocating my Access Points based on what I saw on the diagram was helpful. Pay attention to whether there are any large metal objects between the Access points.
  7. I realize this tread is a little old but I had some information to add and also to ask a question about the battery low threshold value. First a real world data set: I have just had to replace a battery in one 2420M (ver 2.0). The ISY99i running version 2.7.15 reported the battery low. I noticed the double blink on the units LED for a day or so before measuring the battery voltage at 7.2Volts. I have read IndyMikes tests on battery thresholds. Very interesting. It sounds like there is no defined low battery battery threshold value when testing at the battery leads? IndyMike indicated power source impedance variances affected his test results. Surely there is a defined threshold internal to the unit that the microcontroller is set to activate a low battery warning at. It would be nice if we knew this threshold. We should then be able to define a test condition under which to test at the battery terminals (or externally). - With the 2420M in a known condition - or at known current demand value.
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