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Everything posted by art

  1. Might I suggest the ELK series siren and voice modules? http://www.elkproducts.com/siren_voice_drivers_and_recordable_modules.html Although they require a separate power supply, these seem to work well standalone from their intended purpose. And, they are not overly expensive.
  2. Echoing oberkc Not being monetarily endowed myself, I can't afford to convert everything to Insteon. Espeicially with spontaneous (chicken brooder) or seansonal (Christmas) needs, I find it convenient to dig in my X10 box of goodies to grab a module. I am even too cheap to buy the ISY's X10 module and still it functions quite adequately with my X10/Insteon hybrid system. Trust me, the ISY will breathe new life into your hybrid system and you'll wonder why you didn't start playing sooner!
  3. art

    beep question

    There are some allusions to a varience, but it must be in microseconds because no matter what setting you use, you get a chirp. I use a chirp, followed by a one second pause, followed by another chirp for a total of three for most of my audible notifications. A one time chirp is too easily missed.
  4. I could fine a use for such a feature.... maybe you would want to repost in the "Product Requests" or GUI Enhancements.
  5. If the factory reset doesn't pan out, I would swap the offending device with the other of its kind. Does the problem move with the hardware? or is the position of the hardware the culprit? I could reason that if your pre-existing setup is on the fringes of working, adding another device on the system (which consumes some of the RF) could POSSIBLY give the effect you're describing even though your new device also re-transmits the signal. It would have to be a "perfect" set of circumstances, but not beyond the realm of possibility. I only offer this paragraph if nothing else works. And others, by all means squash the thought if you think I'm out to lunch - I have a thick skin.
  6. junkycosmos, Was there a particular function you were trying to accomplish, or just a general question? Art
  7. Just chiming in. I think we all use something similar. Here are some more examples: This is my main security night time program that simulates people moving about the house: If From Sunset + 15 minutes To 11:50:00PM (same day) And Status 'Living Room / Living Room Fan / Away - KPL- A' is On Then Wait 1 hour (Random) Repeat 8 times Send X10 'H1/On (3)' Wait 20 minutes (Random) Send X10 'H1/Off (11)' Wait 5 seconds Send X10 'H5/On (3)' Wait 10 minutes (Random) Send X10 'H5/Off (11)' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This one also runs in parallel to simulate someone going into our guest bedroom to get something: If From Sunset + 3 hours To 11:00:00PM (same day) And Status 'Living Room / Living Room Fan / Away - KPL- A' is On Then Wait 30 minutes (Random) Set 'Bedroom #2 / BR2 Table Lamp' Fast On Wait 1 minute (Random) Set 'Bedroom #2 / BR2 Table Lamp' Fast Off Wait 45 minutes (Random) Set 'Bedroom #2 / BR2 Table Lamp' Fast On Wait 2 minutes (Random) Set 'Bedroom #2 / BR2 Table Lamp' Fast Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This one simulates me feeding the livestock and runs in parallel with the two programs above: If On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri From Sunset To 11:50:00PM (same day) And Status 'Living Room / Living Room Fan / Away - KPL- A' is On Then Wait 15 minutes Wait 2 hours (Random) Set 'Shed / Barn Lights' On Wait 12 minutes Wait 10 minutes (Random) Set 'Shed / Barn Lights' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This are my favorite two programs: If Status 'Living Room / Living Room Fan / Away - KPL- A' is On And From Sunset + 1 hour and 15 minutes For 2 seconds Then Wait 10 seconds (Random) Run Program 'Flood Flasher' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The program above runs a flood light flasher program only 20% of the time. The flasher program (below) turns all of my outside floodlights on for a brief period as if we were home and were looking outside at something or we hit the wrong light switch. If - No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition') Then Wait 2 hours (Random) Set 'Outside House / Flood Light Override' On Wait 15 seconds (Random) Set 'Outside House / Flood Light Override' Off Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') and FINALLY, a program to turn off the mess when I come home and switch off the away button called "home" it also gives some audible feedback when away is set and chirps the KPL every 30 minutes as a reminder to turn it off when I am at home. This way nothing stays on if I switch off the away button when one of its branch programs, which immediately terminate, have a light turned on. If Status 'Living Room / Living Room Fan / Away - KPL- A' is On Then Set 'Living Room / Living Room Fan' 1 (Beep Duration) Set 'Living Room / Living Room Fan' 1 (Beep Duration) Repeat Every 30 minutes Set 'Living Room / Living Room Fan' 1 (Beep Duration) Else Run Program 'Off ice Server Lights' (Else Path) Run Program 'Foyer Lights' (Else Path) Set 'Shed / Barn Lights' Off Set 'Bedroom #2 / BR2 Table Lamp' Off
  8. Agree with the above solutions, another answer can be found in the Weather Bug thread where programs would retrigger every time the outdoor temperature changed by a 100th of a degree. Some of us use a code similiar to the following (copied from the thread) If Module 'Climate' Temperature <= 40 °F And Program 'Cold Flg' is False Then Run Program 'Cold Flg' (Then Path) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') You then write another program to set program false by testing if it is true and temperature is higher, then run the else. Your programs would be opposite for a warm flag, but the concept is the same. In this way the status of the program changes once from false to true if the temperature drops below 40. This solution is better for some (including me) because the two little programs that change the flag status don't have to have a one degree temperature band (as a folder permissions solution would). You can have your WARM flag set true at greater than 71, but not reset to false until less then 68. This will prevent false triggering if your fans disturb the air layering in your home and momentarity create a termperature inversion and cause your program to retrigger as the temperature rises again.
  9. art

    Weather Bug Module

    Thanks! I will include these conditions in a monitoring program, although in my specific case a default to zero will turn on my heaters and keep the pipes/plants from freezing, BUT could be a huge waste of electricity. This will definitely help. I was also contemplating storing outside temperature in a KPL and then checking the temperature an hour later and comparing the two, but that's a lot of code.
  10. art

    Weather Bug Module

    Rand, I am still stuck on the WB reporting getting stuck, or the station going off-line. If I did this then it would flash my green house and pump house lights and heaters every hour if the stored temp in the ISY was greater than 35 degrees and wouldn't change anything at night when it's cold. But, if I understand how the whole thing works looking at the event viewer, ISY only receives a data blip for parameters that change and the rest of the time the data is stored in the ISY. (I think) So if the temp was 70 during the day and then a student at the high school transmitter unplugged the weather station then when it got to 25 degrees, my heaters and lights would flash when the program went true and then would immmediately reset based on the 70 degrees stored in the ISY. Am I understanding the WB - ISY interface correctly? i.e. it stores data unless a change is transmitted by WB? If not, how does it work and why does the event viewer only fire when their is a change in data?
  11. art

    Weather Bug Module

    Although I don't have a lot of experience with weather bug (yet), I think I would welcome that functionality and peace of mind. Maybe something else for the low priority list. (On the list just above installing a sound output jack on the ISY)
  12. Anyone from UD want to comment on the third post up? Smarthome wasn't being helpful.
  13. art

    Weather Bug Module

    Y'all have saved me lots of time trying to figure out why my freeze protection programs kept firing - Thanks! Query: Is there a way to know if the ISY is no longer receivng weather bug updates, i.e. the site goes down, etc. Since I will be relying on the ISY to keep my wife's plants from freezing, I was thinking that a failure in weather bug (not the infallable ISY) could put me in dog house and I would be reduced to installing a light switch in the green house that I would have to remember to turn on when it gets cold (or might get cold). I was thinking there may be a heart beat monitor or weather bug watchdog script that could change a parameter in the ISY that we could test for to know the weatherbug update status. Thoughts?
  14. Sounds like you have an "allow only" proxy.... 1. Have you given up/don't want to work on it? 2. Did you consider asking your company's IT folks?
  15. If it is capable, this should work: Just write a short program to repeat an action step. The insteon action steps that beep (if they are available) show up below query, but before the backlight actions (for a KPL) If Then Repeat Every 1 second Set 'Living Room / Living Room Fan' 1 (Beep Duration) Else This will chirp my KPL every second forever.... [/b]
  16. Still working on my audio feedback desires, this thread seems the closest. I copied the following from the SMARTHOME Forum. I thought someone on this side may be interested in the reply and could possibly shed some light on my beep duration dilema... Posted - 11/30/2010 : 05:50:58 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I apologize if this has been asked before, but I couldn't find it in the forums or the manual. Using the ISY and programming my new KPL, programs have actions that include beeps of varying durations. However, no matter which beep duration I choose, all my KPL does is chirp once for each beep command sent. Is there something not supported, or am I missing something ================================================== FROM: Tfitzpatri8 Administrator USA 2600 Posts Posted - 11/30/2010 : 07:06:25 AM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other software supports sound differently, as a series of beeps. I've tried the ISY Beta FW 2.8.5 program actions on a variety of newer devices here, but only get a variable-length beep on an IRLinc Transmitter--everything else gives a uniform chirp. Sounds like a question for the folks at Universal Devices. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volunteer Moderator & Home Automation Enthusiast
  17. Now that I have the network module, I have been using Touchlinc and tinkering. Is there a way to access a portion of the webserver's directories without a user names/password. i.e. Can I put a file on the ISY, such as a picture, and then have a friend pull it remotely without giving him my username and password, thus access to control my house?
  18. art

    Random Days

    RSTART and RSTOP; INGENIOUS ! ! Thank you. As for the all in one, I didn't think the IF would be re-evaluated at the end of the time span, i.e. in 4 seconds; but that that's why I'm here typing. Thank you!
  19. art

    Random Days

    I have searched the forum for everyone's version of "away" programs and have incorporate several of my own that I am satisfied with. However, to be the most realistic, I am looking to incorporate a random days function, or at least a good work around. Specifically, somehow use the random function to execute a program only 20% of the time it is called, i.e. if called every day for a week, then execute only once every five days on average , but the number of days (and which days) wiill be completely random within the time period the away condition exists. Right now my programs run every day a half an hour after sunset if the away condition is true and this works fine.
  20. I am brand new to the ISY having finally started the transition from X10. The $$ was a rough decision, but the need for reliability and distance finally overcame the binding force of my wallet. I am completely satisfied with everything but the floor plan feature. I understand there are apps out there that help, but I was disappointed that I didn't get something better than a rectangle out of the box. I reference the OLD X10 Homeminder made by GE and sold by Radio Shack in the 80s. It at least had generic floor plans and some fixtures to place around the room. And all without a mouse! Twenty years later, I would have thought a company that could contrive the ISY could have done a little better.
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