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  1. mapeter

    USB Extender Problem

    Hi @Mr B, I will have to hook up the extender again and try overriding the port. Thanks for the tip!
  2. mapeter

    USB Extender Problem

    Interesting that you bring this up. I purchased the same extender early February 2024 and it had been working without any issues. Then mid-day on New Year's Day, the eISY stopped communicating with Z-Wave devices. It started working again after a reboot, but only for a couple of hours. I had to plug the ZMatter dongle directly into the eISY for it to be stable again. Looking forward to hearing if others have any ideas.
  3. Appreciate all of the suggestions. Manual linking is a possibility that I will keep in mind. Good reminder about failing PLMs. I was one of the unlucky people that happened to a few years ago. After I posted this last night I remembered I had Fibaro LED strip light controllers that are controlled by either scheduled programs or double tapping Insteon light switches. Looks like I will be leaving a controller behind after all. Good suggestion to create a "house" gmail account. I will be doing that.
  4. In a tale that has been told many times in this forum, I am selling a house with a lot of Insteon switches. I will be pulling most of them and replacing them with regular light switches. However, there are some switches that will need to be left behind because they are programmed as virtual n-way light switches. I want to remove the eISY and PLM from the equation, but preserve the scenes that implement the n-way configuration in the switches. I could just pull the eISY and PLM, but then the LED on light switches will likely flash red when the switches are pressed because they are unable to communicate with the PLM. I fear if I delete the switches from the eISY, it will un-program the switches and the n-way configuration will no longer work. Has anyone done something like this and have any suggestions? I suppose I could just leave the PLM and take the eISY if nothing else works.
  5. I opened a ticket over the weekend about the script and Michel's response stated to wait for the next udx release (mid this week). It includes fully tested scripts so that all you have to do is to run couple of commands.
  6. Has anyone tweaked the memory and disk values in the create_ha_vm.sh shell script? The script specifies 1GB for RAM and 16GB for disk. However, the HA page at https://www.home-assistant.io/installation/linux states the minimum requirements should be 2GB of RAM and 32GB for disk. The eISY has 8GB of RAM and best I can tell from the top command, there is 6GB free (Mem: 68M Active, 394M Inact, 34M Laundry, 662M Wired, 6476M Free). That said, I am not running many node servers, yet. What are people's experiences with the RAM setting? Is 1GB good enough for HA? Will specifying 2GB steal too much from IoX and PG3? From the script: # Home Assistant VM name and how much resources to allocate HA_VM_NAME="homeassistant" HA_VM_CPU="2" HA_VM_MEM="1G" HA_VM_DISC="16G"
  7. @Michel Kohanim Is there a way to keep an eye on CPU and memory utilization on the eISY box? I can't wait to install HA, but I want to keep an eye on performance.
  8. My ISY is back online, but not my eISY. I wonder if the portal stopped taking inbound connections last night and it is slowly resolving itself. Update: The eISY is online now. I did not have to reboot anything.
  9. My ISY and eISY went offline with the portal at 3:29 AM CST today. My USW-Pro-24 switch did an update at 3:28 AM, but not my UDM-SE router. The UDM-SE router updated a couple of days ago with no issues. I have no problem logging into my.isy.io.
  10. Hi @mbking - How is the USB over Cat 5/6 extender working for you? I have a similar situation and thinking about using extenders as well.
  11. Hi @Javi - I used UD Mobile (on iOS) to add Insteon to my new eISY. The PLM was successfully added, but the UD Mobile UI had a couple of issues. Appears to be a minor code copy-and-paste error. While the screen is "Insteon Hardware" screen, it references Z-Wave in the message body. (First screenshot.) While the app was waiting for the reboot to complete, the exception shown in the second screenshot was thrown.
  12. Thanks for the responses. I was going to submit a ticket with the question and decided to bite the bullet and order an eISY instead. I figured it was time to get to the latest hardware platform.
  13. Found an old post stating that PG2 should not be deleted due to UDX and Mongo dependancies. Is it now possible to remove PG2 and use ports 80 & 443 for IoX instead of ports 8080 & 8443?
  14. Thanks the response @Michel Kohanim. Any ETA as to when the enclosures will be back in stock?
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