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Everything posted by polexian

  1. If you dont log in to dyndns for a period of time with a free account then it will remove your forwarded url.
  2. Updates to the elk module are made thru the beta firmware updates just like all other modules. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. The problem is that it will use the event that caused the program to run, and in this case, that last event will be an armed up event. You may be able to accomplish what you want by splitting it into two programs, but its going to be tricky. I think you would need the first program to have only armed conditions and a 10 second wait (similiar to what you have), and have a second program stop the first program within 10 seconds if it doesn't actually arm. Aha, of course you could change it to use the actual area, since you know it is 'Williams', assuming 'Williams' is area 1, the variable would be ${elk.area.1.armedState} Worked great Chris, thank you!
  4. Now for dimmed lights you can use this program for the nearest 10 or however specific you want to go all the way to 1. If Status 'Equiptment / DiningRoom / LightDining' >= 90% And Status 'Equiptment / DiningRoom / LightDining' <= On Then $CurrentStateMainLight1 += 10 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  5. Rick, I beleive you could do it with variables and programs. This is for straight on and off. Variables MainLight1 MainLight2 Program 1(Disabled)Name:CurrentStateMainLight1 If mainlight1 is on then variable Mainlight1 = 1//(For on) else variable MainLight1 = 0//(For off) Program 2(Disabled)Name:CurrentStateMainLight2 If mainlight2 is on then variable Mainlight2 = 1//(For on) else variable MainLight2 = 0//(For off) In any program you want to remember the states then call the program you need to remember the states with. The above programs will only run when called because they are not enabled. When you turn the scenes back on with a program then run these programs for each light in the scene. Program3(Disabled)Name:Mainlight1RestoreState If variable MainLight1=1 then insteon.mainlight1 = on else Insteon.mainlight1 = off Program4(Disabled)Name:Mainlight1RestoreState If variable MainLight2=1 then insteon.mainlight2 = on else Insteon.mainlight2 = off
  6. This is the program I am trying to run. If ( Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Stay Instant And Elk Area 'Williams' 'Arm Up State' is Armed with Bypass ) Or ( Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Away And Elk Area 'Williams' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully ) Or ( Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Vacation And Elk Area 'Williams' 'Arm Up State' is Armed Fully ) Or ( Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Stay And Elk Area 'Williams' 'Arm Up State' is Armed with Bypass ) Then Wait 10 seconds Send Notification to 'BothPhones' content 'Elk Armed/Disarmed' $ArmedAway = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') The notification sends an email with the subject line ${elk.area.#.armedState}. Currently the armed status of the alarm is disarmed, but when I send this email it say's it's armed away. Am I calling the wrong variable?
  7. Something is wrong with this variable. It is not being properly updated and constantly sending out emails with the wrong status. ${elk.area.#.armedState} Right now it is disarmed, and it is saying the last state it was armed to. Joe
  8. Is it possible for us to get comments in variables? This would help us remember what they are used for in our programs.
  9. Can we have a way to do a condition based off of a scene? This would be really useful. Joe
  10. This time program is executing 8 seconds early. If I put it in a folder, and check if elk status is disarmed, it will never run. If From 11:27:00PM To 11:27:25PM (same day) Then Set 'Equiptment / LivingRoom / OutletTVWallLR' On Else Set 'Equiptment / LivingRoom / OutletTVWallLR' Off
  11. A problem with elk program. I have a program to turn on my garage lights and the first part isn't working. Elk Zone 'Den Garage Door' is Violated And Elk Zone 'Main Garage Door' 'Physical Status' is Short <-This line is the one not executing, but the physical status when I open the door is "Short" If ( Elk Zone 'Den Garage Door' is Violated And Elk Zone 'Main Garage Door' 'Physical Status' is Short ) Or ( From Sunset To Sunrise (next day) And Elk Zone 'Main Garage Door' is Violated And ( Elk Zone 'Den Garage Door' is Violated ) ) Then Set 'Equiptment / Garage / LightGarageWorkbench' Query Set 'Equiptment / Garage / LightGarageWorkbench' On Stop program 'GarageLightOff' Run Program 'GarageLightOff' (If) Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This program now works, have to reboot the isy to get the programs with elk module inside of them.
  12. Michele, all my outputs now show up.
  13. From Smarthome
  14. Looking for a device that will allow me to run a speaker wire to it and then based on me by a kpl if it continues to run to the speaker or not. Joe
  15. http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/index.php?title=ISY-99i/ISY-26_INSTEON:System_Configuration
  16. Michele, how do you turn off run at startup? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. When my isy reboots it runs this program and sends an email. Shouldn't this program not run at startup since I have disabled it in the summary section? If Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Stay Instant Or Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Disarmed Or Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Away Or Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Stay Or Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Night Or Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Night Instant Or Elk Area 'Williams' 'Armed State' is Armed Vacation Then Wait 10 seconds Send Notification to 'BothPhones' content 'Elk Armed/Disarmed' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  18. I believe the Mem & Error lights is a DHCP error.
  19. Michele, the trend chart doesn't display any data. Is this normal? First time I ever used it. Joe
  20. With the programs folder, clear your java. It will disappear on your whenever you reboot your isy. try using this link for less errors: http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/3.1.12/admin.jnlp
  21. Just went from 200+ rules in the elk to 34. I love how all my programs are in folders now unlike the elk programs. Now let the testing begin!
  22. Hi Michel, Since last night I noticed two other devices that were missing and required adding again. I did try restoring a knowable good last backup but those devices would not load up, the only way to get them back was to actually enter them individually as a new device. I noticed in the Excel log (first column 'Insteon Device') at a date previous to the upgrade that one of the devices was actually named using its code i.e 12 43 6E 1 instead of 'Fireplace Lights'. Regards, Wayne Wayne, have you had a problem in the past with loseing connection to the devices that are missing. If during an upgrade you lose power to a device and it doesn't restore power until after the system is finished upgrading, then this will cause your programs to do what they did, even if you restore power to the device. Joe
  23. To answer your questions, Yes. You can select which scenes/devices you want to export to the elk system.. but... The elk module isn't as much for controlling lights on the elk interface, but being able to control everything from the ISY. With the elk module you can tell status's of zones, alarmed status, armed status. This way you can turn on any scene based on status's of the elk system without haveing to use their less than great interface and email notification system.
  24. Michele, It would be nice to be able to speak outputs from within the ISY. Joe
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