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About Teken

  • Birthday 12/25/1970

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    The Bad Lands

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  1. Yet, you used my comment to portray the use of your name in a negative fashion. Anyone reading the replies knows it was to affirm you offered several things. - You are capable in developing node servers - You used prior experience and knowledge and code to add other weather related nodes - You did so many times simply for the fact it was interesting or where literally a single person asked for the same! - It was to call out your contribution and many others to the ISY Series Controller. It was never intended or meant for anyone to use what I said as a slate toward you or any of the developers who literally put in time and effort to offer the same to the community! Yet, the way you scoped your reply absolutely gave a sense that is what I said or did. As to my reply to @ase his reply and statements in no way addressed anything I stated. Even when given examples and a photo his reply was not only none sensical but completely ignored the facts. I used the email analogy because its something everyone who owns a ISY Series Controller can relate to. His follow up reply is that everything I showed in that photo from Brultech is present and in the Polisy / ISY Series Controller. Wrong . . .
  2. That would encompass almost every node server released now. How many people are asking and using the inventory node server? How many hundreds and thousands are using the Purple Air?? How about the 1-Wire?? I could keep going because these are just examples to affirm my position that its not always about 100, 1000, 9999999999999999999999 people. Before the PG3 everything was free and developed because of the love and wanting to add integration in products / services that had value to some / lots. This shows exactly in where??? HomeSeer / Home Assistant / Other
  3. I quoted that portion because it appeared you thought my reference of you was in the negative. Was it???
  4. My replies are straight to the point and factual. Just because you don't like the feedback doesn't change the facts. You asked me to offer you information as it relates to the topic at hand. I literally told you to use the search feature in this forum and Google! Why??? Because using the two would provide you that insight you're asking for. Now, if you can't even do that it simply means you were not even remotely sincere in the asking. As was the other member who said *Can't see the relationship, don't know why, how come* They can't see the relationship because they didn't even bother to READ the information provided here. They don't know the WHY because again they didn't bother to understand the history, progression, and the current state of affairs of the topic at hand. Than the famous How Come??? Am I supposed to spoon feed everyone when they can't even read the basic information along with a freaking photo to show what can be done, was done, along with what is lacking in the ISY Series Controller as it relates to a handling a single *One Shot* email! Your reply and others like it is exactly why things never ever progress . . . You have one person going off about the CLI??? ? Really should we all just stayed with DOS??? Why even bother coming up with a GUI in anything the world uses and is in place today???
  5. Why would you believe my response would be the same to you???
  6. Since you need me to hold your hand. ? Let's keep this very simple go do a Google search. Next to help you narrow down what is happening and provide context do a search in this forum which has no less than a dozen comments, links, and references. You know in life its about work and putting in the effort . . . I'm not here to spoon feed you and if you think I'm going to waste my time to offer you information that is easily obtained - get back on your meds! ?
  7. I gather you're still grasping how to use the power of Google eh?? ?
  8. Once again your lack of reading comprehension is obvious to all. Everything I have stated is in the public domain along with my replies. You took it upon yourself to come into a thread where you have absolutely no personal experience, back ground, or knowledge in. You than go out of your way to cry when challenged on the lack of merit of your replies??? You believe injecting none sensical make belief words like *Not my boss* to think its going to change the FACTS presented here??? ? Why would I need to email or PM you where a discussion is happening in the public??? Am I trying to hide something or are you so weak in your position which I called out that you feel maybe it should be taken off line??? Anyone who has been on this forum or any forum where I have participated knows I don't enter a conversation or argue with people for the express purpose to f^ck around! I enter a conversation because I'm interested in the same and willing to learn. If I have something to share I do so within the constraints of my personal knowledge. ? Here's another FAST FACT which I'm sure eludes you and probably others. When I and @lilyoyo converse and at times exchange banter, press one another, or even argue. Its always based on the facts and views which they and (HE) tried to bring supporting FACTS or information that bolsters his position. As you have seen I have not once, twice, but three times acknowledged his views but the merits of his positions on various topics. But, what did I do??? I counter each one with more facts to bolster my position and why it holds more. I can agree to disagree with him and Michel. Why??? Because both of them have earned my respect and admiration as it relates to almost all things HA or things in life. You?? I don't know you . . . All I have to reference and base my replies on are your less than factual replies or information that simply doesn't reflect how things are. Got it???
  9. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about so stay out of the conversation. Examples were provided to give context for anyone else interested as to the history, evolution, and the current state of affairs. If you can't follow basic examples and time lines while examples to bolster a persons position you need to leave. My replies and statements are based on material facts . . . Keep up . . . ?
  10. @Michel Kohanim Well, if I was the energy God it would be great for people to bow their heads and do what I want! ? Regardless, I took this thread completely off the rails and off base from the original. For that I do apologize but stand firm in my affirmation that your company must lead the way and carry the ball in some aspects of the I/O. Along with iterating, building upon, and making the energy module / hardware to exist in the latest UDI hardware. On a side note I really appreciate you quoting my iSheep! ??
  11. Michel, I'm not going to split hairs with you when I have clearly stated the goal. I have also gone out of my way to show you and others reading this thread how it was done by someone else. Why?? Because none of your boxes offers what I posted up in that image - none! I provided this example like the dozens here to provide you and others who have short memory or have no reference as to what the hell is going. I'm not talking out of my aszz nor am I trying to be obstinate but am trying to make my position with FACTS. Anyone who knows me on here or in real life knows I always try to come to the table with FACTS. I don't argue with people for the sake of arguing my goal is to push the edge of development in everything I do or am involved in. As it stands today your replies mimic everything you said more than ten years ago! At different times in our history you have slowly if begrudgingly changed your views even if dragged in screaming . . . All of us are better for it and it (shouldn't be lost on anyone) even if it appears that I am harping on you or come off negative. You know I adore and support you and the company and the team you lead. I continue to see value and the power this new box and any other box you come out with. This in no way addresses anything I stated up above now does it??? I want this new box to be successful . . . But, I want everything in that box to work and not have to wait 25 years for it to materialize!
  12. Exactly, not even close to being the same in 2022 . . .
  13. Here is a visual aid for those like me who need to see what is asked and required. This doesn't exist in the ISY Series Controller nor does it appear in anything else UDI makes. Please correct me if I am wrong . . . Regardless, I made a business case and the need for this because guess what?? The ISY Series Controller in 2022 doesn't offer the same??? So, Boom I made it happen with the hard work of Brultech. Why do I need to push this rock up hill??? Why do I have to convince you something needs to be done???
  14. Yet, why are you replying to my question if you have no clue??? It's clear you didn't take the time to read what I stated. The ISY Series Controller does not have a dedicated and simple check box to send a SINGLE email. If a condition exists or changes it will just keep sending endless emails. I'm sure I could write some 9999999999999999 program to limit the same. But, that isn't what I asked for or stated . . . One box that says fire off 1 email no more . . . Show me where this box is to fire off a single email and never get another???
  15. I can send a *single* email and never ever (repeated) receive the same?? Show me, would love to know where this hidden feature is in case I've been looking in the wrong place.
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