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Everything posted by simonsez

  1. Hey Teken, I'm glad you responded because I was reading some other threads regarding the SynchroLink and I noticed a lot of the details were coming from none other than you! So I guess it's very apropos that you'd respond. =] You're right, it's a complete piece of garbage. I explained in another thread I had no choice but to use their STB. Either use their cable box or you don't get cable TV; it's sad really. The in use power consumption doesn't really bother me since I have mine on all the time so that MyhTV can control the device via IR (sigh) and record things. Hwoever you're totally right, the power button is for nothing more than 'show' at this point. Pathetic. Since I'm venting about my idiot cable provider I'll say this too. I've had recordings that were interrupted because some update is forced to the box. So why can't they simply note that the state of the box is on and after a reboot return it to that state. I'm going to try putting this on my washer instead. Hoping I can make it so when a load finishes we can get a notification. as often we forget about the laundry and can't hear the load finished chime. Cheers Teken! Simon
  2. I just got a SynchroLinc v.30. I a have Cisco Explorer HD cable box that my cable provider likes to update and reboot constatly, and once they reboot the box it does not turn on again. This is a problematic as it's being used with MythTV and once the box is rebooted and left off all recordings will fail (just recording a blank screen) until someone goes to push the power button again. So I bought the SynchroLinc hoping to monitor this STB so I could get the box turned back on by hand when it happens. Once this was working I can write a little daemon to accept a command using Isy network module to turn the box on. The problem is following the procedure to calibrate the device doesn't seem to work. I also tested mucking around with the options for the device via the ISY, but couldn't get the state to chane from off to on for the SynchroLink. So I tested it with my KillaWatt, and found when on it's just over 14 watts, like 14.1-14.3. When the device is off it's just shy of 14 watts, like 13.7-13.9. I think this means the difference is too small for the Syncrolink to work, as I think it needs a different of at least 0.5 watts? Is this correct? If so I have a different application I'll try the SyncroLink with. Thanks, Simon
  3. You're preaching to choir here. I would love to get a HDHR Prime. I actually have two of the HDHR ATSC tuners for two separate antennas. They work great. However my local cable provider (Rogers in Canada) is the worst. They want people locked into their set top boxes. They do not support cable cards, and I'm sure never will. Even DNLA is disabled on their boxes, and I'm sure they'll never enable it. Wouldn't want a customer watching content he recorded using the box rented from the provider, and the content access purchased from the provider from some other TV in their house. Heaven forbid. So it's just not an option for me and I'm stuck with my HDPVR. Having said that it works extremely well except for the issue of the updates and shutting down my box. At some point I'm sure the component connections will become "unsupported" so that they can close this hole. I want choice in what I device/software I use for consuming content I pay for; rather than being locked into someone else's garbage platform. Case and point their current PVR offering was recently upgraded so you now get 1TB of storage. Yawn! Wake me up when it's more than the 12TB of storage I currently have on my MythTV PVR. Simon
  4. I knew I wasn't crazy ... thanks for the links! Looks like they were discontinued as my re seller thought (AARTech.) I notice both have extremely low ratings as well so even if they were available maybe the suggestion of using the SyncroLink is a better way to go. Simon
  5. Hey Techman ... I totally forgot about this device, but yeah this should work! Plus it's relatively inexpensive. Thanks for the suggestion. This will be on my next order of toys for sure. Simon
  6. I seem to recall there used to be a kit, which I am pretty sure was a 2450 that included a sensor that could detect if an LED turned on. It was like a a typical stick on IR emitter that you would affix over an LED indicator on a device and you could detect when that led turns on or off. I can't seem to find it anymore, but I was pretty sure it did exist. I spoke with my local Insteon reseller who knows the product line really well and even they said they recalled this kit but couldn't find any details about it and suggested it may have been discontinued. Anyone remember this kit? Or is there a sensor available that can accomplish this? I want one for my cable box that is hooked up to a MythTV installation. My local cable company likes to push down updates without any prompting. After updating the box is powered off, rather than just rebooting it and letting it return to the state they found it in which in my case is always. For MythTV this results in a recording of nothing but a black screen until I notice it and turn the box back on. So I thought back to this device to solve this problem, but can't seem to find anymore. Simon
  7. As it turns out I have exhausted the limits of my i994 and needed to install the Pro module to upgrade from 256 devices/scenes to 1024. Luckily this was a quick and easy process. Once I did that I could add the 2635-222 modules without any issue. However I can't help but think that the Isy itself should have let me know this was the case instead of giving me cryptic error messages. That would have saved some of the frustration with this and another issue I was having both related to reaching the limit of the non-Pro i994. Simon
  8. I did some searching on the forum and I think I've hit the limit of my i994. I am not totally positive as I'm not sure how/where I can check the scene/device limit or if I have to simply count them by hand. I guess if i've reached the limit I'll need to switch to the pro version. I guess I should have bought it to begin with. Oh well. Simon
  9. Wanted to create two new scenes this morning but can't seem to do so. Just simply hitting the New Scene button in the toolbar and I get the following error: I tried a second time and got: Very strange. I tired rebooting my Isy but get the same error. I checked the two net module rules in first error, and they are both working. However they computer that is specified in the URL was turned off at the time. But I'm not sure why this matter anyways when adding a new scene. Simon
  10. Yes I think so. I already started the RMA process to have it replaced by the place I got it from. What's interesting is I purchased two of the modules in late February before I got this one and they linked to my Isy fine on the first attempt. They've been in operation ever since, and are used on a daily basis with no issue. Considering I've tired everything possible I am fairly certain this one was just DOA. Cheers, Simon
  11. Hey Teken, Thanks for the suggestions. I tired what you suggested and I've had no luck linking the new device. I even tried putting it near the Isy, by plugging it the same outlets the Isy PLM is connected to and had the same issue. I am quite postive my network is healthy, since I have a very large number of devices (not a single non-Insteon wall switch in my home and many many plug in modules) which are all working and my network was been setup and working for years. In addition this is my second module of this type, the first one was added with no issues only a few weeks ago. I think I've tried everything, so unless there is anything else I should try I am on cusp of just RMa'ing this module back to get another one. Simon.
  12. Hi, I have firmware 4.1.2 and I cannot seem to link a new INSTEON On/Off Module module I got, 2635-222. When linking, I get the error The following devices could not be added: xx.xx.xx (2635-222) On/Off Modules v.46 - Cannot add Insteon Device I've tried to do a factory reset and then try linking again. But honestly, these new modules have a bizarre procedure for factory reset and even though I've read the manual a few times and tried it I'm not sure I'm doing it right. Despite that, I still get the same error when I try to link it. The funny thing is, this is my second module of this type and the first one I did the other day worked just fine. Any help is appreciated. Simon
  13. Thanks Brian. I skimmed over that part in the wiki even thought I looked at multiple times. Doh. Since I couldn't get to the web interface on the device I figured there was something I needed to do first. I see now that you don't go to the interface on the device but use the UDI link to get it going again. I should have paid closer attention! Cheers. Simon
  14. Hi, I have a old ISY99i left over from when I upgraded to the 994. My parents home has a mixture of X10 and Insteon but they only use everything via the X10 protocol. The X10 setup has worked fairly well, but now they'd like to do some things that the X10 setup just won't allow or is too cumbersome to do and I'd like to see them take advantage of their existing Insteon gear. Plus its easier for me to troubleshoot and make changes with Isy and Insteon so I thought I could put the old Isy to good use there until I could get them a new one. So today I attempted to do so. It's been tucked away on my shelf in the original box. First attempt at booting up the unit and I get flashing Error with PWR, TX and RX lit. Tried to factory reset and no luck. This was before I read online that people aid NOT to reset it without consulting UDI first, oops. Why isn't that in the wiki? Pretty surprised since I expected to just boot up. There was no way to access it so finally I removed the SDcard, put it in windows machine and did a quick format. Once back in the Isy it finally booted up. I located the address it got from DHCP, and was able to telnet in. So, some progress. However when I try to access the http interface I get a blank page. Back at telnet when I run 'ls WEB', the folder is empty. Which would explain the blank page. I'm not sure where to go from here to get it operational again. Could anyone suggest the next steps I would appreciate it. The output of VE shows: Product: (1120) ISY 994i 256 App: Insteon_UD994 Platform: ISY-C-994 Version: 4.1.2 Build Date: 2014-01-13-23:20:00 Other Services: - Programs Enabled Modules: 21010 - OpenADR 21040 - Networking Module 21060 - A10/X10 for INSTEON Thanks, Simon
  15. I was searching around tonight to see if there was something I could to do to reverse my fans when using a fanlinc. I knew that this was a limitation with fanlinc and due to the way different manufactures handle the reverse setting. My fans do not have a switch, the original remotes that came with them both have a reverse button. Anyways, while I was searching I found this part, which is a "Ceiling Fan Reversing Switch": http://greatfans.com/reversing-switch/SKU-4Y0XZ?callingPage=CatalogBrowse&ut=W Obviously its for Ellington brand fans (http://www.ellingtonfans.com/), but thought perhaps it might work for other brands? It appears to just have two leads so I guess you'd connect it between the fanlinc (red wire) and the fan motor? Anyone think this is worth a shot? Simon.
  16. Hi Michel! That's exactly what I did. The certificate is also being used for an Apache webserver, so I had to convert it. I used the following command to do so: openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privateKey.key -in certificate.crt -certfile CACert.crt I also tried loading the certificate onto a Windows machine using the certificates snap in just to verify that it was 'good' and it was able to import it with no problems. I am guessing if it wasn't in the right format importing would have probably failed? Right now I can see all the certificate details in when clicking on Server Certificate in the dashboard. Simon
  17. Hey Mike, Glad you like the idea. I thought either people would think it was cool, or totally ghetto considering my motion sensor is literally hanging from a string ... in the trunk of a car. I no longer have an iPhone having switched over to Android devices and leaving all my Apple stuff behind. However, I know Moblinc is available for Android so maybe I should give it a shot. The idea of using an iPod or something similar as proximity sensor is really interesting too. I'll have to search around and see what the cheapest thing you could possibly get to do this. This also gave me another idea, that potentially I could use Tasker on Android to do something similar. If you haven't heard of it, Tasker lets you perform an automated set of tasks based on a set of conditions. I use it now to disable the keypad lock on my phone when it connects to my home Wifi. I am quite positive I could use it to send an on/off command to the Isy using the wifi network detection as the same condition. Cheers! Simon
  18. Hi, I'm trying to get my wildcard certificate to work on my Isy 994. I followed the steps in the Security Guide and got the certificate imported to the Isy through the dashboard.. After doing so I rebooted my Isy. However when I go back to the Isy I get a certificate warning and when I examine the certificate in the browser, it's still using the self generated isy.universal-devices.com one. If I go back to the Dashboard, Network, Server Certificate I see the details of my certificate listed, yet the Isy doesn't seem to actually be using it. What am I missing here to get the Isy to use the certificate I imported? One thing I noticed is that the network security guide implies (on page 9) that the ISY will reboot for the changes to take effect. This sounds like the Isy will reboot itself, in my particular case it did not so I rebooted it using the telnet interface. Thanks, Simon
  19. Hi, I live in an urban area where we have no on property parking. As a result we purchase permits from the city to allow us to park on the street. Sadly, many of the other [insert many expletives here] people around us should probably be purchasing bus passes rather than driving cars. One couple in particular are two of the worst drivers I have ever witnessed and couldn't parallel park to save their life. In addition once in a while we get people breaking into cars, and one time this has resulted in damage to my car with them trying to pry the window open. To combat this, or to at least alert me to an issue I am using an Insteon motion sensor hung from a short string inside the trunk of my car, and another one set up the same way for my girlfriends car. Should the car get bumped for what ever reason the sensor swings / gets distributed and this will trigger it. From there, the Isy triggers my Zonerminder DVR activating my street cam and should catch video of the incident. In addition it notifies myself or my girlfriend depending on who's car is involved. It actually works quite well. The way it works is a KPL at the front door allows you to check your car in/out. When you check it in (KPL button on), the monitoring is active and the ISY will respond to the motion event, and when you check it out the monitoring is inactive. So my question is this, I'd like to get rid of the check in / check out. I've been trying to find some way to detect the presence of the cars. I saw some mentions of wirelesstag.net on here and did some research. It's pretty neat, but I absolutely hate the cloud aspect due to the reasons voiced on that thread about it. I also initially thought I could use the 'is responding' condition for the motion sensors but after some reading on the forum it appears this will not work with RF only devices because they normally are 'sleeping' and can't be queried. Thanks, Simon
  20. Hi jtara92101, Thanks for your tip. I searched the forums for your messages and gave the relevant threads a good read. Feeling confident I went ahead and did the upgrade to the 994. So far it seems like everything is working, but I need to do a bit more testing to be 100% sure. At any rate thanks for replying, it was really helpful. Simon
  21. I just purchased an ISY994i to replace my existing ISY99i. I have read the instructions (http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... r_ISY-994i) in the wiki about upgrading and it seems simple enough. My ISY99 is v3.2.6 and the version on the ISY994i is v4.0.5. I was wondering if there would be any issues upgrading from the old version to the new version? I did try upgrading the ISY99 a while ago to a later version, but I had a lot of problems after I did so I went back to the old version since I was planning on buying the 994 anyways. Other than that, if there are any other tips or tricks I'd love to hear them. I'm just waiting to have my modules transferred and then I am planning on doing the upgrade. Thanks. Simon
  22. Hi Michel, I will restore my 3.2.6 backup later today, thanks for the tip. I am using Java 1.7 already. However the problems connecting to the ISY are before I load the console itself, would the version of Java still affect this? I notice the long delays and the page not found error seem to be gone after downgrading to 3.2.6. Simon
  23. Sure Michel. I will PM you the details. Simon
  24. I downgraded to 3.2.6. After it was done I cleared my java cache, reloaded the console went right to the switch I was having problems with right clicked and selected write updates to device and it worked right away. Simon
  25. I upgraded to version 3.3.3 on my Isy-99 and since then I've been having lots of odd problems with my once completely stable Isy. Was wondering if anyone might have some tips for me. Whenever I connect to the web based interface via https I always get a page note found error. For example. When I first browse to it I get the invalid certificate error (which is expected because I use an SSL certificate) and I click to proceed I always get page not found. I have to press refresh I then get the /WEB/INDEX.HTM page and authentication dialogue pops up. When using the console I am now unable to work with devices that worked perfectly before the upgrade. There have not been changes in my home at all since the upgrade. For example I have not plugged in or added any new equipment; insteon or otherwise. I was trying to a button from one of my Insteon keypads to a scene and when I do I get cannot communicate with device errors and then that device gets red exclamation points beside it. When I right click and select 'write updates to device' Before the upgrade I had no issues working with devices in the Isy console At this point I am regretting updating at all, as I only wanted to be able to use a wildcard SSL certificate and the dashboard. The former isn't possible on my Isy-99 and the latter refuses to work no matter what I try, So if there is a way to downgrade, I would happy do so as 3.3.3 is just not working out for me. Anyway, if anyone has suggestions I'm all ears. Simon
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