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Everything posted by mjrush

  1. Zwave devices don't seem to have very good documentation and mapping the device documentation to ISY is also difficult. The forum has been a big help for me. I have an Aeotec NanoMote. When I installed it, I get the nodes shown in the screenshot. I use three programs to control a light. One button turns the light on dim, one turns it on bright and one turn it off. The menu has 7 options for one button. Not sure how to get the Fade Stop, Fade Up or fast On. I had this on an ISY994 but the screen shots are from ISY on Polisy.
  2. I'm still trying to understand the various users on Polisy. If I login as admin, I can cd /var/polyglot/log and vi or cat debug.log. I tried su polyglot with password admin and the "admin" password and got Sorry. To access the ISY files, I need to use sudo ls /var/isy/FILES. sudo cd /var/isy/FILES doesn't work.
  3. I normally use Putty but I tried it using a Windows 10 command window. It works, but Windows doesn't echo the password so it looks like nothing is being entered. A cr should cause it to ask for the Password again.
  4. I have a program on my ISY994 that runs once a day and saves a variable to a file. I used the @webpage:/mydir/status.htm command to create the file and the @webpage:@append:/mydir/status.htm command to update the file. These are in a Customizations that’s called using Send Notification. When I moved these programs to ISY on Polisy, they are not working. The create command seems to run but I don’t see the file on the Configuration | Networking | Web Server page. I was able to copy a file from the computer side to the ISY side. If I try to open the file, I get a ./FILES/FILES/USER/WEB/STATUS.HTM not found error. If I change the url from // to // I can open the file. If I use right mouse New Folder or Delete, I get an error message as shown in the screen shot. The directory tree in Polisy ISY has an extra period that is not in the ISY994. Anyone doing something similar?
  5. Z-Wave motion sensors are working. Thank you.
  6. The event viewer shows the following communications when the motion sensors detect activity. The status doesn't update in the admin console.
  7. @Michel Kohanim I have two HomeSeer motion detectors that were working on the ISY994 but don't update status on ISY polisy. There is activity in the event viewer when motion is detected but the status doesn't change on the device page. @RB3has a screen shot in the ISY on Polisy v5.2.0 Is Now Available thread.
  8. I added two HomeSeer HS-MS100 motion sensors to ISY on Polisy. They added ok but don't seem to update when there is motion. I also added some Leviton plug in outlets. These send hail instead of status and that seems to be working.
  9. The Leviton devices send Hail when the local button is pressed. I use a program like this to query the device and update the status. If the device is queried without the delay and there is a ramp, the status maybe a intermediate value. I would like to know if there is a better way. Recessed Query - [ID 001D][Parent 001C] If 'Living Room Recessed' is switched Hail Then Wait 10 seconds Set 'Living Room Recessed' Query Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') This switch doesn't send status when switched. It sends Hail so the program does a query.
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