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Everything posted by vbPhil

  1. Thanks Mr. Bill... Yes, the link opens that browser window, but you have to go another step further. Clicking on the "Install Admin Console (Internet)" link would then download admin.jnlp file. Running that file opens up a ISY Finder window and an Admin Console window and a prompt to login. BUT, the ISY Finder window is only showing one line, the 994i ISY. Suffice it to say, this procedure no longer works as it did before when there was just one ISY 994i. No big deal, using the ISY Launcher shortcut is fine going forward into the Polisy universe. -phil
  2. Well... the desktop icon is called "ISY Launcher" but the window that opens is titled "ISY Finder". So, with that, my shortcut technique launches 2 windows, the ISY finder and Admin console. BTW.. this is not my invention, I learned it years ago in the forum most likely.
  3. Yes, I have the launcher and it will open the Polisy ISY Admin console. The technique I'm using with the 994i opened the Admin Console directly without having to start the launcher first. It actually would run the launcher and the Admin console together, both windows would be opened on the desktop. I just realized that I need to use port 8080 for local request to Polisy, so this will launch udajax.htm on Polisy. Not sure yet if the Admin console works from this page. http://<polisy IP>:8080/WEB/udajax.htm#/config/&tmpl=options
  4. For my 994i ISY I had this note to create a desktop shortcut for the ISY. Usually whenever a new version of ISY was installed I'd have to recreate this shortcut as the Java cache would always get deleted. Admin Console desktop shortcut Open this link and click the Install Admin Console (Internet) link. http://<ISY IP>/WEB/udajax.htm#/config/&tmpl=options Doing this would result in this icon on my desktop that would start the Admin console. I tried to do this for the Polisy ISY using the above link with Polisy's IP address, but it didn't work. I get a "refused to connect" error in the browser window. Will something like this work for the Polisy ISY?
  5. Is there any way to poll a device to determine what Series it is? The few I have are from GE labeled as Z-Wave Plus but no mention of series.
  6. That's great I'll message you.
  7. @Mr01Can you make me one. How much? Thanks, -phil
  8. @dbwarner5 thanks for the reply. That's a good answer! I forgot about that being the case with Insteon and the PLM addressing. Not worth the effort then to set that up. I just ordered the Zooz USB 700 Series Z-Wave Plus S2 Stick ZST10 700 to use with Polisy. I only have a few Z-Wave devices that are installed, but not used. I think I'll try using Polisy with z-wave to start out and play around with that. Then migrate the ISY over using the restore from backup. I can use the same serial PLM that 994i is currently using. Although I do have another older USB PLM. I wonder if that's any better?
  9. I went as far as starting ISY on Polisy adding it to the Launcher and then changing the logon credentials. I can run the Admin Console for it but don't want to migrate yet from my ISY994i. Is it possible to keep the 994i in service while configuring the Polisy ISY or once the migration is started there's no turning back? I'm not sure how far you can go with having the 2 ISYs, until down the road, when it's only the Polisy ISY. -phil
  10. I agree with @asbril on using UD Mobile on my iPhone. I gave up on Mobilinc when UD Mobile came out.
  11. Looking forward to answers to your questions. I kinda get what's it's for and where it's going. I have the Pro but don't use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth (wouldn't know how to). Have a couple Polyglots going, Hue and Wireless Tag. Only using Wireless Tag nodes in ISY programs. Too scared to try using the Polisy ISY, not sure it's even ready for the masses. Definitely could use a good manual. Forums and Wiki's don't seem to cover it all. I struggle but get thru it eventually. My ISY 994i with Z-Wave is working pretty good to give it up just yet. In fact, I just moved it to the garage nearer the breaker panel and it's even more reliable. Polisy is still in my office on the tech workbench.
  12. I'd have to ask, then why is it in the Error Log if it's only informational. That's what the regular log is for.
  13. No. Same as Cookbook listing. -170001 is not listed.
  14. Any idea what error code -170001 is? Here's some sample entries from my error log file. Tue 2021/12/07 21:21:41 System -170001 [HTTP:0-26] Closing socket normally Tue 2021/12/07 21:21:41 System -170001 [HTTP:1-27] Closing socket normally Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:06 System -170001 [HTTP:0-27-5]>80 Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:06 System -170001 [HTTP:0-27]: GET-->/rest/ns/3/nodes/n003_aedc5e Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:06 System -170001 [HTTP:1-26-5]>80 Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:06 System -170001 [HTTP:0-27]: GET-->/rest/ns/3/nodes/n003_aedc5e Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:07 System -170001 [HTTP:1-26]: GET-->/rest/ns/3/nodes/n003_aedc5e Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:07 System -170001 [HTTP:0-27] Closing socket normally Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:07 System -170001 [HTTP:1-26] Closing socket normally Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:12 System -170001 [HTTP:0-26-5]>80 Tue 2021/12/07 21:22:12 System -170001 [HTTP:0-26]: POST[1]-->/services The nearest code shown in the cookbook is: -17000 WEB_MODULE_NO_FREE_SPACE thanks, -phil
  15. In the Admin Console there's a popup context menu for any device called Advanced/PLM Communication. When selected a popup window is shown where you can set different values for "Communication to the PLM". The values range from No Retires to 9 Retries. I can't find an explanation for what this is for. Any ideas? thanks, -phil
  16. Know of any way to test an old 2443. If these are dead I’ll throw them out.
  17. Correct. According to the manual 2 Access points connect together. You plug one in, hit the set switch 4 times then plug the 2nd one in. Link is my word, although not sure what else to call it.
  18. I think..... Just removed them this morning when I couldn't get them to link up anymore according to the manual. The rev 1 is so old the case is all yellow.
  19. Yes, been there done all that thru the years. My system is probably 99.5% reliable and with new home devices constantly being added and removed it's pretty much a moving target. For instance, I just added 4 power recliners and Philips Hue Bridge and bulbs. I just was curious with the idea of repeating a scene command for extra reliability. What would be an acceptable wait time before repeating it if one was inclined to do so?
  20. Are the 2443 Access Points still in production? I don't see them on the Smarthome web site. I have several, rev 1 and 1.6, not sure if they are still operational. Since I've been converting over to Dual-Band the last several years I don't think I need them anymore. I've uninstalled them and don't see any bad effects in my network. -phil
  21. I knew that answer would come.
  22. Most of my Insteon Scenes don't have a controller other than the ISY and the Scenes are turned on/off by ISY programs. Sometime ago I found that Scenes with devices that would sometimes not go on/off when the Scene was activated could be remedied by putting the command inside a repeat loop. I'll see this in action when a scene goes on and one light comes on a little after the others. Today I'm asking those of you that have expertise with the Insteon framework if this is a good idea? For the most part it works except I still get an occasional device that misses the command. Also, not sure if it's okay to lower the wait time so it executes faster. Is anybody else out there doing this? thanks, -phil
  23. Ditto MrBill. Issue would be the time frame. Just when is "soon to be obsolete" and when is ISY on Polisy user friendly? Sounds like I could set that up today with my ISY994i and the z-Wave module. -phil
  24. From a layman's point of view (no geek here) I see no difference. I got the Pro from a discount that was being offered just to supersize for maybe future needs. Right now I'm not using Bluetooth or WiFi and to tell you the truth I wouldn't know how to use them. I haven't seen any instructions on how to take advantage of these features. It's working fine with my ISY and I have 4 polyglots running; MyQ, Hue, WirelessTags, DavisWeather. I'm sure there's some more expert advice that will probably comment on your question.
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