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Everything posted by vbPhil

  1. I can't get email to send from the ISY994i using the same SMTP settings that I use from my email client. I'm getting a Mail server failure message [TLS negotiation failed]. If I uncheck to use TLS I get another Mail server failure message [unsupported authentication method]. I'm wondering if anyone else has been able to use Outlook.com with the ISY994i? The SMTP settings I'm using are; SMTP Server: smtp-mail.outlook.com Port: 587 thanks, -phil
  2. I've just upgraded my 994i to the 4.3.26 version and I think Java also was recently updated to v8 update 65. I notice now when I run the Admin Console that a window opens up with the caption ISY Finder and then a 2nd window opens with the Admin console. What is the ISY Finder window? Should it stay open or can I close it? -thanks, -phil
  3. So after some back work with Support the issue for me was resolved. The issue is that your BiPHY lamplinc has "sense" and thus a controller whereas the 2Pin is only a responder. We cannot replace these two with each other.... To recap. The newer Smarthome B2457D2 Lamplincs are responders and controllers whereas the older 2456D2 Lamplincs are just responders therefore the ISY can not perform a replace device with them. thanks to support for all the help.
  4. Using that link didn't yield any different results. The 2456D2 still did not show the B2457D2 as a replacement device. I sent my backup file to support. thanks, -phil
  6. The 2456D2 does not show up when right mouse clicking the B2457D2. See attached photo.
  7. Well.... asking me for a screenshot of my 2457D2 revealed to me that it's actually labeled as a B2457D2. I have 4 of these devices in my system and they are all B's. From the Topology report they show up like this. (B2457D2) LampLinc BiPhy v.3B (B2457D2) LampLinc BiPhy v.41 Screen shot for one of them is attached. I took a screenshot for what I see when I do a replace device on the 2456D2 and you can see that the B2457D2 does not show up. You can see from the screen shots that the 2456D2 named; LR Table Lamp and the B2457D2 named OFP_Desk are both listed under My Lighting and are not in any folders. However, the B2457D2 is currently assigned to scenes. Could that be preventing it from showing as a valid replacement?
  8. Yes that is the correct device. In fact, I have many old Insteon devices from SmartHome that have been in my system for years. I started incorporating them when Insteon came out and I replaced my X10 system. Hopefully the ISY software will do the replace device function with them. I'm fairly sure that when I added them ISY was able to detect the device type and configured it in the system appropriately. My ISY About screen is attached to this post, it is version 4.2.18. The ISY device type label as viewed for the device is also attached to this post. Here's the link that tshows the data sheet for this device on the SamrtHome web site. It's discontinued now. http://www.smarthome.com/insteon-2456d2-lamplinc-dimmer-2-pin.html
  9. I'm having the same issue as Steve where I want to replace an older Lamplinc 2456D2 with the newer 2457D2 types. When using the Replace Device menu option the 2457 is not listed. I'm running version 4.2.18 ISY software. I'm not sure what is meant in the above post by "added with brute force"? I'm pretty sure I always add new devices thru the ISY "New Insteon Device" menu choice. Is there more information on this topic that can be posted or does this always require a support ticket? I was also curious on what would be the process of replacing a device manually, are there any shortcuts to use? thanks -phil
  10. So I was able to add the 2843-222 to my existing network in the usual way by inputting the Insteon address value. As a test I wrote a short program to turn a light on and off depending on the state of the switch. My plan now is to mount it on the garage door so I can detect whether the door is opened or closed. -phil
  11. Thanks. Call me stupid, I was looking right at it.
  12. I have the ISY994i but this question probably applies to the 99i as well. Can I link this open/close sensor to my 994i network? It isn't labeled with an Insteon address and only describes how to link it to a responder. My goal is to have the 994i process the open and close signals from a program. thanks, -phil
  13. That's perfect. I completely over looked the Repeat command in Actions. I kept mulling over something in the Schedule group and got stuck. thanks for the quick help. -phil
  14. I have a couple ground fault circuits that have Insteon devices on them and other important equipment. These circuits are notorious for tripping durring times of high moisture. I'd like to receive a text message on my mobile phone when one of the circuits trips. I created a simple program that checks the response of an insteon device and then sends me a Verizon text if the response is false. How do I schedule that program to run on the hour or so? One of the circuits has the garage refrigerator on it and the other circuit is supplying power for the irrigation heat tape in the winter so I need to know when these circuits are tripped. Thanks, -phil
  15. Thanks Xathros that's a very straight forward approach. I'll give it try. I wonder if you have a similar approach to using the Wait command. I'd like to load the Wait time from a variable but this hasn't been supported. I think it still isn't in 3.2.6. I've seen some ideas posted on the forum but they always seemed to require several new programs and I just wasn't interested in that much of a work around. I decided to wait until the functionality was added to the ISY. -phil
  16. I'd like my irrigation to run every other day. Any ideas on how to schedule that? I thought of maybe using odd and even calendar dates but I don't see that either. I have several irrigation programs stashed away in their own folders and now that Spring is here I need to get them running again. Last year I just scheduled them to run according to the day of the week. That's ok for the most part but I do have some special zones that would really do better running every other day, I don't care what day of the week it is. I'm using the ISY-99i v 3.2.6 and the EZFlora irrigation insteon module. I also have Homeseer as the main interface to my Insteon devices through their http user interface. I do some scripting in Homeseer and have many Events configured to do all my lighting control but decided to do the irrigation program in the ISY 99i. thanks, -phil
  17. I would prefer variables as well. I'm still using version 2.8.16 of the 99i and it doesn't support variables. I run each Zone from it's own program that way I can see the progress of the watering routine as it moves from Zone to Zone. I store my many different watering routines in separate folders to keep them organized. Basically I program the THEN path in each program as DNL points out. Like this; If Then Set 'IrrigationZone.1' On Wait 30 minutes Set 'IrrigationZone1.' Off Wait 3 seconds Run Program 'P2Z2Run' (Then Path) Else This example is the program for Zone 1 where it runs for 30 minutes and then commands Zone 2 to run which is in the P2Z2Run program. It's all pretty straight forward. -phil
  18. dnl - I forgot to add that the programming technique in your post has helped me greatly. Until that I had very few ideas on how the ISY was suppose to program. thanks, -phil
  19. I wonder how this technique would change with the introduction of variables that are in the next release? I quess it's will still be a "state machine" but with variables to use between the states.
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