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Everything posted by starmanj

  1. I am finding I'm only getting real time switch status on a subset of all my light switches. Swapped PLM and same issue. Restoring device does not fix it. I am completely stumped. Event viewer shows it's sending status to PLM. Any ideas?
  2. It previously worked, but 2.04 Polyglot cloud shows "true" online and no data. Drivers show "ST" and "GV1"...logs show "authorization failed" though all keys and data are correct?
  3. Solar Edge used to work for me, but now I get: 2021-01-02 14:47:25,596 [NodeServer] [ERROR] Model SE10000A-USR00NNU2 is not yet supported It worked before. Can the Polyglot Cloud server be updated to re-enable my solar inverter? Thanks!
  4. From Mobilinc page: MobiLinc X requires your ISY-994i have our MobiLinc Portal module installed. To install, open the Admin Console and go to Help->Purchase Modules to install the MobiLinc Portal and then Help->Manage Modules. Do not install the UDI/ISY Portal as MobiLinc X will not work with the UDI/ISY Portal. If you've installed the UDI/ISY Portal, please contact UDI Support to have them remove the UDI/ISY Portal and install the MobiLinc Portal for your ISY. Looks like they want to compete with ISY portal. Mobilinc is too expensive and slow with feature updates. What are the alternatives? I'm afraid UD is too dependent on Mobilinc and this will harm UD in the long run...
  5. Also your suggestion to link/unlink Google Home worked! Spokens were successfully sent to Google home.
  6. D'oh. There it is! Never even noticed "My Profile" in upper right. Why not merge that into "My Account"? Anyway I updated and am super stoked to seamlessly use my ISY's!
  7. One last thing-- under "google home", click "send spokens to google home", I get this error: Error sending your spokens. Google home API returned: PERMISSION_DENIED The caller does not have permission
  8. FYI yes Amazon seems to have screwed up a lot of accounts-- I had to put an older password in to login. Amazon bug.
  9. Hi Benoit- Wondering if you backed out the recent update? The portal doesn't show "My profile", just "My account". When I click on user, it only shows "preferred ISY", not "all ISYs". Spearse
  10. Duh...never mind. A simple then set=1 else set=0 will instantly change state; no need for a wait period that doesn't always work. However Portal will still get flooded with Alexa routing requests.
  11. So if I make a second program that sets den_motion to 0 if motion sensor is normal, the state variable immediately reverts back to 0 after motion stops. Is this the correct procedure? Have two separate programs constantly monitoring the elk sensor, and change state instantly? The portal will get a lot of sudden Alexa routine requests within the 30 second interval...
  12. FAntastic news! THANKS!
  13. Fantastic News!!! Thanks for the ingenuity and rapid response to this request! My life will be SO much easier not having to constantly switch preferred ISYs. Thanks again!
  14. So if the motion sensor is triggered for only one second, and the wait is five seconds, the variable won't be reset to zero? So how do you reset motion sensor variables back to zero?
  15. Update-- if I change set $den_motion=1 and "WAit 36 seconds" it will change the state variable back to 0. Is this an ISY limitation? Not sure why I have to wait so long to reset a state variable? However the state variable feature still won't trigger Alexa to say anything...when I play the state variable routing via Alexa app, it runs correctly. It simply won't trigger based on ISY state variable changes.
  16. This really steps up Portal capabilities, I'm loving it! Some observations- There are two ways to use this new capability, setting up devices as a direct sensor OR using state variables to trigger Alexa. 1) Works well when setting up an Elk motion sensor as a "device". Alexa routine will notify me on a chosen Alexa device whenever it senses motion. However, there is a substantial delay between notifications. That is, it quickly says "area motion" when Elk is triggered. but it takes a while (as wiki says) to refresh and say it again, even if there is more motion in between. 2) I'm having a problem using state variables though...I have state variable called "den_motion" which inits to 0. A program will sense when "den motion" is violated, which then sets $den_motion = 1. Wait 10 seconds, then set $den_motion to 0. Portal uses den_motion state variable as a "contact sensor" with a contact closed value of "1". My Alexa routine is set to detect motion on this portal mapping and say "den motion", but it doesn't work. Also the program won't reset the value back to 0 for some reason. What am I doing wrong? I've tried flipping the contact close values from 1 to 0...
  17. Got it. Thanks. Keeping fingers crossed! I'd love to be able to seamlessly use both my ISY's.
  18. That is interesting. I thought once the portal gets the API command from Alexa, the portal simply passes the command to the "preferred ISY". Therefore the Portal could just pass the command to both ISY's instead of just one. Or the Portal can pass the command to the ISY associated with the correct device. Why would Amazon be involved after passing the command to the Portal? I might not understand where the logic is done on the commands...
  19. So I write a program for each device it controls? I have a tremendous amount of devices...this adds a level of complexity, defeats the reason why I'm using the Portal (I could easily just use my own server to execute amazon/google commands on the ISY but don't have time to caretake that).
  20. Great idea, way beyond my abilities sadly...
  21. That may be, not many of us likely have two ISYs, but why put in the functionality into the Portal to have multiple ISYs in the first place? I purchased the portal when I saw it could handle two ISY's, but now discover it can't without a significant disruption to me-- why should I need two Amazon accounts? I do everything, buy everything, have Amazon music etc., through my one and only account, that I pay for via Prime. And I can't believe merely allowing broadcast of Portal commands to both ISYs (vs just one) is a major software change... Anyway Benoit thought my request made sense...
  22. I want to give a verbal echo command and have it execute on either one of my ISY's. I can't. My problem is when I am at one location, I have to go to the portal and change the "preferred ISY" to that location. I am switching ISY location constantly, so nothing works until I change portal settings. I want to manage all my echo's with one login, not two. I am asking the option to have a single Amazon login, and give an echo command from any device, and have the portal send that command to both ISY's and let the ISY execute. An alternative is to specify which ISY to send the command to within the Portal, so the command is sent to the correct ISY (and not both). Eliminate "preferred ISY". Make sense? I love the portal! It just doesn't work for me because of this issue.
  23. Right. All my devices are uniquely named, I just want to control my devices wherever they are, on both ISYs, without having to switch "favorite" ISY in the portal. Just send my command from Alexa to both ISY's. Let the ISY ignore the command that doesn't control the device. I don't want two separate Amazon accounts...
  24. I'm referring to this thread:
  25. This is starting to cause me problems. My partner gets very upset when suddenly her commands stop working because I'm working out of my other ISY. I know this is something you guys said you would fix, but how hard is it to simply send my commands to all my registered ISY's? For some reason it's blocked now.
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