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Everything posted by starmanj

  1. Hi LeeG- I've got two keypads as controllers for the room, one is v.39 and another v.36 (funny, both ordered at the same time). AHAA! Thank you, there it is under "buttons toggle mode". That should do it! Starmanj
  2. wrjo, how did you enable the irrigation module? It doesn't show up in my Weatherbug screen-- Starmanj
  3. I want to program my "A" keypad to all lights on, and "B" keypad to all lights off. Can I do this with a scene on the ISY? Right now "A" acts as a toggle and can't get it to turn "on" only. Or can this only be done in a program? Thanks!
  4. Excellent! Thanks to you both. Hmmm, you would think the ISY software would know I meant to span to the next day...
  5. Any ideas why the attached picture of my ultra simple program doesn't work? I can activate the porch light via scene but then it just stays on forever. I want the porch to turn off after 10 minutes. Just can't get it to work!
  6. Never mind, that's exactly what I do. Thanks.
  7. Thanks for the help. So to do this, I just choose a button as controller and drag all lights in the house to that scene as a responder? Thanks
  8. Should I make a scene or program to do this? One switch a controller, and every light a responder? Or write a program? It is a pretty tedious process to copy all 70 lights to a scene or make a program line for every light though...
  9. I want to show my wife that the keypads can change LED brightness by doing a simple 1-second interval to increase brightness from 0 to 15 using ISY. All I can do with current firmware is set it to a value, not increment +1 every second. Am I missing something? I've had the system a few days. Starmanj
  10. Gotcha. Love this stuff. Thanks Starmanj
  11. Firmware 2.8.16. I create a scene on ISY for an 8-button controller to turn on a dimmer responder. If I manually hit the controller button, the responder light turns on and off. When I use the ISY to turn the controller on or off, the responder does nothing. I'm new to this so there might be an obvious answer/ISY bug/Insteon limitation-- Thanks! Starmanj
  12. Hi Bob- Does the Homeseer have the same programming capability of the ISY? I'm trying not to have two separate expensive HA controllers. Seems Homeseer can do Insteon but ISY can't do Zwave. Should I go for homeseer instead? Starmanj
  13. I am renovating a home and will install all Insteon devices. But wife wants a Baldwin deadbolt, and they only do zwave and zigbee. I don't want to buy a $500 Homeseer to control the deadbolt-- anyone know of the simplest way to manage the deadbolt remotely? Thanks in advance! Starmanj
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