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Everything posted by jblackst5000

  1. After upgrading my firmware to 5.3.3 I no longer have the "universal heal" or "update neighbors" and "repair links". I only have synchronize nodes. Is there something I need to do to fix this. Thanks,
  2. I just upgraded my firmware to 5.3.3 and as you mentioned the universal heal has been replaced with UPDATE NEIGHBORS and REPAIR LINKS. Could you please give me a description as to when I should use either of those options. Thanks,
  3. Last week I replaced my 10yo ISY994ir that also had a 2 yo Z-Wave dongle that I installed. I replaced it with a new ISY994ir ZW+Pro. My backup was firmware 5.0.16C. When I did a restore it transferred the same firmware (5.0.16C) to my new ISY. Everything is working fine now, even my two Schlage Z-wave door locks. To include the two locks I had to temporarily move my ISY about 3 feet from the door. My question is should I upgrade my firmware to 5.3.0? Since everything works fine now I am a little hesitant to do so. Are there other advantages to updating to the latest firmware that i might not be aware of. Thanks for your help on this.
  4. Thanks DennisC, Today I ran a long ethernet cable from my router downstairs to within a few feet of my Schlage Door Lock. That solved the problem. I was able to exclude the lock first and then include it. I tried everything possible and could not include until I moved it within a few feet of the lock. I guess with all of the security built into these locks causes this problem.
  5. I have two Schlage BE-468 locks that use to work fine with my 8 year old ISY994ir and a newer 500 series Z-Wave Dongle. My Z-Wave dongle became unresponsive so I purchased a new ISY994ir ZW+. With the new dongle I am only able to include my back door and not the front. My ISY994 is downstairs so not that close. I am going to try and add a few extenders to see if that might work. I see I am not the only one having this issue. I am sure someone at Schlage knows what the problem is.
  6. I brought the ISY994ir ZW+ upstairs within about 15 feet of the front door lock. That did not fix the problem. I put my z-wave dongle in add mode and then put in the codes on my Schlage lock. The lock begins to blink looking to connect but it always fails. I think my problem is something else. Since this lock worked fine when I first bought it about 4 years ago. I think it has something to do with changing to a different 994ir ZW+. I have no idea where to go from here. Thanks for your help.
  7. Thanks, That is probably what the problem is. I have no way of getting my ISY next to my door lock without taking the lock off of the door and taking it downstairs. I do have repeater and I could add it 3-4 years ago. Maybe I will buy another repeater.
  8. I had this lock for about 4 years now and it has been working fine. My Z-wave dongle became unresponsive and I had to purchase a new ISY994ir ZW+. Since my old Z-wave dongle just stopped working I was unable to exclude my z-wave devices before I replaced it with a new one. On all of my other Z-wave (there were 5) I was able to exclude them first and then include them and it worked. When I tried this with my Schlage lock it did not work. I could not exclude or include the lock into my Z-wave network. There is a programming code you need to use to add/exclude the lock. I called Schlage and they suggested that I set the lock to default. i tried that but still could not include it. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
  9. Mr. Bill, I just wanted to thank you for all the help in resolving my Z-Wave Dongle not responding. First I had my PLM die and restored a new one. After that I saw that my Z-Wave Dongle was not responding. I later discovered that possibly a capacitor ruptured and my ISY was also giving out. The good news is I received my new ISY994ir ZW+ today and now everything works again. Brad and Michel from UD tech support was also a huge help getting this resolved. Thanks,
  10. I think it was a capacitor leaking. Do you know what might cause all of my program folders (admin console) to have a red streak on the left side of the folder. The programs work but just wondering what is causing that. They may have always been there but I think I would have seen that. I just hope that the backup I did to use when I restore my new ISY994ir ZW+ will not have problems because of the condition of my old ISY.
  11. Mr Bil, I finally found the problem with my Z-Wave dongle. I opened up the case on my ISY 994ir and the circuit board had a great deal of white powder (like when a battery leaks) on it. It had spread to where the Z-Wave dongle plugs into the ISY board. I am sure that is what is causing my problem. I ordered a new ISY and it should be coming tomorrow. Thanks again for all your help.
  12. It is backed up. The problem I have is since it say "Z-Wave Dongle not responding" there are no option to even do a restore. I thought about removing the board and putting it back in. I doubt if that would do anything.
  13. Hi Mr Bill, I am sure that I have the newer 500 daughter board. That is why I updated my firmware to 5.0.16C. Do you think I would have any problems if I updated again to the just release 5.3.2? I know they made quite a few Z-wave improvements with that version. I might get lucky and my Z-wave dongle will start responding again. Thanks so much for all your help.
  14. Hi Mr. Bill, I am running 5.0.16C. Yes the U.I. version matches. I cannot check my Z-wave version because nothing happens when I click on "Z-Wave Dongle not responding" When I do help about it says my Z-Wave version is 21090. I did not update my ISY's firmware when I was making the PLM change. Thanks for your help.
  15. Thanks Dennis I tried wiki and nothing is said what to do if your z-wave dongle is not responding. I am hoping someone has run across the same situation. It is possible I am going to need to purchase a new z-wave dongle and install that. I just don't know why it would happen the same time I was replacing my PLM.
  16. My PLM died a week ago and I purchased a new one. I followed the instruction on how to swap out a PLM and do a "PLM Restore". Everything seemed to work but for some reason I lost my Z-Wave connection. I installed the 5.0 version of the Z-Wave Dongle to my ISY 994i about 3 years ago. Now when I launch my Admin Console and click on Z-Wave it tell me that Z-wave is not responding. Is thee a way to re-set the Z-wave dongle so it will connect again? I was thinking about removing it and installing it back inside my ISY. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  17. When I added my Insteon I/O Linc to my ISY it created a Sensor and Relay. My question is when my garage door is closed should the status of the sensor be "On" and the status of the Relay be "Off". I asked eKeypad and he said the status of the Relay should be "Open". When I log into my ISY with the Control Console it shows the status of my Garage Door Relay is "Off". Does that translate in being "Open". I am confused. I hope someone can explain this to me. Thanks,
  18. Thanks for the replays and help. I am not using the "Trigger Reverse" mode. I only have Momentary B and LED on TX selected.
  19. I have two IOLinc's that I use to control my two garage doors. Everything works fine until I re-boot my ISY. I just did this a few days ago and when I push my garage door button the garage door go up about half way and stops. Sometimes it even goes up half way and then closes on it's on. If I unplug my IOLinc the garage door opener works fine. When my ISY re-booted it must have made my IOLinc out of sync. The only way I could fix it is to delete my IOLinc (GarageDoor-Sensor/GarageDoor-Relay) and to re-install. It then creates entries 1. GarageDoor-Sensor 2. GarageDoor-Relay When I do that everything works fine. I am sure there is a better and much easier way of fixing this problem should it occur again. Thanks as usual for all your help.
  20. Hi Dennis, I use the lack of motion to turn off the insteon switch. I created a scene that includes the motion sensor and the light. Thanks for you advise. I will try and write a program to be activated when I run the 6 button switch to disable the motion sensor. Thanks again for your help.
  21. I have an Insteon motion sensor in our basement that works great turning on a light when we enter the room. The problem is that sometimes I am working in a part of the basement not in the path of the motion sensor. When I work in these areas after about 5 minutes the light goes out and I have to walk over towards the motion sensor to turn it back on. Could someone help me write a short program that I could enable by assigning it to a button (eg "C") on my Insteon 6 button switch. I want the program to either disable the motion sensor or keep its status to "on". I would appreciate any help with this.
  22. I started with an ISY99 over 12 years ago and have since upgraded to an ISY 994i. I have since added an Elk M1 Gold security panel, UDI Portal for Echo, weather station and the newly released Z-Wave dongle. I am new to Z-Wave, but just yesterday installed a Schlage Z-Wave door lock. I like how it gives me the status of my door lock (locked/unlocked) and I can use it in writing programs. I absolutely love how everything works so well and when I do need help I can easily get it here or by calling UD tech support. The fact that the ISY 994i and Elk M1 Gold are linked is a very powerful feature to use in programming. Thanks to UDI WiKi, forum, training videos, I am constantly learning new things to make my home an even smarter home.
  23. I am using ISY 994i firmware version 5.0.13D and everything seems to be working. I am new to Z-Wave and just recently installed the just released 500 dongle from Orchestrated Home. I also have two light on/off switches/extender. I plan to add an Aeotec Z-Wave ver 6 range extender. I am having a new door installed in about a month and want to be sure that I have a strong Z-Wave signal in that part of the house for my Schlage Z-Wave deadbolt lock. My two Inovelli light switches/extender seem to be working fine. My question is when should I perform the "heal Z-Wave network" function in my admin console? Should I do this before I add the Aeotec extender and z-wave deadbolt and then do it again after everything is installed. Thanks as usual for all the great support and advice I receive on here. Jim
  24. I have owned an Insteon Motion Sensor 11 for about a year now. I did get it to somewhat work with ISY994i ZW firmware 4.6.2 but limited. I have since updated my firmware to 5.01.13C and now I see all kinds of adjustments that are available. Does anyone know what all of these do and should I even use most of them. I just use it to turn on my lights in the family room when it see's motion. I did read the owners manual from SmartHome and it just gave me instructions on how to set it up on an IOS or Android device. I am seeing this in the Admin Console of my ISY 994i. Thanks so much for your help and support. Insteon Motion Sensor 11.docx
  25. Thanks Apostolakisl, I tried to disable both of these programs and created a new program to execute the Lights On program if the Motion Sensor status is on. That also did not work for me. You are so right, I really do not understand triggers eg "STATUS" and "CONTROL". All of these programs worked fine before release 5.01.13C but I guess they have added many new features for programmers to create better programs. Do you know of anything on the WiKi for Universal Device that will help me learn programming and Triggers better. Could you be so kind to show me an example of a program to turn my light On/Off when the motion sensor is activated. I uses the example for this forum that only turned them on to 99% so if I ever wanted them to stay on I would just double click the switch to turn it to 100% and the light then would not turn off if the motion sensor's status changed to "OFF" Thanks so much. Jim
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