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Everything posted by f11
Great !! On it. I'll install the CRT extension in weewx, and go from there. Back to you shortly. And THANK YOU for taking an interest in this mini-project, and being patient with my beginner's python skill-set ... I know just enough to be dangerous, but not enough to efficiently code up what I can see is needed.
I've used weewx's built-in report generation function to spit out a pure ascii text file of 14 labels and values (just to keep it simple). The labels can be from weewx or my own choosing. The string format is also up to me. For a first pass I chose to use weewx's labels and values tags, like this: ?$obs.label.outTemp=$current.outTemp &$obs.label.heatindex=$current.heatindex &$obs.label.windchill=$current.windchill and so on ... which results in labels with spaces between words, and values with trailing units (sometimes without a space, sometimes with a space) ... the spaces appear to cause problems with HTTP GET requests. If I use ':' as a separator instead of '=' between them, the spaces don't seem to matter to the GET requests (I don't know enough about GET to understand why this is). Each string is on its own line terminated with a '\n' newline character. Anyway, I run a short python script to strip the newlines, and concatenate the lines into a single line. Not sure yet how to send this single line with the Polisy IP at the beginning to Polisy from within python script. As a test, I sent the complete URL to Polisy from the command line using curl, after removing spaces and replacing '/' with 'p' for things like m/s, N/A, and W/m: curl and the WeatherPoly log shows only the first pair (OutsideTemperature) as being received: [INFO ] "GET /weewx?OutsideTemperature=-15.5C HTTP/1.1" 200 - If I issue the same URL string from a browser address bar (without curl), the browser screen just reports 'Successful data submission'. There is a significant time lag between this action and Polisy's log showing any related events - about 4 minutes went by before the log showed: 2020-01-20 18:07:43,266 [Thread-1 ] [DEBUG] Got some WeeWX data 2020-01-20 18:07:43,267 [Thread-1 ] [INFO ] "GET /weewx?OutsideTemperature=-15.5C&HeatIndex=-15.5C&WindChill=-15.5C&DewPoint=-18.0C&Humidity=81%&Barometer=1024.1mbar&BarometerTrend=-2.1&Wind=0.0mps&WindDirectionOrdinal=NA&WindDirectionDegrees=NA&RainRate=0.0mmphr&RainToday=0.0mm&Radiation=0Wpm&InsideTemperature=20.8C HTTP/1.1" 200 - 2020-01-20 18:07:43,356 [Thread-1 ] [INFO ] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 200 - If you can accept a POST request, then I can just send the text file (suitably cleaned up) instead of this long unweildly URL string. If you can handle the data, I can adjust the creation of the text file to contain most of the weewx tag values. If I understand correctly, currently WeatherPoly can only handle temperature, humidity, pressure, rain, wind, light, and lightning as nodes. Is this a waste of both our time? For example, I see there's a weewx extension called CRT that allows weewx to generate a Cumulus Real Time realtime.txt file per loop or per archive - would just POSTing that file to WeatherPoly be easier to digest? Any comments or suggestions? I'm kind of flying in the dark, here. [ Edit1: I'M not sure how to properly format a .json file for this data, else that could certainly be done, same with XML. ]
One question - if you had your druthers, how would you prefer to get the data sent to the Polisy webserver- as HTTP Get strings as part of the URL, or a text file or an XML file? Weewx appears set up to send files to URL's, but there nothing built-in that I can find that will create a string of key-value pairs or even a file of key-value pairs. So if I can manage it, I'll have to strip keys and values out of an existing html file normally sent to a webserver, or FTP'd to a URL, then concatenate them and attach the combined string to the Polisy URL. If WeatherPoly as it is can handle a text file containing the key-value pairs, then that's easier. Or I could just create and send a custom report/file containing minimal HTML with pairs. Some of these options are easier at my end than others, but I need to know what WeatherPoly can handle from an unspecified data source so that when it gets dumped to the log file, its visible for you to analyze. If I'm going to do something custom anyway, I could format the data the same way as that from Cumulus or MateoBridge if that works for you ... assuming my python skills are up to the challenge. I'm going through the WeatherPoly source code now to see what how it handles data from known sources.
Ah, ok - that helps a lot. I'll see what I can squeeze out of weewx via Polisy and send the log to you. I think this is going to be easier than I imagined, but I don't want to get ahead of myself. Thank you for replying so quickly - its evident from all your published weather nodeservers and posts here that you've got a LOT of balls in the air. I'll do my best not to waste your time.
Did anything ever come of this brief discussion? I'd love to get my weewx station data into ISY, but I'd prefer not to do it through another service like WeatherFlow - I already have enough links in the data chain to drive me crazy some days. There IS a section in the weewx.conf configuration file, '[StdRESTfull]' , which "is for uploading data to internet sites" according to the section comment. Obviously Polisy/Polyglot isn't among those sites listed (I'm running v 3.9.2 on a RPi3), but it indicates weewx CAN send data to an URL. There is also a section on FTP data transfer - I know that this isn't what you're looking for exactly (since the files are transferred via FTP not HTTP-GET), but is there a way for WeatherPoly to handle FTP'd data if its nothing but a file of mapping k-v's? Pretending for a moment that there was a link possible between weewx and Polyglot/Polisy, how would the config be done in Polisy? I've read and re-read the sections on configuring for WF and the others, and I get that you need to map weewx variable names to nodeserver references - but the explanations don't clarify exactly where these maps are set up. In the Customer Parameters, or somewhere else? How are they formatted as key-value? Is it just [Polisy Var name] = [weewx var name]? I've been reading everything I can get my hands on regarding Polisy, mostly on these forums, and I think i've hit everything available - but if there's something you recommend that would make things clear, just push me in the right direction.
Ok, I thought maybe I got a fluke dud unit, but now that there's two of us, well ... I have the same situation, so the same question: I got a unit with one "male" antenna BNC-type connector on the box, and one "female" (no central pin, just a hole). Neither antenna have a pin, so this is strange. I can't see how the female BNC-type connector can possibly contribute to WiFi signal strength. But what do I know. Is this normal?
Rechecked my GH Activity logs. The last time GH communicated with UD and successfully controlled my Insteon lights was July 7th-8th weekend. I saw a lot of "Unknown Command" entries since then in Activity list (probably unrelated), but apparently I didn't try using GH to turn any lights on or off again until yesterday ... so the problem (for me) started sometime between July 7th and July 28. [ Later Edit: removing UD from GH, then going through the unsettling process of re-adding UD to GH Home Control devices (waiting to see if GH will recognize all the UD-Insteon devices that I'd configured ages ago - it took a few minutes but everything came back properly as far as I can tell) did the trick. I can once again use voice commands to control my Insteon lights. THANK YOU James Peterson !! - R ]
Im in Canada ... having same issue with Google Home and Google Mini, starting yesterday July 28th: - ISY-994i/IR w/ ZWave card installed, firmware v4.6.2; - can control devices from ISY Admin Console and from controllers; - Admin Console diagnostics reports no problems; - ISY Portal Dashboard error and event logs show no problems; - GH can control my non-Insteon devices (Logitech Harmony devices, Samsung Smart TV); -->> when asking GH/Gm to turn on or off lights, I get the errors reported by "mstrsmth" Will try unlink-relink of UD to GH.
Did this connectivity issue with the 2440 RemoteLinc ever get solved? The thread is getting pretty stale. I've got 2 RL's that have served me well over the years, and which have been connected to ISY without incident going back many versions, starting out with an ISY-99iR. But now that I've migrated to the ISY994i and firmware 4.6.2, connecting the 3rd RL - I've had it sitting on the shelf as a spare, just recently pressed into service to replace a failed RL - to ISY has proven challenging. I've tried the methods presented in this thread, but can't get rid of that small "101010" icon next to the 6 channels. It works just fine directly linked to other Insteon devices as a controller, it just doesn't seem to play well with ISY. Did anyone from Insteon or Universal Devices ever comment on this problem?
Ok, stand down the missles, the problem has been resolved. Thanks for all your help, Michel - greatly appreciated, especially given it was New Year's Day and all. Rod
Because if the backup file can be read by another program, then I can recover the data if I lose access to the program that writes the backup file. In the ISY case, the ISY goes dead, so now I can't get access to the programs I wrote that work very well for me. If the program went rogue before the last backup, I may not be able to reload it later, in which case the backup data is lost. If I can at least get at the backup data with a text editor or browser or whatever, I can at least re-program things later when I get the original program or the device it talks to running again. My point here is this: I'm upset that the ISY went south on my suddenly, but I know that sometimes these things happen. But if for some reason I can't ever restore that backup date when I get things running again, I'll be REALLY upset as that means I have to re-write the programs again from scratch, a multi-week effort of tweaking and debugging. Quicken is a good example of a program that works with important personal data, and offers a backup function within the program. But it writes the data in its own format (the files are large, so I understand the intention), so if I can't get Quicken to run again, I can't even get at the data in its raw form for use in, lets say, doing my taxes. Rod
Well, I found a USB-serial converter in my junk drawer, and tried to connect to the ISY - its not talking, not even through the serial port A. I'm screwed. Help! Rod
Which is what I'll do in the future, if I ever get my ISY functioning again. For now, your suggestion gets shelved under the "should'a done" category. Meanwhile, I want to pull the data out of the backup files, and I can't use the ISY interface. I take if from the silence here that there isn't a utility to do this, short of doing it the hard way - manually one at a time. It figured. This is my big complaint with most backup functions built into a program - they always require that the program be functional to use or even access the backup data. At least the ISY backup files are in ascii text, even if embedded in xml tagging... anyone with winzip and notepad can get at the data, although its hard to read. Rod
Um, yeah I know - but if the ISY craters (won't communicate with the PC), then I probably won't have access to my ISY programs from the ISY interface. I was looking for an easy way to grab a bunch of .pgm files from the zip backup file and deal with them directly. Thanks for your input tho... Rod
I see a lot of the zipped backup ISY config file content is in XML format (ie ascii text formatted for xml-compatible browsers). I'd like to load my programs into a text editor and either print out or save in text form on hard drive for reference to my programs, in the "unlikely" event my ISY craters. Is there an easy way to view all those generically named .pgm programs for archiving, rather than loading each one at a time into Notepad and reorganizing the xml tagging? I know my IE browser can at least display xml, but the tagging is also displayed making reading a headache. Rod
Update: - network cable is okay - ISY-to-PLM Cat5 cable okay - the PLM programming is intact and appears to be operating I carefully poked a paper clip end into the tiny little unlabelled hole under the ERROR LED, which I assume is the reset switch, and heard a small click sound. The ISY LEDs went out, then came back on with PWR, RX, and TX solid green and ERROR solid red. Reasoning that lots of devices require a push-and-hold RESET action, I poked again, held to the count of around 10, saw all the LEDs light up and released. No change in settled LED pattern. I think this thing is bricked. Unless I can figure out a way to connect the serial cable for the Admin Port B to a PC without serial ports, I think I'm hooped. All this results from the attempt to update two small programs?? WTH? Rod
It being a new year, I went into my perfectly functioning ISY99i Pro to adjust some of my program dates. I modified two existing programs, hit update, then save programs. The little green arrow that shows up after updating didn't go away. Suddenly two other programs that depend on the two I modified showed up with green arrows, then the arrows went away - along with the two programs I just modified. They just disappeared. So - I figure, okay that's why I keep backups of my ISY congifuration. So I select Restore, get the scary warning about restoring devices, and hit OK. It says it can't communicate with the ISY. The ISY LEDs are normal, everything looks okay. So I unplug the two cables from the back of the ISY and plug them back in. The green PWR LED comes up, then the RX and TX LEDs come up solid green, then the ERROR LED lights up red and flashes. When I run the ISY configuration program, I get a blank screen (no programs, devices, nothing) and a few error msgs about no communication. Any suggestions? I've been VERY happy with this device since I bought it a year ago, but to totally crater like this without warning is unacceptable. I could sure use some help in recovering the ISY and my configuration. Rod
Yup, I figured that out about an hour ago. While its a bit of a pain to have to continually resize the iTouch web page so I can read and operate the "buttons" with my aging eyes and stubby fingers, it DOES work!! Does the mobile webpage size HAVE to be so gd wide?? Mobile screens are not generally that large so the page should either resize based on text content on a page or be fixed at no wider than the text content on a page - IOW, just wide enough to show text. Is this a configurable option within the ISY unit or something that has to be part of the next drop?
lutusp, that is a seriously cool idea and implementation. Now I'm wondering if this will translate easily into ASP or PERL (especially PERL). I don't have, and really want to load, PHP on all my PCs, but all the same, the idea is great!! Thanks! Rod
I don't have an external IP address - I was hoping to use my iTouch in the house rather than going to my PC. I understand that my phone won't be able to access my ISY since it has to enter via an external address, but my iTouch connects (when at home) via my in-house wireless access point, and can see my inhouse network nodes including my ISY. If I can get that working, I'll consider exposing my ISY to the world and deal with external access at that point. FWIW, my Samsung A920 running EVDO RevA cannot access your ISY https website. Doesn't even get past the initial page. After about 3 seconds, I get "Secure Connection Failed". Rod
I accessed your https webpage, logged in using username/password you listed in your last message, and was able to see the four html tabs. I clicked on Administrative Console and a page was reloaded. I clicked on Devices and got the list of your ISY devices. I clicked on Family Room 1 and according to the feedback was able to click onthe ON button and see the device go to 75%. I was then able to click "OFF" and see the device go back to off. So I can access your ISY fine with the iTouch. I just can't do it on my ISY running version 2.6.3. Rod
"Can you use your iTouch to change our ISY?" Not sure what this means... I can access https://udi.isy-mobile.com, and the login screen pops up. I don't have the login or password, so I can't go any further. As I said before, I can access MY ISY unit with the iTouch, but I can't make changes to device states: - enter on iTouch - loads the html text-only ISY page - click on Devices - login popup comes up - login in using my ISY user name and password - click on a device to see the buttons that allow me to change the device state - click on the "OFF" button (for a lamp for example) The iTouch then tries to load a page at, and never gets any futher. If I leave the iTouch like this, nothing further happens. While in this state, can I log into the ISY and cheque on its status, in case it is the source of the hangup? No, I'm not trying to run the Admin Console - the one that I see on my desktop running JAVA. Rod
ah nuts. that little diversion was probably a fluke. I went into the Safari browser settings and noticed the popup blocker was on, so I turned it off... and now it doesn't matter how I set the HTTP proxy, I can load the google and isy https webpages. However, when I try to log into my own ISY network node with I can load the pages - but I still can't make changes to my lights. When ever I try, the iTouch starts to load page and never completes.... Any other ideas?? Rod
I googled "iTouch and https webpages" and found a link that suggested going into iTouch Settings / Wi-Fi / select your home network / go to bottom of screen and set HTTP proxy to Auto. Suddenly I can go to https://checkout.google.com and the page loads. AND - I can now go to your https://udi.isy-mobile.com and the page loads!! AND the Certificate dialog box pops up, saying the certificate is invalid but would I like to connect anyway? If I say "Connect", I go to the front page of the mobile HTML webpage! I think we have it. I'm going to turn the HTTP proxy OFF in the iTouch and see if we're back to no access, then reverse it again to see if things work again. Back in a few minutes with results!! Rod
The good news is that I can reach https://checkout.google.com with wired and wireless laptop. I can also get to your https://udi.isy-mobile.com website using my laptop, but although the page loads, my IE7 address bar shows "Certificate Error". WHen I click on that little red shield with the white cross through it, it spits up a small dialog box titled "Untrusted Certificate". At the bottom of the dialog box is a "View Certificates" link that when clicked brings up a 3-tabbed dialog box. The General tab says: Certficate Information This certificate cannot be verified up to a trusted certification authority. Issued to: udi-isy-mobile.com Issued By: UDI CA/emailAddress=support@universal-devices.com Valid From: 3/25/2008 to 3/25/2013 Then there's a small link that says "Install Certificate..." Should I be installing this certificate? I suspect the answer is yes. The bad news is that I can't get to the google site with my iTouch - it starts to load the page, gets some of it displayed but never finishs the loading. It just sits there and tries and tries and tries...