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Everything posted by dstanley

  1. dstanley


    I would be interested in knowing what unit you choose ... If you do ... As well as your setup experiences if you get it running ... Good luck! Dwight
  2. I would be thrilled to see examples of your programs - this is a project that I need to work on as well. I already have a Insteon Doorbell and Telephone Ring Kit with the I/O Linc sitting here in a box waiting for me to get the time to put it all together. Your 'Flip' program is exactly what I am looking for - I have a few select lights that I would like to flash - basement utility room, laundry, table lamp and shower light. I am thinking of having it maybe double flash on door bell and triple flash on telephone ring - something like that. Thanks, Dwight
  3. I was looking at a few products made for the tankless hot water delivery solution. I haven't done anything yet but you could use a motion sensor and program to run these recirculating machines as well as a keypadlinc for an on-demand system. http://www.chilipepperapp.com/ http://www.gothotwater.com/
  4. This was just posted a little while ago: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=8962 I plan on modifying my ALL LIGHTS OUT programs to something like this as well ... Post your progress! Dwight
  5. LeeG, You are correct again, following your instructions has my scene being controlled properly again. Thank you!
  6. Odd thing that is happening but it had worked under 3.1.17 (although now I think this was never supposed to work!?) I have a scene with a 2486D Keypadlinc Dimmer 6 Buttons v.35 in it (it is the LOAD) and the Scene B button of the same Dimmer as well - both are controllers. I had the Scene B button turn on the load at a lower light level (35%) for a night light effect and the Main Button turned on the load at 65% This combination was working previous to this update ... I am right in now assuming that this combination should not have ever worked correctly? Dwight
  7. Michel and staff have found my 'mystery' for me! I had imported the set of DAY-MONTH-YEAR programs and it included a program "Sync Email Alert" that I had missed seeing and configuring - MY BAD! It had set itself up to use the only Email that I had configured - which was my Motion Sensor Low Battery Email. So it really was a notice that my Day of the Week was out of Sync and NOT my Motion Sensor that was the issue. Whew - had me wondering for a bit ... I will fix things up and I am sure to be fine now - sorry for me missing this error - strictly on my part ... Dwight
  8. Another email for March 26 at 1:00 am - I have sent off information to Michel so hopefully we can come up with something to try!
  9. Well ... I am at a total loss for ideas now ... My ISY emailed me again at 1:00am on March 25. I have no program left in my programs ... I have rebooted the ISY. I think it was the 13th when my program was triggered to send out the original email and it has been happening ever since then. During that time I had reflashed to 3.2.0 then back to 3.1.17 and then on to 3.2.1 several days after that. I find it hard to believe that something could still be running somewhere. I exported the log to Excel but could not see any information that would be useful. Any suggestions!? Dwight
  10. This was the only Program that I ever had that sent an email. the Logs show me when i went to bed before midnight and nothing until the System Query at 3:00am. I will unplug my ISY for a few minutes and then plug it back in and see what happens overnight again.
  11. Now this is getting even more weird ... My ISY emailed me again last night at 1:00 am even though I had deleted the program that triggers the warning ... I have no idea what to try now?
  12. Well - My program SPAMMED me again last night at 1:00 am (Nothing good happens at that time of night - ha!) Thanks for the tip Lee - I have done what you suggested about the sorting-right-clicking STOP. My concern is that it has always said IDLE and there is no Next Scheduled Run date!? hosting images
  13. Every email is being sent at 1:00 am if that is what you mean?
  14. My program is working correct again ... SwitchLinc LEDs are being controlled again ... thanks!
  15. It says the program is IDLE ... I took the motion sensor down .. Pressed the SET button and then did the QUERY then ... So I guess I will see what happens tonight!?
  16. I have a program that monitors the Low Battery of my motion sensor. It has worked several times for me over the past. Recently it went off and I changed the battery - did a query on the Low Batt as I had done in the past. Well it has been well over a week (03/14) and my ISY is still emailing me about the warning "Signal from Kitchen Motion Sensor 14.2F.75 that the battery is low!" at 1:00 am every morning. I have rebooted my ISY and even upgraded my firmware to 3.2.0 back to 3.1.17 to 3.2.1 and it is STILL emailing me about the Low Batt Warning. The current state in Admin Console says the Low Batt is OFF I think I might have to report my ISY as a SPAMMER if I can't figure out how to reset this thing - ha! Any help for me? Dwight KitchenMotion.LowBattery If Status 'Kitchen / Kit. Motion-Sensor / Kit. Motion-Low Batt' is On Then Repeat Every 24 hours Send Notification to 'Administrator' content 'Motion Sensor Battery Low' Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  17. LeeG - you just amaze me ... you are absolutely correct with your results. I remotely ran the tests and received the exact results you posted. Since I am not physically at the location I will check out the LED's when I get home. So - I should run the RESTORE DEVICE on all my SwitchLincs one at a time? Does this affect any of the other devices? Thanks for your help!
  18. Last night I noticed that my SwitchLinc LED Brightness is no longer responding after the upgrade to 3.2.1 (they worked under 3.1.17 - at least the ones in the following code): If From 6:00:00AM To 11:00:00PM (same day) Then Set 'Master Bedroom / Bedroom Hall' On 6 / Off 1 (Backlight Level) Set 'Master Bath / VAN KPL / VAN KPL.A' On 7 / Off 2 (Backlight Level) Set 'Master Bath / Bathtub SLD' 100% (Backlight Level) Set 'Master Bath / Shower SLD' 100% (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / KIT KPL Ceiling' On 7 / Off 2 (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / Penninsula SLD' 100% (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / Upper Hall-3Way' 100% (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / Upper Hall-Load' 25% (Backlight Level) Set 'Living Room / LIV KPL / LIV KPL.A' On 7 / Off 2 (Backlight Level) Set 'Rec Room / REC Lamps' On 7 / Off 2 (Backlight Level) Set 'Rec Room / Ceiling Lower SLD' 25% (Backlight Level) Set 'Rec Room / Ceiling Upper SLD' 25% (Backlight Level) Else Set 'Master Bedroom / Bedroom Hall' On 0 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Set 'Master Bath / VAN KPL / VAN KPL.A' On 0 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Set 'Master Bath / Bathtub SLD' 1% (Backlight Level) Set 'Master Bath / Shower SLD' 1% (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / KIT KPL Ceiling' On 0 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / Penninsula SLD' 1% (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / Upper Hall-3Way' 1% (Backlight Level) Set 'Kitchen / Upper Hall-Load' 1% (Backlight Level) Set 'Living Room / LIV KPL / LIV KPL.A' On 0 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Set 'Rec Room / REC Lamps' On 0 / Off 0 (Backlight Level) Set 'Rec Room / Ceiling Lower SLD' 1% (Backlight Level) Set 'Rec Room / Ceiling Upper SLD' 1% (Backlight Level) Turn off KeypadLinc Backlights through the night and reset them in the daytime My KeypadLincs are working but not the SwitchLincs - I will do some more testing tonight ... Dwight
  19. I too lost most of my programs ... Redid firmware back to 3.1.17 and all my programs were fine. With the new firmware I had empty program folders and some of the programs that were there had errors in them. Dwight
  20. When I put the 5 minute button in a scene with another keypadlinc button then it will turn on but it will not time down to off like I thought it would ... It just stays on!? Only the 2 minute button will operate the timer ... Now this was with older isy firmware ... Maybe I should try it again? Dwight EDIT: I tried this again and this time it worked!!! Probably just something that I was doing wrong. A Keypadlinc sub-key can now trigger the timer 5 minute button on the Timer and it does shut off.
  21. Not trying to steal this thread but I noticed something similar happening with my KeypadLinc Countdown Timer v.2D (2484DWH8). I just upgraded to 3.1.16 on my ISY99i (1020) If I use a KeypadLinc secondary button in another room to control this timer in my garage in a scene and activate the 2-minute button the timer will run for two minutes and turn off. When I tried to change it to control the other buttons - say the 5-minute button then the light will not time out but stay on without a timeout? When I tried this it bugged me so i just put it back on the 2-minute button. Can you confirm if this is the same behaviour/problem as the Switchlinc Timer? Thanks, Dwight
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