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Everything posted by remedy1234

  1. Hi Lee Let me try to explain.I Have "A" button as Low speed and set as the controller of scene "02-KPD-Mbed-Fan-Low-A".Resonders are "02-KPD-Mbed-Fan-Med-B","02-KPD-Mbed-Fan-High-C","02-KPD-Mbed-Fan-Off-D",and "02-Mbed fanlinc".Fanlinc is set to low all others are set to off.(you can only set the LED's 100% or off).This does work but the the fanlinc for some reason fails to update the status on the console .I deleted the fanlinc and Keypad after the upgrade and reinstalled.Upgrade is 3.2.1 for firmware and UI. Tim Thanks have a great day Tim
  2. Hi Lee I tryed to use the fanlinc in a scene but it does not seem to want to work.I have four scenes,for example for low speed the controller button lets say Button "A" is set to 100% and the fanlinc speed is set to low. All others buttons are responders set to off.When I turn any button on KPD the button that is lit is the state of the fan.This worked when I programed the fanlinc manualy and the keypad through the ISY.Now that I update still have it working like that but it does not update the status on the console?? Will it only work by programs and not by a scene? Thanks Tim
  3. Hi Lee Can't get anything by you.Yes I did install it before the update.Had trouble updating on my macbook so I did it on my windows computer.The Firmware line and the UI line are both present and indicate 3.2.1 on the windows computer but not on the macbook which is the console I was using to program the fan.I cleared the cache but the UI is still 3.1.17 I must have to: "use the URL to invoke the 3.2.1 Admin Console. The 3.2.1 Available post has the list of URLs to use for 3.2.1." Thankyou! Tim
  4. Hello Lee I just update 3.2.1 Fanlinc shows up as unsupported device:1.46 When I click "fast on" on the console it goes to 100%.When I click just "on"turns the device off.and status shows off.any help? Thanks Tim
  5. Hi Andy Ok thanks Tim
  6. Hi Andy It is not really an Elk question I'm just using the contacts on the outside door that goes through the Elk to trigger the light.I just wanted to get some help on how to write the program correctly using true and false statements.I can read up on it I thought you might be able to save me some time.Thanks for you help on the thermosstat I will change the status trough scenes to make ajustments Thanksagain. Tim
  7. Thanks Andy I have a question.I also am new to the ELK M1 Gold.What is the correct way to write a Flag program for this. My back slider were my grill is Zone-5 when Violated I have the outside light to come on for 2-minutes.If I manually press the switch it disables the 2 minute program for an hour so if I have company over it does not keep going out.I have it working but not using true or false statements.If you have time no rush. Thanks again Tim
  8. I just got the thermostat and did not consider using the ISY to program it.I guess I should have bought the one day Thermostat.I replaced it a 7-day programable and want to control it remotely like Mikebro.My wife stays home and if she left for the day I could remotely set the heat back. (I just thought it was not working correctly). Thats what I like about this automation you learn how to change old habits. Tim
  9. Hi Michel All I'm saying is when the thermostat is in program mode I can change the set points with mobillinc on my phone and the set points change on the thermostat and on the ISY console but when I use the console to change it in program mode is will not change the set points.I thought that there was a communication somethng wrong with the thermostat thats why I exchanged it.I guest the question is why can the ISY move the set points through mobillinc in program mode and not by itself? Tim
  10. Hi Michel It does do it through mobillinc in progam mode "strange"
  11. Hi Michel I'm using set points up and down Thanks Tim
  12. Hello everyone Happy St Patricks Day! I just purchased a venstar 7-day thermostat.I installed it and it works fine on the ISY except I can not adjust the set points from the computer,When I do it moves the set points on the console but the thermostat does not respond.However when I adjust the set points on mobiLinc it responses like it should on the computer and on the thermostat.I had one before this one and I sent back for the same problem. Any Suggestions? Thanks Tim
  13. Hi Lee Thanks,I had a issue with slow internet last week cable company suggested it might be my router after some test.I was able to get back in to the ISY it states "XML Parse error" I tried unplugging my router it worked but for a wile now I'm going to factory reset.... Getting closer googled factory reset and I just did a update 7.6.1 last week on airport extreme and other people are having problems with the update. Tim
  14. I have the same problem Added a venstar stat it worked fine the night I installed it.The next morning it would not communicate with ISY or smartlinc.Factory reset thermostat and in the process unplugged ISY.Everything worked fine last night still having trouble syncing smartlinc then this morning ISY ERROR and MEMORY lights are blinking? HELP? TIM
  15. I have installed a few whole house generators some homes have insteon and your average Tv's,computers,and stereo equiptment.Outside of if something happening to the generator I have never had a problem with destroying equiptment.My theory is lighting can strike nothing is fool proof.(then the problem is what my insurance deductible?)
  16. Thanks a lot guys That helps me out.How about this?Use 2-(smarthome/2475S2/INSTEON-In-LineLinc-On-Off-Module-Non-dimming-w-Sense) wire one in with the house panel on on the generator use andy's enable at start up program,It will trigger when generator kicks on (Notification Power is off) Wire the other one with the panel not on the generator Enable at start up It will trigger when power is restored. Once again Thankyou
  17. I guess it can't be done?
  18. Thanks Andy What do I do Make a program to "enable run at start up"? Tim
  19. Hello Everyone I need help on writing a program.I would like to be notified of a power failure.I was thinking of a email when the power failed and when it was restored.There is a generator involved so I can pull power off of the generator panel if needed.The power would be out "in real time for as long as it takes for the generator to start.Any Ideas on a program and devices needed to do this? Thanks Tim
  20. remedy1234


    Hi Michel Will do Thanks. Tim
  21. remedy1234


    Thanks Michel Also I have tried to do this once but it did not work.Should I be able to access my ISY through another network on my Console?I can access it through mobillinc even though my enable internet access fails.does the enable internet access have to work to do this? Thanks Tim
  22. remedy1234


    Hello I have a quick question.Is there a way to refresh ISY beside closing it and restarting? Thanks Tim
  23. remedy1234


    Hello I have a quick question.Is there a way to refresh ISY beside closing it and restarting? Thanks Tim
  24. Hi Michel my server is smtp.me.com It comes through when I test it but not when I run the "then" in the program.I took out the password port works on 25 or 587.??? Sorry for being a pain Thanks Tim
  25. Hi Michel Thanks for the update,it works on default any idea why it will not work with my server? Thanks Tim
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