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Everything posted by remedy1234
Hi Michel I finally got the test to work.For some reason when I put a name in the "FROM" field it would not go through.However I still cannot get it to notify me on the trigger of the program.It worked fine before on the default. The test is working fine.????? Thanks Tim
Hey Michel No I'm not using default,SMTP is icloud and I am connected to the internet. Thanks Tim
Hi Michel Now I'm getting "Mail server DNS error" Help? Thanks
Yesterday I was ableto send txt messages and Email for notifications. I tried to test the notifications tonight and got a mailer server failure - password not accepted. I have the SMTP setting at Use Default. Any suggestions? Thanks
Hi Michel I called and spoke to Rand,he had me restore the PLM and that did the trick.Thanks for all your help. Tim
Hi Michel I have the new motion detectors.I am still having the same problem.I can get it to linc to a scene but ISY shows status in low battery only.When the motion turns on the light the light does not show on status either.I do hve other motions on the system that show status.I disabled the motion and than enable it,the staus on the sensor showed off but would not change to on when I pressed the set button.(I have someone interested in this system to have floods lights come on for security at late hours at night and disable them for normal use dark hours but I need the status to work to do that???? Thanks Tim
Sorry about the three copies it kept coming back error.
Hi Michel OK! I finaly figured it out.I had it the whole time.I have mobile linc pro I was testing it on off of my phone,I would switch it to WiFi/3G to see if I had internet connection.When I first bought ISY I had a cisco router and changed it to a Apple extreme.The local and secure ip's were different the mobil linc pro had the old router address.Then every time I change the port in the router and click the enable internet it would come back (Failed).I assumed that it was not connected but my router is not a UNnP.Then I read"Once port forwarding is configured in the router you DO NOT need to use the ISY Enable Internet Access option"Thanks for all your patience!! I should be getting new motions in,hopefully that will take care of my other issue. Thanks so much Tim
Hi Michel OK! I finaly figured it out.I had it the whole time.I have mobile linc pro I was testing it on off of my phone,I would switch it to WiFi/3G to see if I had internet connection.When I first bought ISY I had a cisco router and changed it to a Apple extreme.The local and secure ip's were different the mobil linc pro had the old router address.Then every time I change the port in the router and click the enable internet it would come back (Failed).I assumed that it was not connected but my router is not a UNnP.Then I read"Once port forwarding is configured in the router you DO NOT need to use the ISY Enable Internet Access option"Thanks for all your patience!! I should be getting new motions in,hopefully that will take care of my other issue. Thanks so much Tim
Hi Michel OK! I finaly figured it out.I had it the whole time.I have mobile linc pro I was testing it on off of my phone,I would switch it to WiFi/3G to see if I had internet connection.When I first bought ISY I had a cisco router and changed it to a Apple extreme.The local and secure ip's were different the mobil linc pro had the old router address.Then every time I change the port in the router and click the enable internet it would come back (Failed).I assumed that it was not connected but my router is not a UNnP.Then I read"Once port forwarding is configured in the router you DO NOT need to use the ISY Enable Internet Access option"Thanks for all your patience!! I should be getting new motions in,hopefully that will take care of my other issue. Thanks so much Tim
Hi Michel Smartlinc has a default port 80 that I switched to a different port that matched the one I put in my router.I thought is was the same.There should be a block on that or a warning. Thanks I'll let you know how I made out. When I port forward all I have to do is change the setting in the router? Do I do anything in ISY? Tim
Hi Michel All I did was Change the port from 80 to 443 in ISY.I had it set to 50030 berfore I had talk to you and that did not work.I have a apple extreme router and I set it up like did "smartlinc"with port 443.When ISy ask me to reboot is when I could not get back to it.I do have a back up should I factory reset and restore? Thanks Tim
Hi Michel All I did was Change the port from 80 to 443 in ISY.I had it set to 50030 berfore I had talk to you and that did not work.I have a apple extreme router and I set it up like did "smartlinc"with port 443.When ISy ask me to reboot is when I could not get back to it.I do have a back up should I factory reset and restore? Thanks Tim
Hi Michel Finaly got around to do this But I did it again.I can not get in my console (XML Pasre error http:/ DESC)? Thanks Tim
Hi Michel They have great about returns I just going to get all four replace an try that. Thanks. Also I need help on port forwarding on a apple extreme router.I had no trouble with port forwarding smartlinc.Can you walk me through it ? Thanks Tim
Hi Michel I just tried to link 4-motions with 1711 REV 2.0 1.Jumper 5 Installed 2.link management/advanced options/automatic 3.Add new insteon device 4.auto discover (10.01)(2420) INSTEON motion sensor I got the same for all.status only on Low Battery.I tried to set options there is no difference. I have six other motions that have status.I pick one deleted it Link it the same way and is working fine.The difference is the ones that will not link I bought all at one time and are 1711 REV 2.0 ??? THANKS TIM
Yes it does.What do WE do? Tim
Hi Michel I just tried to install motion again (still no status) also when I linc it to a device and it triggers it the device does not show status either. Thanks Tim
Hi Michel Yes I did enter it correctly.I have other motion detectors that have Verion2.0 that are older and the give me on/off status.I had called smarthomes and spoke to Steven and he had the same problem when he took one off the shelf.He told me he was going to find out what was wrong and never got back to me.I had called back and spoke to Matt he told me to contact you.I have sent some back already because ISY does not acknowlege them and I can not use the timer on the ISY.I have 5 motions now that ISY will no acknowledge I bought them at the same time I guess I'll just send them back and try again. Thanks Tim
Hi Michel Any word from Samrthomes ?Should I exchange my motion detectors
Hi Mike I Already tried that I think there is something wrong with the motions also.The problem is I have seven of them that just came in.I think they work to trigger a device but for some reason ISY does not acknowlege them.They all have the same assembly date.I do have other motions with the same version #.I call smarthomes to dicuss and the said to contact you. Thanks Tim
I entered the motion in Auto Discover or select the device type.I try to query battery that is still OFF and LOW.Dusk to dawn I used set options it does not matter if always or night only is check still no status.I Do have motions that show status.These are motions I just purchased.They all have the same # before the REV.# (1711) THANKS Tim
Hi I just purchased four new insteon motion detectors REV.2.0 and can not get a status on ISY 99 for sensor or dusk/dawn,only a "OFF" status for low battery.The ISY version is 2.8.16.I do have status on some of my motions although all the battery indicators are showing low Battery.(Batteries are new) Any help? Thanks Tim
Hi I just purchased four new insteon motion detectors REV.2.0 and can not get a status on ISY 99 for sensor or dusk/dawn,only a "OFF" status for low battery.The ISY version is 2.8.16.I do have status on some of my motions although all the battery indicators are showing low Battery.(Batteries are new) Any help? Thanks Tim
Hi Michel Yes I did It worked fine and no I did not back it up.I probably did something trying to port forward.also sinc I bought it I nevr seen the TX light come on even wile trying to reset it. Thanks for your help. Tim