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Everything posted by ronbo
Benoit, "self publishing" would still use the lighting API or are the introducing something different
Benoit, Thank you. looks much better
GPG, Michel has confirmed that a fix should be available hopefully tomorrow. Ron
Junky, I think we are alone... The thread has gone dead Benoit, I have tried deleting and re adding my ISY to the portal... Same Results... Some scenes show up,but not all Ron
It does all of that... The only problem is not all my scenes are there... I tries IE, Edge, Chrome, same with all three, two different computers. Ron
Benoit, if I click the add scene and manually type in the scene name it says device not allowed... I would expect to see the scene in the drop down list. and I only see some of them Ron
Benoit, Definitely missing several scenes, rebooted ISY hit referesh, still missing scenes. Ron
Benoit, I think I understand, but when I click on the scene tab to add a spoken word to a scene, not all of my scenes are listed. Am I missing something? Ron
I have gone into the portal to set my spoken names, but I notice that I am missing several of my scenes. Even after a refresh they are missing, also what about programs. Ron
Michel, From what I read in the Amazon documentatios, literals should have only a few samples while custom slots show have as many possibilities as is possible/practical. if you allow 1, 2, 3, and 4 word "device names" or in my case "favorite names", I found that 1 sample for each case works best. "Kitchen", "Back Porch", "Front living Room" "Rear porch high hats"... "With literals, there's another drawback: what Echo responds with has to be altered." - Not sure what you mean by this. In my case I take what I am passed by the Echo and use a LCS function to find that best match. If the data is even close to the favorite name it works well. If the data is totally off, then it either returns with a random favorite or comes back with no match.
Junky, Working on it in my spare time, but I will be glad to share it. Ron
Benoit/Michel I can appreciate the headache that Echo "slots" are giving you. I am in the process of writing a Skill to control my SONOS with the Echo. Commands like play, pause, volume up ... work great with the slots because you can provide a list of all possible commands. Its also nice because the Echo will do certain things like convert "three" to "3". The issue I have seen is when I want to say Tell SONOS to play {favorite} in the {Room}. There is no way I can list the name of every station that I would save to my favorite. Obviously I can modify the Skill every time I add a favorite but that is not really practical... I think this is a similar problem that you have with device names, technically the device name could be anything. What I am currently doing and having some luck with, is using the LITERAL type. From what I have read, when using the literal type it is suggested that you give fewer examples rather that an inclusive list. So I have things like "wins", "Holiday radio", "Billy Joel classics". This tells Echo that my favorite could be one, two or three words. I receive the data without any manipulation on the part of the Echo. I then use a LCS (Longest Common String) function to match what was said against my list of favorites and find the "most likely" match. I have had much more luck with this, than using a custom slot type. My skill set will never be sent for certification, so I am sure I have more flexibility than you do but just some food for though. Great job with the ISY... I am a fan.
Benoit, I know it kind of goes against the way the Echo is designed to be used, BUT it sounds like it work be a lot more accurate if it passed of everything after the command to you... for example tell izzy to turn on the Den lights and the bathroom lights and the bedroom lights. If Alexa recocnized the command as turn on, and then passed you "Den lights and the bathroom lights and the bedroom lights" with the utterance of turn on, you could simply scan that string for matches to the "spoken words" configured in the ISY, and it would allow multiple devices to be turn on at once... Ron Master Bedroom not Master's... my .02
got it... Worked.
configured mobilink as stated. Just hangs with Network Error. Should we be using default ports 80 and 443? Ron
Benoit, Is it possible to post the entire utterance list for all devices? It might help in figuring out how to speak to Izzy. Ron
I am having a lot of fun with the ECHO and Izzy... I am able to use kitchen, but not kitchen sink, kitchen counter, or kitchen fan. They all default to kitchen. Also having issues trying to run programs. Must it be in a top folder.
I guess what you're getting to is that the status actually never goes off it's just that an on command is sent every time the heating system comes on
If it goes from on to off to on isnt that a change
Note I am using control... Not Status. I dont think status caused the expression to be evaluated, but I could be wrong
If Control 'Main Floor - Heat Control' is switched On Then $Int_12 += 1 $Int_12 Init To $Int_12 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') I just tried the above, and manually made the heat come on and off, and my variable incremented each time.
Try putting a wait 3 seconds before resetting the variables
The reason I ask, is that I have seen if I do a notification with a variable, and then change the variable. the notification shows the new value, unless I insert a wait before updating or resetting the variable.. I guess this is due tot he fact the the ISY is a state driven machine
do you reset the cycles after sendding the notification? Ron
Funny to come across this post. I had the clever idea that since everything was working so good, and I hadn't had to tweak any of my ISY settings lately, I would do a restore on my KPL's (Shoot me now!!). I lost contoll of all my scenes from my KPL's. It took me almost 5 hours to restore all of my Scenes. I had to go to any scene where I kad a KPL button as a controller to the scene. Remove the button from the scene, and then add it back. I then used the scene test functionality to assure it was restored. Also running 3.1.17 here Ron