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Everything posted by gdntx

  1. gdntx

    Is the PLM gone?

    Thanks for the insight and feed back. I went ahead and ordered the new PLM last night knowing how old mine was and from other threads I read here. With Amazon Prime it showed up at 10 this morning. The feed back on the wall warts is good, and I find now that I did already have one that would likely work, but I also have an Altex not too far from the house so ran over there at lunch and bought a 5V 2Amp that fits the plug. For some followup from other posts - I bought my 994i 3 years back and it likely could have come with a wall wart, but I don't remember it. I bought on one of the upgrade programs and got a good deal on it, so thinking it really didn't come with one. The information I posted about the ISY not needing a power supply if bundled with a PLM came right from a current description of the ISY, but I don't remember which web site. The 5 volt power adapter info comes out of the detailed manual for the ISY. I used the method to Replace the PLM - it worked pretty well, it missed two switches, so I ran it again and it missed two more - so I cut my losses and just deleted those 4 switches and added them back manually. I have almost no linking information in any switch - I use programs to turn them on and off when I want via the ISY. Other than a couple of switches that are several years old and have been given me problems it looks like I'm back up and running the programs this evening turned all of my lights back on which hadn't happened in two weeks. For now it's success.
  2. gdntx

    Is the PLM gone?

    Thanks for the replies and the reminder/heads up about the power supply. I believed last night it was the PLM, so I found and ordered it from Amazon - it will arrive today (2413S new January 2017 design). So now I've got to circle back and get the power supply, may just go to Fry's to pick that up if Amazon can't deliver today or tomorrow at the latest. I looked last night at the ISY bundles they sell and they never bundle a power supply with them and in fact still push that the unit can be powered from the ISY. (From their own description: (Please Note. The ISY994iZw/IR Pro does not require a power supply when used with a PLM (included) which supplies power via the RJ-45 port. ISY994iZw/IR Pro does provide a port for an optional AC adapter for instances where the PLM does not supply power, or the user prefers to supply power independent of the PLM (for example, PLM 2413S).) What PLM do they bundle if they are able to still get power from the PLM? Old ones or perhaps the USB one which I've not studied enough? I'll go take a look, hope to find an easy part number for the recommended power supply to purchase. Thanks again.
  3. gdntx

    Is the PLM gone?

    I've got an ISY 994i with zwave (add on after purchase). I've been running this system with a prior ISY99i for many years, 8 to 10 - don't recall. 2 years ago I remodeled the house - new wiring, everything. Upgraded to the 994i. All has been running well since the remodel. Also added Alexa and great control as well as from MobilLinc on the phone. The problem started about 3 weeks back - would have to ask Alexa a couple of times to get a switch to respond, then it got worse and over the last week I have very few switches (and it is random) coming on when my "dusk" program runs and almost nothing will respond to Alexa, nor to MobilLinc Pro on an iPhone and not even to the raw Java ISY interface. When I open the interface I get "Failed Communicating with" error messages for almost all switches. I was able to successfully update my ISY code to 4.6.2 - same is running for both Firmware and UI. I was able to get the log and see some errors popping up back a few months ago and in the last 2 weeks, starting on 9/15 I've got many "error" messages every day in the "control" column of the log. The system has just about become inoperable. I've turned the power off to the whole house and let all switches power down and back up. Reading a couple of other threads for information, I didn't watch the lights on the PLM but there are two stickers on the back of it - one says V2.9 with 0197 underneath it and the other is is the model 2412S with 0842 under it. I'm thinking this could be the original PLM as it's been years since I replaced it, if ever. I also went to PLM info/Satus it shows "xx.xx.xx v72/connected" and the PLM Links table doesn't show me anything when I open it and when I do the count it shows 0. From some of the other threads it sounds as this is the key that the PLM may be gone. Any insight is appreciated.
  4. Will be happy with any input that will play nice with Airplay. Willing to try the mini plug on the front or one of the inputs on back.
  5. I've thought of that and it is very doable since Yamaha also has an iPhone app, but am hoping for more seemless control - which ever is playing will auto connect - will play with the input on the front and or inputs on the back and hope that Airplay might trump the inputs.
  6. Just ordered this device. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009OBCAW2/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Read a review somewhere that it the Dot will connect to it - then after a time it will disconnect - reverting sound back to the dot - then next time you want to play music it will connect again. We'll see. I've got a Mac Mini connected to a Yamaha receiver with Airplay and 6 sets of speakers through the house - it all works well and we like it, but we only have our music and Airplay. I'm hoping that with the Dot and BT we'll connect the Pandora account and play Pandora through Alexa to the same system. What I don't know about the Yamaha is that when I plug the blue tooth receiver in will it over ride my Airplay or can the receiver detect the appropriate audio source and get it right. Will know on Sunday when it arrives.
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