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Everything posted by cmccartney

  1. Is there any chance of a version 3 node server for the Enphase solar system, specifically the Envoy?
  2. Larrylix, Thanks for the response but no change. This error happens some time into the backup with may other files that open/access fine. Anyone else wit thoughts?
  3. When attempting to backup my ISY the following error occurs: the backup does not complete. any ideas?
  4. Thanks, missed that in the Wiki. All are interesting workarounds, but none seem to be able to input to the Apple iMessage system. i will check them out. Thanks again.
  5. I would like to send notifications to my iPad, but not via email. Is it possible to send to the iMessage service from outside of Apple?
  6. Michel, Sounds like a good approach. Thank you. Craig
  7. Michel, What do you mean by sizing? Gary, et al: The problem with using a specific time/date, "putting it on my calendar", is that the politicians tend to change the date(s) every so often, and only in some areas (countries/states...). This has happened twice in recent years, and many times, as I recall, over my lifetime. I was thinking of something a little more stable to reliably notify that a time change has occurred. Craig
  8. Is there some way to send an email notification from ISY on each change to/from daylight savings? At the actual change, not just the scheduled date. The reason I would like this is that there are many things (clocks, etc.) around the house that need manual attention and we always forget one or two. An email to me and the wife with a checklist would be a great reminder. Craig
  9. Andrew, I am not getting pricing info from my PG&E meter. I queried them a few months ago and the response was along the lines of yes, we don't do that (yes, we have no bananas!) Craig
  10. stevesreed, Oops. I did not realize there was a redirect. I did not copy the link directly from the ohmconncet page; I clicked on it and it opened in a browser. I then copied the URL from the browser and pasted into the ISY dashboard. So it worked! Mea culpa for the confusion. Craig
  11. stevesreed, What version of ISY firmware are you using? I am on 4.4.2 and am unable to find the configuration page to enter the URL for flex alerts. Was it removed in later versions? Craig
  12. Benoit, Congrats to you and the UDI team. This is a great step forward. I got an Echo for Christmas and was underwhelmed - until today. Now it is wonderful!! Thank you.
  13. Nether, it still happens most of the time.
  14. I have seen that once or twice in the past couple of days.
  15. I installed an EZX10RF many years ago when I still had an extensive X10 system not yet converted to Insteon and used it with some success. Presently, its only used to convert the HomeLink RF from one of our automobiles to Insteon to open/close the garage door; it still works fine for just that. Today, I would not use an EZX10RF as most garage door opener manufacturers have a RF device available to convert HomeLink RF directly to whatever the new garage door protocol is. KISS Craig
  16. Congratulations!
  17. Can the ISY support more than three iMeters? I know the Energy Display is limited to three, but what would happen if I added a fourth to the ISY?
  18. Michel, Wonderful customer service from UDI, as always. Thanks, Craig
  19. Michel, Version v.4.3.1 for both. Craig
  20. The comparison value when reading my PG&E meter seems to be off by a factor of ten. In the example below, the flag (integer variable) changes value when the demand moves above or below one kilowatt, not ten kilowatts. PGE Meter, Read - [iD 007E][Parent 007B] If Module 'Utility - Meter' Instantaneous Demand >= 10 KW Then $i.eny.gt.kW = 1 Else $i.eny.gt.kW = 0 Craig
  21. Teken, Yes, that is essentially what I plan, except perhaps for your use of the word random. I may turn off selected devices with the ISY (or lower a thermostat set point), but more importantly will send an email or iMessage to myself and/or Joan as a reminder to shut things down manually; or maybe blink a big red light! This is, obviously, a work in progress. Craig
  22. Thanks, Michel
  23. Michel, Thanks for the reply. I understand now. Could the results of the ISY calculations for the graphs be made available in programs (in a future release)? Craig
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