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Everything posted by KeviNH

  1. Without having seen your post, I happened to order a Zac38 from their Black Friday sale. So there's no advantages (e.g. range improvement) from adding an 800 Series range extender to eISY instead of an older 500 series extender? Standalone repeaters, in my experience, work about as well as a plug-in multi-sensor (e.g. Aeotec), but better than an in-wall light switch -- I think this is mostly because my grounded steel junction boxes attenuate the signal from the in-wall device.
  2. Cool. I needed something as a repeater, my goal is to plug this into the other outlet by my fridge, to get an alarm if the breaker serving the refrigerator is tripped.
  3. This new Zooz 800 series repeater has a battery, can report power loss, however the official specs state that ISY support is only for the repeater functionality. Anybody tried ZAC38 and determined if power loss can be reported to eISY? Their FAQ states "When the ZAC38 switches to battery, it will send the AC main disconnected report to alert for the outage, and will no longer be a signal repeating device.". So I guess the question is whether eISY can act on the "AC main disconnected" report?
  4. I switched to EISY and manually moved over my Honeywell VisionPRO native Z-wave thermostats (model Th8320Zw1000). Thermostats started to act oddly after joining them to the Z-Wave network and controller, the heat relay would cycle quickly (clicking on and off). Doing a Z-wave "remove" cleared the problem. Does anybody have a Th8320Zw working reliably on EISY?
  5. Lucky me, I have the EISY on a web-controlled smart plug, so I was able to remotely power-cycle it even though Z-Wave was offline. Shout out to "Digital Loggers" for their web-controlled smart plug -- DLI has been making smart power strips for decades, saved my bacon more than once.
  6. New EISY, was initially working fine, after adding a couple of Z-Wave devices it would no longer bring up the add new device dialog, and after a reboot it now shows the "ZMatter Z-Wave not responding" error. Using the reboot menu item does not clear the error What is the correct way to resolve this -- is a power cycle the only fix?
  7. Thanks, that's a good sign of compatibility. Kasa, being WiFi, is a no-go for us. While "outdoor rated" isn't a hard requirement, physical robustness doesn't hurt, especially when more cheaply made "cube" modules with Z-wave are only a few bucks cheaper.
  8. We're looking for plug-in modules with energy reporting so we can monitor devices remotely, turn them off if they are left on, and still allow local control (by pressing the button on the module). The MP22ZP seems to fit our needs and budget, anybody tried it? Vendor site states ".Outdoor smart plug designed for use for most residential lighting and motor applications...Compatible with SmartThings, Wink, Vera, Fibaro and all Z-Wave certificated hubs."
  9. That's how I do timers on the ISY994 today. The first program calls "Run program Timer (then)". Because the "Timer" program has no conditions applied, it only ever runs when called, and runs to completion unless stopped (manually or by another program which explicitly calls "stop program ..."). Another trick I use involves a third program, "Timer called recently", which has a condition like this: Timer Called Recently - [ID 0083][Parent 002A] If From Last Run Time for 'Timer' For 1 hours Then - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') So by adding a condition the the first program of "Program 'Timer called recently is False' I can keep the first program from running again within an hour of when 'Timer' was last executed. (This convoluted approach wouldn't be necessary if we had negation within program conditions or a condition of "is/is not running".)
  10. Network resource substitutions can use some, but not all, of the substitutions documented in the Wiki, and there may be some (rare) race conditions which you may encounter (specifically, calling a resource using variables from within a program which modifies the value of those same variables). Regarding the "valve status" mentioned above, I've had great results using node status substitutions in network resources.
  11. I open the ISY interface in a web browser and browse to the node itself (e.g. /rest/nodes/ZW003_143) to see the properties exposed in the XML, like so: To confirm, you could also grab one specific property, just add the property to the end of the URL (So it becomes "/rest/nodes/ZW003_143/ST"): <properties> <property id="ST" value="681" formatted="0.681 Watts" uom="73" prec="3"/> </properties> In this case the .raw would give you the "value" field. If your tool or report needs the formatted decimal version of the value but without the " Watts" or "°F" suffix, one option to get this is to have the ISY994 program assign that device property to a variable, then have your report send the variable value instead of sending the device property. Looks like InitialState supports "realtime expressions" so you can have their tool convert the raw value on-the-fly. Given the recurring cost of that service, I'd be more likely to roll my own with InfluxDB+Grafana.
  12. Good point -- they do make compact adapters which go from NEMA-6-20P to Euro-style sockets, then you could plug in a "Schuko" 240VAC rated charger
  13. Never seen a USB charger mated to a NEMA-6-20P, 20A/250V seems like overkill for charging your phone?
  14. If you were feeling really paranoid, had a dual-band PLM, and a nearby 2992-222 (or other dual-band repeating device), you could get away with having the PLM surge-protected or even on a UPS. Assuming 2413S PLMs start showing up in 1Q2023, then maybe paranoia will become less justifiable...
  15. I currently use the "Luminance" value from a Multisensor 6 in this way -- e.g. living room lights come on when the room gets dark, like yesterday's heavy mid-afternoon thunderstorms.
  16. At home I use a pair of Insteon switches and a scene to do this, the ISY is aware of the state but the switching of the light isn't dependent on a program running, and is nearly instantaneous. But this site doesn't have a PLM. Doing it with a program introduces a dependency I would prefer to avoid.
  17. Any recommendations for Z-wave on/off toggle switches which work with ISY and also can be setup so two switches directly communicate to act like a 3-way switch? We need to add a 3-way switch at the far end of a large room, and with the cost of copper wire today, it's going to cost around a hundred bucks just in materials. Normally I'd do this with Insteon toggles and an Insteon scene, but this location is Z-wave only. Anybody successfully setup a pair of Z-wave toggle switches so they directly control each other instead of requiring a program in the ISY to simulate 3-way switching?
  18. The PLM and the SD card are the items most likely to fail, the service life of the actual ISY-994 board would be dependent on component quality and operating conditions (temperature, humidity, and power quality). Where are you seeing them in stock other than eBay and scam sites like thebeast?
  19. If you've got the Network Module (comes with portal) then it's easiest to just send network requests to rPi, no reason to mess with GPIO and Z-wave.
  20. I've researched this before, Sonos is definitely the simplest tool to trigger MP3 playback from ISY. In terms of playing announcements, I ended up going with a Raspberry Pi 3 and network listener. The ISY sends a request for a MP3 file by name or sends a phrase to be announced, and the Pi either plays an existing file, or uses text-to-speech to generate a new MP3 file containing the announcement. More here:
  21. Likely didn't help any that their core patents on the Insteon communications were coming up for expiration.
  22. Added a new battery-powered door/window sensor (WNK-DW1), and noticed the default for "Wakeup interval" is 0 seconds. Is this normal and/or reasonable? Will adjusting this improve battery longevity?
  23. IME, the "tmomail" mail server is stricter about some checks than other carriers such as Verizon, AT&T. Try changing the "From" email address, also make sure the message body < 120 characters. I switched my most important notifications over to use "Pushbullet" via a network resource instead of going out via email. I get reliable and near-instant delivery to not just my phone, but also to my desktop. The free service level does have rate limits and a cap of 100 pushes/month.
  24. Realistically, given the small packet size of Z-wave commands, "speed" is not really a significant concern -- even the fastest 700 devices only move data at 0.1 mbit/s (still ten times faster than the original 100 chipset) The biggest bottleneck and the greatest influence on range, reliability, and battery life is going to be the chipset of your controller. That's a good question. I suppose you could physically go to each device and write down the FCC ID.
  25. Barring somebody getting the straight dope from Aeotec or Silicon Labs, I'm not sure that "No" really is the answer. For example, regarding "the amplification could potentially help your system", I suspect that if I swap out my old repeaters for Range Extender 7, then I should be able to have a greater distance for the hops that go from one 700 extender to a second 700 device. Only way to be sure is to test it, or to get Aeotec or Silicon Labs to respond to my question...
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