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Everything posted by GDavis01

  1. Thanks for the replies... As it turns out I did a few things yesterday that caused my problems! I actually installed 2 UPS backup devices, and I replaced an incandescent bulb in a lamp with an LED bulb... but the LED was non-dimming and the lamp was being controlled by a LampLinc! Fortunately, I had purchased several FilterLinc devices several years ago that I had never had a need to use... so I pulled them out and plugged the UPS's into them. It was after this that I realized by LED bulb issue! I actually managed to mess up another Lamplinc before I remembered that I had replaced the bulb! My LampLinc was no longer responding! Interestingly, I did the diagnostics on the device and the Links Table showed 4 'Record Mismatch' and 27 "Extra Record" links! I was finally able to get both LampLinc's working again by deleting them and then Linking them again with "Remove existing links"... even after that though I had to restore the device several times before the diagnostics were clean!
  2. I installed a UPS system today which has my Bell modem and router, my home router, and my ISY on it. My PLM is on the same circuit. Then tonight I noticed that none of my ISY programs are working! I took the ISY and PLM and moved them to another part of the house but starting up my Admin Console has been taking a long time! I'm guessing that the UPS device is causing the problem... Can I plug the UPS into a FillterLink and will that help?
  3. This morning, I reinstalled NodeLink on the Raspberry again and, interestingly, now all of the Alarm nodes on the ISY are now populating! (including Partition 1 and the DSC Alarm nodes)! However, the NodeLink startup command in rc.local doesn't seem to work! I have to start the server manually! So it appears that something on the Raspberry is not working right! I tried to redirect rc.local errors to a log error file but I am not getting anything and I checked other log files for issues without success! So I am still thinking that a fresh Buster install might be a good idea...
  4. @io_guy... Okay thanks. I deleted all the nodes and the node server config with the ISY. I then rebooted the ISY, and manually set up the node server. Then I started the Raspberry and NodeLink populated the nodes on the ISY... however, the Partition 1 node still has nothing in any of the fields and the DSC Alarm node only shows the heartbeat, AC Trouble and Panel Trouble both as 0! I have an ISY at my vacation home which I upgraded yesterday to v 5.0.16C (my home one is still on v 5.0.11). I also did a fresh install of Buster on the vacation home Raspberry and installed NodeLink. I setup my DSC Alarm, my Venstar Colortouch, the Relay Server and the Addl ISY Data nodes. It all worked smoothly! So, when I next go home, I'm going to reinstall Buster on that Raspberry , using the image from my vacation home raspberry. I am also going to upgrade the ISY to v 5.0.16C and then install NodeLink. Hopefully this will resolve my issues! As an aside... I really like the features in the Relay Server that allows me to restart NodeLink or reboot the Raspberry from the ISY! This allows me to automatically run an ISY program to reboot the Raspberry when an automated update doesn't happen! Very cool! The Additional ISY Data is also nice! I will have to figure out how I can best use the Ontario Time-of_Use node when we are out of this pandemic and the hydro price rates for the periods are different again. The Date Variable info is also nice and allows me to delete a bunch of programs I had calculating them or setting them up as variables. Question: does the Location Tracking node provide the same functionality as the Portal's Occupancy node or is there more to it? Thanks
  5. @larryllix... Thanks... it does appear to have been the timeout! My sweet spot seems to be around 900ms. @kclenden... Yes the GET does work. Just entering the lines below in a browser changes the state of the node. This is what I have set up on my iPhone and what I was trying to replicate with the Network Resource. https://my.isy.io/api/location/node key/report/out --> False https://my.isy.io/api/location/node key/report/in --> True
  6. I'm not sure if this is a Portal question or a Network question! I sometimes have a need to change my occupancy node from True to False (or the other way around). I have it set up on my iPhone (Safari browser page added to the home screen) which allows me to do this. However, I have been trying to set it up with ISY programs calling a network resource. My issue is that it works sometimes and other times it doesn't! I have attached a few screenshots: 1 shows my network resource setup; 1 shows the errors I get when it doesn't work ('TCP client read response failed' and 'TCP client write failed'); and finally the 1 that did work, which still shows 'Request Failed'! Any thoughts on why the response is inconsistent? I will often hit the Network Resource test button 2 or 3 times before it works!
  7. @oh2bnMaine... Are you able to open the Admin Console remotely (through a browser) on the PI using VNC? If so, you must have installed Java on the PI...correct?
  8. @io_guy... Was my log file helpful in identifying what is wrong?
  9. I am about to buy the RainMachine HD16... I am using NodeLink for DSC alarms and Venstar thermostats and I see that NodeLink handles the RainMachine also... Is this the way to go or should I consider setting it up using Polyglot?
  10. @Bumbershoot... thanks. Since I am doing the setup away from the physical thermostat, I will only be able to do this when I get back on site.
  11. @io_guy... I had set debug on the 2 tabs you asked... however, I guess I also needed to set the 'File Logging Level' on the main tab to Debug also! I have attached the log file. Is this what you need? (attached is the original log file and a pdf version which I think is a bit more readable) Let me know if you need something else. logfile_2020-06-19.txt logfile_2020-06-19.pdf
  12. I have debug set on the DSC tab and System Config. I rebooted my raspberry and then had to manually restart NodeLink I assume that the log file is the one in the node subdirectory... which only had these 3 lines: 2020-06-18 23:53:13 - ISY resolved to () 2020-06-18 23:53:13 - ISY Node Server config detected (profile 1) 2020-06-18 23:53:15 - ISY Warning: Duplicate node names exist on the ISY (Home) Is there another log I should be running?
  13. @Bumbershoot Hmmm! I guess that's hard to do remotely!! I looked at the online access using Skyport Cloud and I can't see anywhere to do this... so I will have to wait until I return on site to make that change. I deleted the device from NodeLink until then. @gzahar Thanks... the default password worked!! After entering that password I am no longer getting the incorrect password error. However, on the ISY the nodes are not providing much info, other than the heartbeat! I did not delete the original nodes on the ISY and they seemed to populate properly in NodeLink in the Alarm tab when I added the DSC device. When I looked at the ISY in the DSC Alarm node the only fields with values are Heartbeat(1 or -1), Panel Trouble (0) and AC Trouble (0)! The Partition 1 node has no fields populated! In NodeLink I clicked on "Install ISY Nodes" and interestingly this kills the NodeLink Server on my Raspberry! Yet it did nothing on the ISY! On the Raspberry, rebooting no longer restarts the NodeLink Server even though the command is still in rc.local! I have to manually enter the NodeLink command to start the server again! I had to reinstall NodeLink to get the Raspberry to start NodeLink on a reboot! Any thoughts on how I get the DSC nodes properly set up on NodeLink? Should I delete all of the existing nodes before I set up the DSC device?
  14. Thank you... that is cool! I didn't know we could do that!☺️
  15. Where do I find my isy address from the portal?
  16. Thanks... That fix allowed me to install NodeLink on my raspberry. Now that I have it installed, I am running into a few setup issues! 1 - I have a DSC alarm and an EnvisaLink 4 board. In NodeLink when I set up the DSC device I entered the password I use for logging into the Eyezon.com site... is this correct? (Given that it's not the EnvisaLink 3 board I assume I can use the full password as opposed to the first 6 characters.... although I tried using the first 6 also). 2020-06-18 15:38:40 - DSC: EVL User Login - Password Incorrect [dsc1] 2020-06-18 15:38:40 - DSC: If using a 2DS or EVL3 only enter the first 6 characters of your password [dsc1] 2 - I also have 2 Venstar ColorTouch Thermostats and I am having trouble setting up both of these! I initially tried to install both together, but then I deleted them and only tried one! I added the device and on the device's tab I entered the local address. On the raspberry I see the following error: 2020-06-18 15:50:29 - Venstar: Get Error - Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. [ven1] I then restarted NodeLink and got the following message when it restarted: 2020-06-18 15:54:06 - Venstar: Get Error - Connection refused [ven1] Note that I am trying to do this remotely! I am using PuTTY as my raspberry terminal; a browser for NodeLink and the Admin Console for the ISY. I don't think that this should be an issue but I am throwing it in, just in case it does impact something!
  17. It would be great if you explained how the issue was solved. I am trying to access my Admin Console remotely and for some reason entering the https:// address of my remote ISY into the ISY Finder is not working... so I am hoping that access through the portal will work.
  18. I decided to go ahead and try to install NodeLink on my Raspberry (running Buster). I ran the install script with the command: sudo curl -sSL http://automationshack.com/Files/install-core.sh | bash This is the result: pi@raspberrypi3:~ $ sudo curl -sSL http://automationshack.com/Files/install-core.sh | bash bash: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' bash: line 1: `<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">' Am I using the correct script command?
  19. @io_guy, While you were away, I posted this I actually never tried setting it up because I was also away... so, I now want to set up Nodelink again but on Buster without mono. So to repeat my original question... should I delete the nodes I previously set up or will the new setup recognize the old original ones?
  20. Okay... I think I misunderstood the concept. I thought it was one entry point for everything, whereas we still have the multiple entry points but the same unsername / password for all of them!! Thanks for the clarification.
  21. Thanks for the quick reply Michel. When I follow your instructions I get right into My Account and as I stated in my original post, I have access to newsletter subscriptions and the link to the Forum at the bottom of the page. However, this does not appear to give me access to the configuration of the Portal, which I have under the other login ( https://my.isy.io/index.htm ). Is this correct or am I missing something? I would think that most of us would use the forum access more than anything else... why not have a button at the top to allow for easier access, instead of having to navigate to the bottom of the page?
  22. I have not been following the UD journey for a while and when I was reading through this forum today, when I read the post by Michel about the one login strategy. My confusion is on how I use this login! If I login with https://my.isy.io/index.htm then I am presented with the 'Portal Login' but this is where I configure access to my Amazon Echo...etc. I do not see any links to the forum or newsletter subscriptions. Whereas, if I login with https://www.universal-devices.com/login then I see my account profile, the ability to subscribe to newsletters and at the very bottom a link to the Forum. However, this login does not give me access to the Portal Login above! Am I missing something? Is there another way to login that does provide everything? Thanks...
  23. I was not able to get NodeLink working on my raspberry with Stretch OS! So I finally got around to doing a clean install of the Buster OS, and I am now about to try installing NodeLink... My question, before I start, is will the new setup accept my nodes which were previously setup on my ISY, or do I have to delete them and start from scratch?
  24. I was away on vacation so I didn't see the request for the config.xml file! I sent the PM yesterday. Thanks
  25. Thanks... I didn't realize that the NodeLink command had changed! That explains why I was getting the NodeLink v0.9.36 version showing up!! I removed mono, rebooted the Rpi and then ran your installation command again... here is the output... something is not working... pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo curl -sSL http://automationshack.com/Files/install.sh | bash ### Updating System - this may take several minutes All packages are up to date. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. ### Cleaning/Creating directories ### Installing .NET Core 3.1 ### Downloading NodeLink ### Modifying startup script ### Starting NodeLink ### Install complete. Login to NodeLink at pi@raspberrypi:~ $ 2019-12-27 00:27:22 - ISY NodeLink Server v0.10.5 started 2019-12-27 00:27:22 - OS: Linux raspberrypi 4.19.66-v7+ #1253 SMP Thu Aug 15 11:49:46 BST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux 2019-12-27 00:27:22 - Web config server started ( 2019-12-27 00:27:23 - ISY resolved to () 2019-12-27 00:27:23 - ISY Node Server config detected (profile 1) 2019-12-27 00:27:24 - ISY Warning: Duplicate node names exist on the ISY (Home) Unhandled exception. System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from string "" to type 'Integer' is not valid. ---> System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ParseDouble(String Value, NumberFormatInfo NumberFormat) at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(String Value) --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Conversions.ToInteger(String Value) at NodeLink.MainModule.Main() As a result, I cannot log in through a browser. Any thoughts on why this is happening?
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