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Everything posted by GDavis01

  1. Ok I will try doing this... but am I wrong in my understanding that the "test" function doesn't send the current value to the cloud hosted service? In any other use of the network resources I have always used the "test" to see if the resource actually works! Isn't "test" the same as actually running the resource?
  2. I am using a state variable and I gave the variable a value of 74.5 manually, so this should avoid the zero value issue. However, as my last post seems to point to, Alexa doesn't seem to understand the "Tell me" command!
  3. Hmmm... I'm not sure what you are suggesting! I haven't created the programs yet. I manually populated the variable. I understand the "test" function to be running the network resource the same way it would run if called from a program. The second part of your comment is interesting... Alexa stumbles on the "Tell me" part... here is what she shows me: There is no response for this input Tell Me There is no response for this input {"intentName":"GETRESPONSE","variables":null,"state":null}
  4. No... in the thread, blueman2 acknowledges that Raw Text works and keeps the body in a readable format. As an aside, I did try it anyway and I got the same result!
  5. blueman2... great write-up. Thanks for doing this. I am looking for some help with getting my setup working. I'm on v5.0.9 and following your instructions a "test" of the network resource yields: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Sat, 15 Apr 2017 17:02:09 GMT Content-Type: application/json Content-Leng However, when I say "Alexa tell me inside temperature" she responds with "There is no response for this input". I have attached a screenshot of my network resource if this helps... Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
  6. Forget that POST!! I know how to do that!!
  7. Interesting!! How do I edit the Network Resource to insert "/api/location/<insert key here>/report/in" I have not done that before??
  8. Just to close the topic, support resolved the issue for me. I am now up and running
  9. Michel... It makes sense that I would need to buy the Portal for each ISY. Thanks.
  10. Thanks... I have setup the Geofencing using the ISY Portal node server occupancy module. So far my testing has mixed results... I can see that the leaving and arriving times on Locative are accurate and being recorded. However, I have programs, on the ISY, that notify me when I leave or arrive based on the node being True or False. So far I am only receiving some of these... it hasn't seemed consistent! However, it is quite possible that it's due to things I am doing wrong! More testing required... unfortunately, this is not an easy thing to bench test!! I have to leave and reenter the fenced area and look for an email... I can't ever see the node being "False" on the Admin Console, since I am home and it shows as "True"! I will continue to test... A question... (I am fairly new to the Portal, and I am trying to understand the concept of "Users"...) can I add my wife as a Portal User and, with Locative on her phone, set up a Occupancy Location (Home) Node and separate Names (mine and hers) sub-Nodes such that when either of us are "Home" the Location node would show as True, or if we are both away the node would show as "False"?
  11. I installed the ISY Portal today and I tried following the various instructions... - I set up my account at my.isy.io; - I did "Add ISY" and entered the uuid of my ISY; - I went to the Admin Console / Configuration / Portals and see "Portal Integration - UDI; OnLine & Registered"... however I do not see a request for access from your account in ISY Portal! - The Portal shows " ISY never connected" Other info: - I am running firmware v 5.0.9 (also installed today) - my ISY connects to my network using DHCP; - there is no port forwarding - I am using TLS 1.2; Strength = All; and Verify not checked Any ideas on why this isn't working? EDIT: In the error log I see numerous entries like the following: Mon 2017/04/10 10:16:36 PM System -140008 Portal-SECR:404 I don't know if this is related to my inability to connect the Portal to my ISY!
  12. I recognize that some of these issues may have been discussed numerous times before but I have seen conflicting information on some so I felt that it is prudent to ask a few questions, before I head down this road... I have 2 ISY's (home & cottage), both on v.5.0.7. I just purchased a Amazon Echo so I am looking at the ISY Portal. My questions: - I previously had the Mobilinc Connect Portal, although I haven't used it in a year. It still shows as 'active'. In order to use the ISY Portal, am I correct that I need to send an email, with my uuid #, to "support@universal-devices.com" to request that the Mobilinc Connect portal be deleted from my ISY? - I continue to use Mobilinc as my main method to access my ISY's via my iPhone. I connect to both using a DDNS service and I rely on the Geofencing to update my state variables which trigger numerous programs. This feature works very well. I have read conflicting information on the ability to use Geofencing with Mobilinc and the ISY Portal! My understanding is that if I want to continue to use the Geofencing ability after installling the ISY Portal, then I have to continue to access my ISY's with Mobilinc using port forwarding (or DDNS service) and not try to use the ISY Portal... Is this correct and does it work? - Do I need to buy the ISY Portal for both ISY's?
  13. Update... I rebooted the router and the ISY again and so far no errors. I find it odd that despite rebooting them both yesterday, the errors continued until this second rebooting. Oh well, hopefully it will continue this way.
  14. I'm not home now so I will try again when I get back. Note, however, that yesterday I rebooted both the ISY and the router and the errors started about 3 minutes later! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. My email notifications stopped working recently and I looked at my error log and found many of the following error messages! Sun 2017/03/19 10:12:37 AM System -170001 [Network-DNS][Task=22] Failed DNS 2056/rc=6 Sun 2017/03/19 10:12:37 AM System -140000 mobilincconnect.com I have an ISY994i/IR Pro running v5.0.7. I used to use the Mobilinc Connect to access the ISY but now I use a DDNS service. The Mobilinc Portal is still showing as active and I don't have UDI's Portal installed. My ISY's network settings are DHCP with the address reserved on the router. I use gmail with the smtp.gmail.com server on port 587; 1,000 timeout; and using TLS. My HTTPS Server and Client settings are TLS 1.2; Strength -> All; and Verify unchecked. My router has the DNS's set at and When I first noticed this error I rebooted both the ISY and the router and the emails started working again but pretty soon the error messages started again and the emails stopped! Any thoughts on what is going on?
  16. Ok... here goes... In the original post, step #2 was to select "Automatic Writes to Battery Powered Devices" so that it was greyed out. The THEN statements of the suggested programs has the action 'Write Device Updates' to the specific wireless device. It seems to me that the program action is a 'manual update' and therefore there should be no need to have selected the "Automatic Writes to Battery Powered Devices". Is this correct or do you need to have made that selection in the first place to allow the 'manual update' to work?
  17. Another question... looking for clarification... Am I correct in assuming that enabling and running the program(s) with the THEN 'Write Device Updates' means that I do not need to select "Automatic Writes to Battery Powered Devices" (step 2 of the first post)? Is there a battery downside to leaving that option selected?
  18. GDavis01

    A folder

    I do a slight variation on Paul's setup. I have 3 seasonal variables (Summer, Winter and Xmas). - Summer season --> Summer = 1, Winter = 0 and Xmas = 0. - Winter season --> Summer = 0, Winter = 1 and Xmas = 0 - Xmas season --> Summer = 0, Winter = 1 and Xmas = 1 I then make copies of the ON programs so that I have 3 similar programs but I test for the 3 variables in the IF statement. I then use a program (in v5.0) to set the time variables every day at 1:00am. Today's Date - [ID 013E][Parent 013F] If Time is 1:00:00AM Then $Day = [Current Day of Month] $Month = [Current Month (Jan=1, Feb=2, etc.)] $Year = [Current Year ] Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Then I call on those time variables to set the seasonal variables as needed... here is an example setting the Xmas variable to ON Setting Xmas Variable ON - [ID 0143][Parent 0141] If Time is 8:00:00AM And ( $Month is 12 And $Day is 15 ) Then $iSeason.Summer = 0 $iSeason.Winter = 1 $Xmas.Lights = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action') Here is an example of the Xmas Lights ON program Lights On Xmas - [ID 003E][Parent 00E7] If Time is Sunset And $iSeason.Summer is 0 And $iSeason.Winter is 1 And $Xmas.Lights is 1 Then Set Scene 'Back Lights' On Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'Front Lights' On Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'Front- Garage Soffits' On Wait 2 seconds Set Scene 'OutDoor Xmas Timers' On Wait 2 seconds $iLights_are_ON = 1 Else - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')
  19. Michel, I believe you are right about a program that was looping. I fixed the program and I have not seen any errors since. Thanks
  20. I bought my latest PLM May 25, 2015... that would be significantly less than 2 years! On the back of the PLM it shows: 2413S V2.1 1514 39.00.C2 In the Admin Console it shows: 39.0.C2 v9E / Connected I had a look at the error log for Tuesday and Wednesday (see attached)... Note that I restarted the system on Tuesday evening at 10:32pm and 11:03pm on Wednesday. I assume that something is amiss if the 'Buffers Free: 0'... right? Any more thoughts given these error messages? ISY Error Tuesday and Wednesday.txt
  21. I have had my ISY for some time now and I started encountering problems last night! (I am on version 4.3.26) All of a sudden, last night, the ISY was no longer communicating! The programs stopped working and I couldn't ping the ISY on my network! So I went down and unplugged and then plugged it in again. Similarly, I did the same to the PLM. After a while it started up and everything seemed normal. Then this evening, the same thing happened again! This time I looked at the ISY LED's and saw that, other than the power light, the only light working was the slow blinking of the memory LED! I rebooted the ISY again and everything seems normal in that I can access the devices through Mobilinc. For a while, after this latest reboot, I could not get access through the Admin Console - it would start up, allow me to login and then close! After about 15 minutes I was then able to get in through the Admin Console. I quickly made a backup of the ISY since I have made a lot of program changes over the last few days! Given that I cannot ping the ISY over my home network during these problems I believe that this eliminates the bad PLM issue. Any thoughts on what is going on or how I debug this?
  22. Thanks for the replies. I was away for the last week! I moved the EZFlora and the transformer to another circuit and that didn't change anything! I tried the Show Device Links Table diagnostic test and I get the error "Failed reading device link [-200000/-5]" After reading your reply I searched for communication problems with the EZFlora controller and see that others have experienced similar problems and have been, as you suggest, attributing it to the same problem as the failing PLM's!! Does anyone know if they changed board in the new dual band units? I would hate to buy another expensive controller and find out that it will fail in 2 years! (I see that the warranty is only 1 year on this unit!)
  23. Bump... Any ideas on why the controller would generate communication errors but still allows the zones to operate?
  24. I have 3 EZRain/EZFlora Irrigation Controllers controlling 17 sprinkler zones. Recently I noticed that for one of the controllers, which only has 2 zones connected, the Admin Console shows all 8 zones with the exclamation point beside the devices! I have unplugged and replugged the controller without a change. When I start up the Admin Console I only get an error message (cannot communicate...) for one of the 2 zones. Interestingly I can still control the zones manually and with programs! One of the 2 zones shows a status of OFF regardless of whether it's is ON or OFF. The other zone (which is the one that had the 'cannot communicate' error) doesn't show any status! Any ideas on how I can resolve this issue?
  25. Thanks to everyone for the comments. After reading the comments I looked at the load and realized that one of the dimmers controlled 10 50W lights and the other controlled 4 50W lights. Fortunately I had a box of 7W dimmable LED's at the cottage so I changed 8 of the 10 on the one switch and all 4 on the other. The result was that the cover plate was only slightly warm after several hours. By the way, the box type is metal and the faceplate type is plastic. The two dimmers are side by side so I could pull them out and reorder them to put the on/off switch in the middle, but given that the faceplate is no longer hot I am no longer concerned and so I will wait until another day.
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