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Everything posted by barrygordon

  1. RaginBajin, I am making a change to the configuration program to aid those with both a ISY994 and a Harmony Hub. Should be ready in about a week. For Harmony activities, the onURL ( which is what gets sent with "Alexa, Turn on...") will start the activity and the offURL which is sent when you say "Alex, Turn off...") will turn stop the activity. My understanding is that to turn off or stop an activity the JSON is merely {"activityid":"PowerOff"} as only one activity at a time can be running on the Harmony hub. When the new version is ready (probably by Friday) I will announce it here.
  2. cmacnichol, I believe you have an error in your ini file. In the UISY994 section you have: Location = That can't be right to many octets. I think what you want is: Location = That explains the type 13 error, and is why I put a copy of the ini file into the log file.
  3. I assume you did the special setup for the echo when you first got it. I suspect a wi-fi problem regarding the search since the search from the configuration program does not work, but its not a wi-fi problem per se as the configuration program once told where the Pi is has no trouble talking to it. I suspect something is inhibiting the search, possibly the router. The Echo finds the emulator via a search also, so that is a pretty good indication that the search isn't working. There have been several posts on this subject both on this board in this forum, this thread so search the thread. There have also been posts in other forums that have discussed router issues. Does the emulator's (on the Pi) show anything? check the log file. It is probably in the same folder as the jar. I force the log files into a foder called logs when I start the jar from rc.local. My start line looks as follows (without debugging): nohup java -jar -Dvera.address= -Dupnp.config.address=$_IP -Dserver.port=8083 -Dupnp.response.port=50003 -Dupnp.device.db=/home/pi/echobridge/data/device83.db /home/pi/echobridge/ha-bridge-0.4.9.jar > /home/pi/echobridge/logs/log83.txt 2>&1 & and wityh debugging turned nohup java -jar -Dvera.address= -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=DEBUG -Dupnp.config.address=$_IP -Dserver.port=8084 -Dupnp.response.port=50004 -Dupnp.device.db=/home/pi/echobridge/data/device84.db /home/pi/echobridge/ha-bridge-0.4.9.jar > /home/pi/echobridge/logs/log84.txt 2>&1 & Note: $_IP is set in my rc.local file to be the IP of the machine that it is running on. The following code does that: # Print the IP address _IP=$(hostname -I) || true # this is the line that does the work if [ "$_IP" ]; then printf "My IP address is %s\n" "$_IP" fi
  4. Blueman2 I need to speak to you about the incorporation of the Harmony into the Configuration system. I need to understand a few things about the Harmony Hub. I am able to pull and process all the configuration items for Activities and Devices in development mode from the Restful Bridge. I have questions on just what you would like to see displayed for activities and for devices I assume for activities you want to be able to start and stop them as if they were scenes on an ISY, and for devices you want to be able to "push buttons". I am not sure exactly what I need to send to the hub device, but I have a pretty good idea. Send me an email and I will send you my phone number so we can talk. I am on the East coast Barry
  5. I have done a lot of work with UDI (ISY) and it is tightly integrated into my systems iPads, iPhones, (iDevices) etc. Individual TV's are all IR based and either the Pronto Pro's or the iDevices working with a Global Cache unit handle them completely. The Theater stands alone with the various subsystems having different control paradigms all controlled by a small (Asrock) PC. The PC may be controlled from the iDevices which then supply the UI, but mainly by a dedicated Pronto PRO 9800. I do not believe voice control will work well in the theater other than for starting the activity. On the Pronto, a single button press starts the Theater activity handling the playing of startup music as the system warms up, dimming lights, lowering shades, etc.
  6. Based on what bwssystems has done I should enough to do most of the development and unit testing. Probably won't start till Monday, should not be too hard to integrate a harmony hub emulator in to my systems. After I have it all operating in the hub's development mode all email you and you can send me the info so I can double check my code and the portions dealing with talking to the cloud
  7. Above and beyond my expectations, as usual. Thanks for the clarification. Looking at what you have done with the resident web server on the harmony emulator, I am not sure how much will be added by modifying my configuration system to handle the harmony hub as well as the ISY. I should have time next week to look at this.
  8. bwssystems, Thanks. What Blueman2 was looking for was a modification to my Configuration program to deal with the Harmony in a manner similar to the way I deal with the ISY. With the ISY, the Configuration program reads all of the information stored on the ISY so it can easily make up the commands (restful URL's for a On/Off of the device with little if any typing. Generally just the friendly name. My understanding is that without a valid harmony account (userid and password) I cannot read the configuration of the users specific Harmony Remote/hub as that is held in the Harmony cloud. If my understanding is correct then I need someone to send me the information for their account so I can check out the code I need to write to read the Harmony configuration. This assumes I can query the account in the cloud without the actual hub present on my LAN. Blueman2?? If my understanding is incorrect then I need someone to explain to me how I can read all the device/activity information for the Harmony hub. I am suffering from a bad sinus infection (the internet is close contact with no infection vectors) so my mind is a little cloudy.
  9. First off what vision of the hue emulator are you using? The jar 0.4.8 does not round, the jar 0.4.9 does round. You can always do the round yourself as an ${intensity.math(0.5+(yourMathFunction))} if the emulator is truncating and not rounding the result. You can turn on logging in the hue emulator, instructions are at bwssystems git, and send the log file to info@bwssystems.com. The tests I ran with the latest jar worked correctly.
  10. Michel, When your skill is complete will it require phrasing like "Alexa, tell ISY to . . . or " Alexa, ask ISY the status of. . . ? I know Amazon has committed to allow more than two wake up words in the future but no one knows when.
  11. Look at post #588 in this thread. The Echo believes it is talking to a HUE HUB. The number provided by the Echo when the phrase is spoken as described in that post is (X/100)*255. That is, it takes the spoken number as a percentage of 255 and provides that value as the value of the "bri" property. The ISY when working with an Insteon thermostats assumes that temperature values are in 1/2 degree increments so to set the value to 75 degrees you must give it a value of 150. Using ${intensity.math((X*200)/255)} should provide the correct value for the Insteon Thermostat
  12. Nice to see you here bwssystems. I was just looking into modifying my configuration program to handle the Harmony, but I am not sure I will have the time to do that. Naturally your restful-harmony site was one of the first places I looked. I hate to produce software with no real way to test it as I don't have a harmony hub Barry
  13. It seems the API for the Harmony HUB has not been released by Logitech. (One of the reasons I stopped buying Logitech Gear) If any one has a copy and can send it to me I would appreciate it. Without the API there is too much reverse engineering required which becomes extremely difficult if one does not have the actual device.
  14. I have just posted version 2.0.63. It was pointed out to me that I reversed the definition of the Var_Type in the Rest URL's for variables. It is now correct. The RESTful URL for a state variable is now 2 and for an integer variable 1. I also now provide the ability to download the AWS_Config.exe file only. It is not in an archive so some browsers may issue a warning message. It is the same file that is in the install package
  15. I just did some harmony research. To test I would need a harmony remote and an account. If someone loans me a remote I will set up an account. I shouldn't need the remote for more than a week or two. My plan would be to read the configuration of the harmony as I do for the ISY. I would add a harmony button to load the harmony devices, activities and buttons and modify the device editor pane to be aimed at the harmony format. The operation of the configuration system should be fairly seamless. The ini file would specify the key facts about the harmony system; ip, port account I'd, account Password, . . . The harmony button would only appear if there was a harmony section in the ini file. The harmony button would load all of the activity names, button names, etc and tag them. Double clicking a harmony "device" would then place that device in the new editor window. Comments?
  16. I am glad you are finding the configuration tool helpful. The reason the tool is so "slick" is because it grabs the configuration of the ISY thereby greatly reducing the amount of typing needed to set up an entry for the emulator. I have no knowledge regarding the harmony hub/remote. Could you point me to something that describes the harmony hub/remote API? From what I see in the BWS documentation the URL's appear to be quite complex. I am not sure which Parameters are static and which need to change in the URL for a specific entry. I Would like to fold as much of the URL as possible into the definition of the custom endpoint and add some additional fields to the definition of the custom endpoint e.g "Type=JSON", "Verb=PUT". JSON format is well defined and easy to build, but I need to understand the API which I currently have no clue about. Also, is there a configuration in the harmony hub that can be pulled or is it very static with just commands like an IR remote? Perhaps initially we should take this off line to email until I better understand what is needed. I am curious about how Alexa's performance is in a theater environment which will generally have I high noise level. I can start my theater using the Echo but I have been hesitant to do anything else with it. The entire theater is controlled by a PC using TCP/IP over wi-fi and either a Pronto PRO or iPad/iPhone as the UI so controlling it via the Echo would be quite simple.
  17. I have just posted version 2.0.62 of the configuration system (AWS_CONFIG.exe) on my website (the-gordons.net). This is a significant upgrade which now handles Devices, Scenes, and Programs in folders. ISY Variables (static and integer) are also handled. When dealing with spoken numeric values the Emulator (version 0.4.9) now allows for the URL to contain a math function to adjust the spoken value suffix. Please read the documentation as that has been updated to describe all of the new capabilities. Emulator version 0.4.9 is now available from bwssystems.com and is required for the math capability. Have Fun! Barry
  18. Did you have any luck with a device.db file that was "[]" (open and close square brackets) or "[{}]".? I will discuss this with the author or you can just send an email to info@bwssystems.com and explain what you have found
  19. Try starting the emulator and when it fails, start it again. I do this by rebooting my system as that is the easiest way for me. How about if the Device.db file exists but is empty when you start the emulator? Does it give you a problem? Where is your device.db file stored on the system?
  20. For those having issues with the Emulator and no device.db file. From the Author of the emulator: The device.db file is loaded on startup only and then it's managed from memory. When an update is done to the file It is renamed, the new file is written and then the old renamed file is deleted. Also, the file is only used to read from on startup. The device.DB should not be stored in a privileged location i.e. accessible only to root. I store all the Emulators working files in /home/pi/echobridge. I use two sub directories at that location, "logs" and data", so my four device.db files are in /home/pi/echobridge/data and any log files are in /home/pi/echobridge/logs. the jars I use are all in /home/pi/echobridge and the start up commands are located in the bash script /etc/rc.local which is a privileged (root access only) file. I use WINSCP to access the RPi files from my PC as I did not set up Samba on those systems. I believe a blank device.db file can be "", "[]" or "[{}}]", but I am not sure. I trust the Emulator to handle the issue of a missing device.db file. But remember it only reads that file when the emulator starts up. Deleting the file while the emulator is running has no effect on the running instance of the emulator, and if you do something that causes the emulator to need to update the device.db file it might crash the emulator as it is not there to be renamed and deleted. I have never run the Emulator on Windows.
  21. I have never seen that, but then again I can't recall the last time I ran without a .db file present. I will try and isolate it tomorrow, but I don't think it is the configuration system, but will look anyways. I have been wrong before. The configuration system does start by requesting the db file from the emulator, so it is possible it is not handling the case where it is missing correctly.
  22. Yes I know 4.8 is up. I have a problem with it if the function does a division. The emulator throws an error on trying to cast a double, the result of the divide, to an integer. It is obvious in the emulators debug log file. BWS systems has been told. Also the documentation is bad on describing the ${ . . . }. ${intensity.math()} is the correct format. I have a new version of the configuration system that handles variables and builds the correct URLs and also allows for the setting up of a function. If you want an advance copy drop me an email so I know where to send it. I am holding off putting it on the web site until the emulator is corrected. I am not sure how BWS supports its development, ask them.
  23. I believe it was a complete re-write with attribution to the original author. The original version did not really understand the ISY but rather the Me Casa Verde product. The new version of the emulator when coupled with my Configuration system knows how to deal with the ISY as it builds the commands for the emulator.
  24. I am not sure since the link you supplied yields a 404, page not found. the Hue Bridge had a limit of about 22 devices. A newer version of the emulator was written by the person who owns BWS systems (bwssystems.com) and handles about 44 devices. Many ISY people have switched over to it. I wrote a configuration system for that version (if you are on the original, think Mapper) which understands the ISY and starts by reading the complete configuration of the ISY and that of the emulator. It then runs with very little typing in a click/select environment making l;ife a lot easier (at least for me)
  25. There is a new feature coming out for the HUE Emulator by BWS systems. This will allow for a suffix of the form ${intensity.math(<function of X>)} Where the function of X is the body of a function you would like evaluated with X as the input to the function. The emulator takes whatever the Echo sends as the spoken value and sets that as the value of X. This allows you to write such things as ${intensity.math(2*X)}. This capability is not quite ready yet. but I suspect will be next week. The next version of the AWS configuration system will allow for the setting up of the math expression. as part of either the onURL or offURL. There will be a new button named "Use Math" which will open a dialog box to allow you to define the function. I am not yet using ISY version 5.x.x but will be switching to that shortly. I will add the ability to the configuration system to form the URL to reference a variable of the integer or state type. For the state type the onURL will set the variable to true (1), the offURL will set it to false (0) . For integer variables the value will be the spoken word with some limitation. The following is what I have gleamed from trying things and looking at whet the emulator receives from the Echo: The Echo does not handle all spoken integers. If using the word 'Set" then the integer spoken (1 to 99) is taken as a percentage of 255. If you say 'Alexa set . . . to 75'; the echo sends the emulator a value of 191 since 191=.75*255. When I get the time I will look at other Echo phrases involving values, such as 'Alexa dim . . . . to xx', IIRC, Alexa sends a value that is a multiple of 10 so dimming or brightening occurs in steps of 10%
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