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Everything posted by barrygordon
Blueman2, I am working on adding some more debug capability. I am not sure why set vs cmd but I will look into it. I did not actually try a scene for dimming but will later.
HuddaHudda, Please show the full URL that is getting a page not found (404) error. Just redact the userid:password.
I have just posted version 2.0.0 of my Hue Emulator configuration program for the ISY. This version allows for the setting up of devices and scenes for dimming. PLEASE read the documentation on the web page before downloading And, very important, READ the word document that is in the Archive. The Word document details the new ini file formats, and what spoken phrase will cause lights/scenes to dim. You will need to adjust the ini file to reflect your systems. All Scenes are set for dimming, and those devices that are coded in the ISY as able to be dimmed are also set up for dimming. The coding in the ISY is automatic through recognition of the device type when the device is installed in the ISY. Feedback greatly appreciated. Barry
BlueMan2, The version I will post tomorrow will have dimming implemented. It will allow for dimming of Scene's or devices that the ISY has configured as a dim'able type. Since it would require a complete re-entry of all the devices, I have supplied a one-time process that will modify each entry on each emulator to be in line with the dimming format. The operation of the dimming update is controlled by an entry in the ini file. Go to bed, dimming was always working, I just didn't say the correct phrase to Alexa. She is very fussy regarding dimming.
You are welcome. I believe dimming is also working fine. I was using the wrong phrase. I will post the dimming information tomorrow or later tonight. No change required in the configuration program, but I might want to make a change based upon whether the device is dimmable, and what I need to do for a Scene. The onURL needs to change for dimming.
Every Man has the wit to know, and the will to learn, but the key to knowledge is the open book. That is the long polite version of RTFM.
Thank you randy. I do not solicit monetary support or donations unless I do something special in collaboration with another person. That was the case when I wrote the Squeeze Player control system for the Pronto PRO several years ago. I code because I enjoy it, like to solve puzzles and keep my mind/memory nimble. I am retired after a long career in the hardware/software world and now prefer a no "Schedule demands" environment. I need to get started on my Alexa Skill. Probably this week. The basics are done, but I need to write the utterances and intents. Thank you for what you sent me a while back. I just received a Smartthings hub and it is going back. I don't think I have any use for it. Just about everything is under the control of the UDI ISY994, so why . . . The only thing I might want to do with it is play with an arrival sensor, put one in each car and no longer have to play with the visor buttons. It appears limited however as to what it will do when it senses an arrival or departure. Send me a notification, heck I am in the car! I have tried RFID solutions and when I did the range was poor. Does anyone know of a good RFID solution that will work with the ISY994?
There is a new version that I just posted. I am not sure what you are referring to when you say 'list of control addresses". As you alluded to before, you can now have a list of custom addresses instead of just the one. It is described in the word doc. If there is neither a custom address entry or a [custom endpoints] section then the custom button will not appear. If you have either a custom address entry or the custom endpoint section has exactly one end point then the custom button will appear and the provided custom address will be used. If there is more than one custom address provided by a combination of the custom address entry and the custom endpoints section, then a drop down list will be shown when building the custom endpoint device item so a selection can be made. I think I got the code right, but it might need more testing. I really try and stay out of the cloud. I believe: (1) If I don't need a cloud service than why have it with who knows what is being looked at and how good their security is. (2) Why pay money for something I shouldn't need (3) Why give someone the opportunity to send me more trash advertisements when they change their "Policy". I don't have a twitter account and I am rarely posting on Facebook (4) A significant rationale behind cloud services is the generation of revenue through advertisments.
Well The bug is fixed and I will post the updated version tomorrow. I have just about all the code done to handle a list of control addresses so that will go in also
Blueman2, Sure sounds like a nasty creepy crawly. In my custom control endpoint I look at what I have been sent and then determine where it will go. For example devices SPA, Waterfall, Pool Light all go to the Autelis Pool controller, The device Theater goes to the PC that controls the theater. My custom controller is driven from an ini file that provides all the information needed to steer the command to the correct endpoint based upon what is in the command sent by the Echo. Would you prefer to provide a list of Custom address, and then select the one you want when you are defining the custom control. ?
Ferdie, All four buttons work (Devices, Scenes, Programs, Custom) for me. Put the debug statement in the ini file as described in an earlier post, hit the scene button and send me the log file and the ini file. Does the Program button work for you? My email address is in my profile. Michel, As Blueman2 stated, Could you provide a little information about the skill you have developed?
Damm, I forgot to lock the screen height. The items you see are things I use in the app that are not for the users pervue. The Help box will appear with help info if you right click on a button or other clickable items. The next update will have the screen size locked. With regard to Mikrotik, They now package one of their boards in a 1x5x5 case. It comes preconfigured to handle the avergae users needs, and there is an app called winbox that is a complete graphic interface for adjusting settings.
All fixed. build 73 on the web site. Forgot to pull the stop statements that I use for debugging. Copying just the exe file is fine. I generally save the old exe just in case. If you set up stunnel, then you will be further along. I am not sure how Amazon will react as the Skill I am developing is in test mode which allows me to use a self signed certificate. Just remember that you will eventually have to route port 433 to stunnel (port forwarding on your router) and then let stunnel route to where you have the endpoint. Speaking of routers I just set up my Grandsons house for Ethernet. I installed the wireless version of the router I use, Mikrotik. It is an amazing router that few people know about other than pro installers and custom integrators. It is in his basement and everywhere in his house he get a minimum of 50 dbm as signal strength. Its not a big house but the router has a 1000 miliwatt radio for wifi. It has no external antenna, although there is a model that allows for it. Mine is a model RB750GL and his is the RB951G - 2HND IIRC mine was $49 and his was $59 at Amazon
There is a new version of the configuration system on my web site. I believe it handles all of the issues mentioned in the preceding posts from Blueman2 and Ferdies. Blueman2 - tell me what you think of the Move logic. Ferdies - Let me know if I resolved the error 5 and if not send me the log with debug=all and the ini file. Re Alexa Ask Sarah . . . I have not progressed much on that as I wanted to get the configuration system to a satisfactory point, and assist those requesting help re putting up the bridge on an RPi. The basic code is written and it handles the one utterance I wrote to test it by responding back with a nice voice command letting me know that the code saw the data from the Echo. I just have to sit down and write all of the Intents and Utterances. Utterances are spoken phrases and Intents map out what from the spoken phrase should be sent to the endpoint with what label. It maps what in the spoken phrase are the key words and what they pertain to. E.g. a keyword might be room and the utterance might be "kitchen". This sends the endpoint a JSON object something like {"key":"room", "value":"kitchen"}. A single utterance may have multiple key words as in "Alexa tell Sara to set the Master Air Conditioner to cool to 77 degrees". "Master Air Conditioner" might be a Device, "cool" might be an action, and 77 a level. which would produce a message containing something like [{"device":"master air conditioner"}, {"action":"cool"}, {"level":77}]. I just need to spend a day developing the utterances and intents and then a couple of days to write the code to send the information to the final controller. For HVAC that will be the ISY. I do have some custom commands in my set of devices on the emulator that are not handled by the ISY; e.g. "Alexa Turn On The SPA". This is much easier to handle as all you need is a program that monitors the IP:port provided in the onURL and offURL in the definition of the custom device. I am also working with the developer of the bridge to try and get dimming to work.
Blueman2, The issue has to do with the selecting of the bridge that is the target for the move. I want to make sure that a bridge is selected and that is why the dialog box shows which requires an OK response/click. If you don't select a bridge or use the blank option then the move is to the brisge with the most room. let me think about alternate strategies.
Ferdies: I am pretty sure I know what your issue is. The names you are using for devices on the ISY are rather long. I made a design decision on how to handle long names and will review that code. Tell me again exactly what you were doing when then run time error occurred. Precisely what button did you just click on when the error dialog came up? That will help me pinpoint where in the code the weakness is.
In the ini file, a text file, just add the line in the [system] section as an additional line of text. The ini file is read when the configuration program, AWS_Config is started. For some reason the ISY is not returning an http OK response. I want to see what is being sent and exactly what the ISY responds with.
Try re-registering the Echo to your network by pretending it is a new Echo that you just bought and starting over with it. I think the Echo may remember things. You can also call Amazon Echo support. They should be able to assist you in resolving this. Just tell them you have two HUE hubs, they get nervous when you say emulator. The emulators have practically no CPU load when they are running so the RPi is more than adequate.
The errors on install are either permission or file in use. Ignore is the proper response. The files should already be there but are included in the install package just in case. You need to send me 2 things. The log file that should be in the same folder as the AWS_Config.exe and the .ini file from the same folder. You might want to add the ini option in the systems section as follows: debug = All This will provide a lot more info in the log file. An abort flag of 25 means that the ISY did return "HTTP/1.1 200 OK". With debug = all I ahould be able to see what it got back. As I said I have only run this on native windows machines and suggest that if yiou can run it that way to start till we figure out what is going on.
I have no Idea but it should work. You are welcome to try it. It runs as a single thread using the vb6 runtime. The install package has all that is needed. Let me know how you make out
I am running Java 1.8.0 which makes it Java 8 from Oracle.
Use diagnostics on the ISY994 to see exactly what is coming in. Setup the emulator to have full debugging. Assuming you are using the ha-bridge emulator and starting it from rc.local or some other way you need to add this to the line that starts the jar. -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=DEBUG My start line looks as follows: nohup java -jar -Dvera.address= -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=DEBUG -Dupnp.config.address=$_IP -Dserver.port=8084 -Dupnp.response.port=50004 -Dupnp.device.db=/home/pi/echobridge/data/device84.db /home/pi/echobridge/ha-bridge-0.4.4.jar > /home/pi/echobridge/logs/log84.txt 2>&1 & In the emulator log you will see things like: [qtp32631-17] DEBUG com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator - hue state change requested: cUQ6FpY9yemZY7OTVn3HPRaGeTy629GKLAdSXWCe from body: {"on": false} [qtp32631-17] DEBUG com.bwssystems.HABridge.hue.HueMulator - Making outbound call in doHttpRequest: GET http://admin:admin@ is my Echo. 20 93 5 1 is the Insteon device address. In the UDI with logging turned on you should see the command coming in (IIRC) and the event firing. Hope that helps In that way you will see in the emulator log file what is being sent and you will see in the UDI logs what is being received. That should help you pin down the issue.
I have no issues such as you describe. I suggest you check your network architecture. Are you running wired or wireless (Wi-Fi) ? My performance with the bridge is probably 98% reliable. My biggest problem is that I sometimes say Shut Off instead of Turn off, but Shut Off works some times. Turn Off works just about always.
That is the original emulator and I am not sure if the link still operates. The most current emulator (the one I and many others use) is made by BWS Systems and can be located through their website bwssystems.com. This emulator has extensive documentation; a complete browser based configuration system; and runs about 44 devices. I have upgraded my configuration program on my web site www.the-gordons.net to correct all the bugs that have been reported to me, so if you are using it and detect any issues please let me know via email at barry@the-gordons.net. I, and many others are using a RPi to host the emulator. I have four instances of the emulator running on a single RPi giving me a maximum device count of 136 devices. I also have an endpoint running on a PC that handles my own Alexa Skill and devices other than the ISY994. Specifically the endpoint handles an Autellis pool controller (Waterfall, SPA, Pool Lights). The issue with the normal Echo software (It's native skill for foreign devices) is that it is limited to Turn On, Turn Off, and Dim. Dim is not working and is definitely an Amazon/Echo issue and not the emulator. To get around that limitation you need to write your own skill for Alexa, which is not that hard but a little daunting to get started with. You must be a registered developer, and know how to code your Skills endpoint. The endpoint can be in the cloud or on your LAN. I chose the latter. With your own skill you can say things such as "... set the guest air conditioner to cool at seventy six degrees" and send the appropriate commands to the ISY if it is controlling the HVAC. Hopefully the work UDI is doing will improve the situation, but still will be focused on the UDI ISY product. I want Alexa to do other more complex things, hence I need to develop my own Alexa Skill. Finally editing stuff on the Pi is not very friendly. You need to be root (SuperUser) to change any of the system attributes and the text editor in the basic system (vi or nano) is not very friendly. The leaf editor is better as it has a reasonable gui. I use a windows program named WINSCP (free for personal use) That handles the movement of files between a windows machine and a Pi. It is an alternative to SAMBA and does not require anything to be paced on the Pi. You can have it log onto the Pi as root. Doing that you can open any file and use any windows editor to make changes. Beware. Linux does not use CRLF to end lines, but rather CR. Notepad uses CRLF and Textpad uses whatever the file being opened uses and for new files you tell it. WINSCP will also move files between the Pi and Windows directories with no issue. WINSCP is an elegant piece of work with a solid design and many many features to make life easier, especially the RPi newbie. In my view, a Newbie is anyone who has not used a system for a couple of weeks.
Raspbian it is from the official NOOBS from the Raspberry Pi Org. All my Pi's are wired. Just got back in town. Had no wi fi or email while gone.