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Everything posted by barrygordon

  1. I will try that tonight. Any idea why that might help?
  2. Operating firmware 4.0.5 ISY 994i I have two Insteon thermostats (2441TH). I have one program that runs at 1AM setting the cooling setpoints to 80 degrees. It runs fine every night with no issue. Both thermostats go to a cooling setpoint of 80 degrees F. The then section is: set 'HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System' 80 (Cool Setpoint) set 'HVAC Systems / - Guest System' 80 (Cool Setpoint) The second program runs at 6AM and has a then section as follows: set 'HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System' 77 (Cool Setpoint) set 'HVAC Systems / - Guest System' 77 (Cool Setpoint) The problem is with the second program that runs at 6AM. Which ever thermostat is the last in the 'Then' section does not get its setpoint changed, but remains at the setpoint established at 1AM. If I switch the order it is always the last (second) thermostat that does not get the correct result. Here is the pertinent section from the log file: HVAC Systems / - Guest System Heat/Cool State Off Sat 2013/11/02 10:32:04 PM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Status 76.5? Sat 2013/11/02 10:32:06 PM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Cool Setpoint 80? Sun 2013/11/03 01:00:00 AM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Cool Setpoint 80? Sun 2013/11/03 01:00:01 AM HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System Cool Setpoint 80? Sun 2013/11/03 01:00:01 AM HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System Cool Setpoint 80? Sun 2013/11/03 01:00:03 AM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Cool Setpoint 80? Sun 2013/11/03 01:00:08 AM HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System Cool Setpoint 80? Sun 2013/11/03 01:00:09 AM HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System Status 77? Sun 2013/11/03 04:40:58 AM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Cool Setpoint 77? Sun 2013/11/03 06:00:00 AM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Cool Setpoint 77? Sun 2013/11/03 06:00:01 AM HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System Cool Setpoint 77? Sun 2013/11/03 06:00:01 AM HVAC Systems / 24.05.B5.1 - Master System Cool Setpoint 77? Sun 2013/11/03 06:00:03 AM HVAC Systems / - Guest Cool Ctl Status On Sun 2013/11/03 10:32:08 AM HVAC Systems / - Guest System Heat/Cool State Cool On Sun 2013/11/03 10:32:08 AM I am not sure why all the entries appear. My iPads which subscribe to the ISY get the correct values sent to them for both thermostats at 1AM and at 6AM. It is just the one thermostat that does not change its setpoint value. I would say it is the thermostat, but I can reliably move the problem between them depending on which entry is second in the 'Them' action at 6AM. Any advice? I have just moved to 4.1.0 so I will see what happens tonight. If it does not clear up, I will try two separate programs, one for each thermostat, at ~6AM spaced 5 minutes apart (0600 AM, 0605 AM). I do not see how it could be a Tstat problem or a comms problem as I can reliably shift the problem between the Tstats.
  3. When I cleaned up the scenes (I had one too many and they were badly configured) all started working again Correctly. Thank you gentlemen for the good advice (as usual)
  4. Lee, I have a strange problem I am trying to troubleshoot. My current conclusion is that I have may have a bad keypad. The primary device is a micro relay on/off. It seems to work fine. I do not use its sense wires. I have it linked to a button (h) on an 8 key keypadlinc. I can turn it off by the keypadlinc, but not back on. I suspect I might have the scenes screwed up. How many scenes should I have if all I want is: 1- The keypadlink to be able to turn the micro relay on and off, the keypadlinc LED showing the state 2- A program to turn the micro relay on and off and the keypadlinc to track its state I assume I should only need one scene where the microlinc is a responder and the keypadlinc key is a controller and a responder. I have other microlincs controlled by other key in the same keypad and they seem to work fine. If I determine that the keypadlinc is bad, I have a spare keypadlinc that is already installed but not used. I wish to do the "Replace with xxxx" but can not find the option no matter what I right click on. On a separate note, can a scene have as one of its items another scene? I am running 4.0.5
  5. I want a program to run based upon an external event occurring and it being a certain time of day. I have set up an integer variable which an external program modifies between 0 and 1 The program checks for the correct time period and the value of the variable and then has a then event if both are true Is this the best way to do this or have I missed something?
  6. Lee, I just went to cancel my question as I found the event viewer> It is what I needed. I think my major problem is with the Insteon Thermostat. It responds very quickly to humidity changes there being a couple every minute, but very slowly to temperature changes. I forced the ambient up to 80 degrees with a hair dryer. It is now taking a very long time to see the ambient down at what the room temperature really is but it is slowly dropping.
  7. Thanks for the reply Lee, Out of curiosity what did you do to get the displays you posted. I assume you were using the admin console.
  8. Can any one verify that the ISY is seeing temperature change messages from the Insteon 2441TH thermostat and properly reporting them as ST state feedback to a subscriber? I never see a temperature change coming from the ISY to my subscribed application. I see all other messages. I am not sure if it is the ISY or the Thermostat. All other tings get properly reported and my subscribed application sees them. In addition the Rest interface is properly setting and adjusting the various modes. At this instant the Thermostat has a displayed temperature of 77, but the ISY994 is showing a temperature in the admin console of 78 and that number never seems to change ergo I suspect I have a bad thermostat
  9. Thanks for the info. I am understanding that if control=ERR and Action=0 then all is okay. Is there any way to clear it so it does not report this fact again. Naturally I would want to know when err=1. I can handle the logging issue easy enough only logging the ERR=1 state.
  10. I use the ISY994 with an iPad app I wrote. everything is working correctly with one strange incident that I would like to understand. The iPad on startup initiates a subscription with the ISY. There are about 80 Insteon devices in the system. I am having the system snapshot the feedback messages as they come in to illustrate the problem. The snapshot is not the actual message but is edited for clarity The subscription first returns 17 error messages that is messages where the control field is ERR; as an example: > logList: 10:50:32 ISY Event: Device=Hall Light, Control=ERR, Action=0, Node=20 6E 70 1, Info= It then returns what I consider proper messages for all the device states including the ones it returned ERR for; as an example: > logList: 10:50:33 ISY Event: Device=Hall Light, control=ST, action=255, node=20 6E 70 1, info= I am curious 1) Why I am getting the ERR messages; and 2) how I can get rid of them. I tried a device reset on one of the devices that returns the ERR message but that did not change things.
  11. ALL RESOLVED. I dropped power to the offending switchlinc and then restored power to it. The ISY was then able to update the switchlinc
  12. Thanks Lee. I think I agree with you. Any thoughts on why I can't get the Switchlinc to accept an update. It appears to be working fine. I rarely address it from the ISY. I guess I could just swap it out. Is there any nice easy function/menu item to replace a failed device such as a Switchlinc? It would be nice If you could just wire in the new device and tell the ISY to replace the address of the old device with that of the new one and have everything updated; or am I missing something that is easy and obvious
  13. I am in the middle of a Restore PLM. It is taking quite a long time. I keep getting messages of the form "Cannot communicate with Please check connection" What is the proper procedure to use to get everything working again? Do I need to check each device from the admin console and "restore device and write updates" for the ones flagged with the red ! This had been the first failure of my complete system (PLM failed) As a thought for a major (IMHO) product improvement, - Why not connect to two PLM's, using only one at a time and switching over on a failure. I assume the one that is in active as far as the ISY is concerned could be used to link the active unit to the second side op a 220/110 power system UPDATE I have it almost all back to the way it should be. For each of the items that showed the red! after the PLM reset, I did a write updates. Most of these were battery powered mini remotes 2342. I tried to put them into linking mode before I started the PLM reset but as soon as I did the second one the first one left linking mode. I have one switchlinc dimmer switch that I can not write updates to, but it seems to be working fine. Is there any suggestions on how to resolve this one. If I query the switches links table I get a message that the links table could not be read. I suspect bad switch but ...?
  14. Thanks Michel, I already understood that. I was referring to retrieving the logs through the Admin console. You provide the mechanism to dump the logs into Excel which allows for filtering and sorting. The issue for me is that if I try and sort the logs by the date/time field it does not do a good job due to the way the date/time field is formatted. It is a text field so using that field as a key it does not sort too well. The change I would like to see is when you dump the log into excel the date/time field be made sort friendly. I realize I can do it multiple other ways, but putting it in excel as you do is the best for further mainpulation.
  15. The changes are there, my error. Would it be posssible to change the format of the data/time field in a log entry to be Sort Friendly? The current date/time field looks like: "Thu 2013/08/22 11:00:00PM" which is not sort friendly I would suggest that DOW be dropped and the time shown in military format such as: "2013/08/22 23:00:00" which is sort friendly. If there is some way to do this simply in excel, I am not aware of it, is there?
  16. In the log file I only see one temperature entry for each thermostat. I see lots of humidity entries, and I see entries indicating that coolIng Is turning on and off but only a single temp (status) entry for each thermostat. Shouldn't I see status entries in the log file each time the temp changes? I am pretty sure I did yesterday, then I cleared the lopg file and no longer see multiple temp changes over the course of a day.
  17. Are you telling me I can add code (JS) to ISY? If so, where can I find info on how to do that.
  18. When I look in the log file I see only one entry for thermostat status (temp), yet I see many entries indicating that the cooling system is being turned on and off. Why don't I see the temperature changing? The mode is cool, the setpoint is 77 degrees and the outside temp is in the high 80's
  19. I use scenes and am starting to use them more heavily. My system is based on wall mounted iPads running the CommandFusion system. The iPads are used for status display (fully graphic) and control e.g. lights, TV set, etc.
  20. IS there any way of displaying more than one graph on a single display? If not how about adding that as a feature. I have two thermostats at opposite ends of a great room and would like to see the trended status of both on the same graph.
  21. I don't know how well this is known, but at my request the Autelis people added a UDP broadcast to the Autelis pool control. I recently asked them to change the format to a JSON message and they have stated that they will look at that. Basically a UDP message is brodcast every time anything changes. The message is sent n times (n being configurable). Messages are sequence numbered and are of the form of name=value sets. Duplicated messages have the same sequence number so no polling is needed any longer other than for initial state. I use the utelis both with my iPads (using code I developed) and with Homeseer. I could do the ISY if I ever boiught the networking module, I just haven't seen the need to do so yet.
  22. Thanks for the reply.
  23. I have been having intermittant results with a program to turn my outside lights on and off. I was doing it by turning a each light controller on at the desired date time and off at the deisred date/time. Generally it works but sometimes a single controller does not respond. The programs I am using are: If Time is sunset + 15 Minutes Then Set 'Outside / Garage Lights ' 100% Set 'Outside / Entrance Lights ' 100% Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights ' 100% Set 'Outside / Soffit Lights ' 100% If On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu Time is 11:05:00PM Or On Sat, Fri Time is 1:00:00AM Then Set 'Outside / Garage Lights ' Off Set 'Outside / Entrance Lights ' Off Set 'Outside / Landscape Lights ' Off Set 'Outside / Soffit Lights ' Off Is it better to use a scene containing all the lights for this? Is it better to use a From/To logic to control the scene? (e.g.): If On Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu From Sunset + 15 Minutes To 11:00:00PM (same day) Or On Sat, Fri From Sunset + 15 Minutes To 1:00:00AM (next day) Then Set Scene'zScenes / Outside Lights' On Does from/to logic constantly send the scene on command during the desired time and not require any off command or does it turn the scene on once at the from time and then once at the off time? If I use the From/To logic can I still overrirde it by truning a specific controller on or off during the designated period? I am looking for a reliable methodology without having any excessive traffic issues.
  24. Thanks Lee. You have been very helpful
  25. on my 2441 which is sitting in a test rig, there is a button called "Hold" I assume (need to RTFM) it does what most thermostats have as a Holding option. The holding option will keep the current setpoints and not allow for any setback type programs to operate. Generally used if you will be out of the house for several days and want to keep the house at a fixed temp, but not change any of the setbacks. On my 2441, the button is there but when pressed makes no change to the display so I suspect you are correct in that it does nothing.
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